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Simionic G1000 (PFD)

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晨 李  | 
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Jan 27, 2025
$1.99 - 5.99

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Title (
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Simionic G1000 (PFD)
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Simulator for Garmin G1000
Description (
Characters: 3927 of 4000
Check out this video: IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1. This app emulates G1000 PFD functionalities only. It does not include MFD functionalities. To obtain MFD functionalities, download the MFD app from AppStore which can co-operate with this app(PFD) via wifi connection. Download address of PFD app: 2. This app is for practice only. The navigation database included in this app may be outdated and very possible to be different from what it is in real life. Disclaimer: -Simionic and the seller are not affiliated with Garmin, -The app is not provided, approved, endorsed, or otherwise supported by Garmin. Garmin G1000 is an integrated avionic system used in many small aircrafts. This simulator simulates a primary flight display(PFD) which is used on Cessna 182T, 172S, 172R, 206H and Beechcraft Baron G58. It can also be configured to adapt piston, turboprop and jet engines. Most of the useful functionalities has been implemented in this simulator, such as navigation, inset map, flight plan, flight director, and autopilot. Besides of that, nearly every nob/button is functioning just like they were on the real G1000. G1000 is a highly integrated system, it is very powerful and also very complicated. It is recommended that you have a real G1000 user guide from Garmin. This simulator can be used by aviation enthusiasts as well as pilots to perform either an IFR training or just fly for fun. There is a global navigation database included in this simulator, and you can fly any where in the world. This simulator supports FSX, Prepar3D, MSFS2020, X-Plane and InfiniteFlight. You can use this simulator either as a stand alone trainer or as an instrument for FSX, Prepar3D, X-Plane or InfiniteFlight. You need G1000Bridge(X) to make this simulator working with FSX, Prepar3D, MSFS2020 or X-Plane. Please visit to download G1000Bridge(X). Detail list of functionalities: *Control surface implementation +Pitch and bank are controlled by tilting the device using built-in accelerometer. +Throttle and rudder are controlled by touching the screen. *Flight director modes implementation +Pitch modes -Pitch Hold: Yes -Selected Altitude Capture: Yes -Altitude Hold: Yes -Vertical Speed: Yes -Flight Level Change: Yes -Vertical Path Tracking: Yes -VNV Target Altitude Capture: Yes -Glidepath: Yes -Glideslope: Yes -Go Around: Yes +Roll modes -Roll Hold: Yes -Heading Select: Yes -Navigation: Yes -Backcourse: Yes -Approach: Yes -Go Around: Yes *Autopilot: Yes *Flight plan +Store Flight Plan: Yes(only when MFD connected) +Invert Flight Plan: Yes +Closest Point Of FPL: No +Parallel Track: Yes +Create ATK Offset Waypoint: Yes +Direct-to: Yes, with vertical constraints and offset +Terminal Procedures: Yes +User defined holding patterns: Yes *Navigation database: Global, but may not as detailed or updated as they are in the real G1000. *Inset map: Zoom in/out, browsing, partly de-clutter, topo and terrain are implemented, all the navaids are displayed properly. No traffic, storm scope, NEXRAD radar information and XM information. *Other functionalities +Synthetic Vision as an In-App-Purchase item +All the navaids operations(VOR/ILS course select, ADF/VOR/Waypoint bearing indicator, CDI indicator, etc) +All the PFD settings(Wind, Bearing1/2, HSI format, Alt unit, Standard baro, etc) +DME source select: Yes +Transponder settings: Yes +Timer and references(V speeds and minimums): Yes +Advisory and alerts: Yes +ADF dip: Yes +Magnetic variation: automatic *Flight simulator connection +FSX: Yes +Prepar3D: Yes +MSFS2020: Yes +X-Plane: Yes +Infinite Flight: Yes, requires 19.4 and later *MFD connection: Via wifi}
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355 voters

Some Latest Reviews

16 Jan, 2025
Installed it on ipad mini 6 with the latest firmware the airspeed indicator and altimeter are freezing while switching between PFD and MFD. I hope you can address this issue asap. Thanks.
Kelly Ennen
31 Jul, 2024
I picked this up as a task trainer for editing flight plans. The touchscreen bezel controls are totally lacking any functionality.
23 May, 2024
It should not be hard to make both to open in same screen!
Carnalea Norm
12 Jan, 2024
Bought both apps around two years ago when I discovered MSFS2020. I was a private pilot with around 300 hours . However now in my seventies and haven’t flown in 25 years I was amazed that flight simulation had become so lifelike . I had no idea that the technology had moved towards glass cockpits in even light singles. I was fascinated by G1000 suites in the simulator but looking more immersion I decided to try the Simionic apps, both PFD and MTD . Little by little with the help of You Tube I taught myself how to use the product and about a year later I purchased a Bezel from Simionic. While I am no expert I enjoy my sim hobby enormously and I believe the Simionic apps have helped in this respect. Early on I had a query and contacted the company direct. I received a very quick response from Li Chen himself. Sorted.The apps themselves are not expensive although the Bezel was and also attracted VAT when delivered to the UK. Give the apps a go, I don’t think you will be disappointed.
28 Oct, 2023
Great app! However, it seems to always crash when approaching an inner marker with Marker audio enabled (found on KPDX Rwy 10R ILS).
16 Jul, 2023
Can't purchase synthetic vision, it just doesn't show up in the app purchase options. Like with?
24 May, 2023
Missing VNAV functionality, unable to declare altitudes for arrivals. VNV button non-functional for approaches. However, once you’ve manually reduced altitude to the faf using charts, it does capture the glide slope on the final approach leg. If this worked, it would be a usable substitute for the simulator’s G1000, but as is I had to scrap it and go with a second monitor instead. Update: I fly a real G1000 equipped trainer when able, but look to the sim for supplemental time. I’ll post a side by side video when I have time to clarify. But in short, yes your software can load an approach but it appears that I cannot modify the vertical profile. Unable to rotate the FMS outer knob to even select the altitude fields. Also missing is the ability to arm VNAV. In the real G1000 when you press the VNV button, you will see VNAV appear in gray until active where it turns green. In the Simionic app, I press VNV button and nothing happens. It appears that this app is limited to GS arm for final approach, but no VNAV arm for arrival and initial approach portions of the flight plan. Also, for what it is worth, this functionality does exist in the Laminar G1000 emulation included with X-Plane 12.
Selena Heskett
15 May, 2023
This iPad app is a remarkable implementation of the G1000 functionality. I’m using it with X-Plane and as a standalone trainer. Since I’m flying a lot in European Airspace, the fact that this app only supports altimeter settings in IN and not in hPA is annoying. The developer had the idea to support that functionality since it is in the settings, but the app ignores the setting. It also does not matter if you have an X-Plane aircraft showing QHN in hPA; It does not cause this iPad app to switch. The app also supports custom profiles as in-app purchases, but the settings UI has a defect, so you can only select the bottom four profiles since the settings screen does not scroll up. Like I said in the beginning, overall a great app, but I wish Simionic would pay more attention to smaller bugs, since those add up and weigh on the overall perception of a quality product.
30 Apr, 2023
Missing VNAV functionality, unable to declare altitudes for arrivals. VNV button non-functional for approaches. However, once you’ve manually reduced altitude to the faf using charts, it does capture the glide slope on the final approach leg. If this worked, it would be a usable substitute for the simulator’s G1000, but as is I had to scrap it and go with a second monitor instead.


Additional Information
Voted: 355
App Store Link:
Price: 9.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Utilities, Education
Size: 1932MB
iAP: 1.99 - 5.99 $
App Age: 13 years 1 month
Release Date: Feb 17, 2012
Last Update: Jan 27, 2025
Version: 7.5.0
Version history
Jan 27, 2025
1. Changes the way of detecting MSFS or X-Plane from sending global broadcast packets to network broadcast packets, this fixes the issue of failed to connect to MSFS or X-Plane on the latest iPad OS 2. Magnetic variation has been re-modeled, this fixes the deviation issue when flying a flight plan and GPS approaches 3. Taking VORs' own magnetic variations into consideration instead of considering all the VORs are aligned to magnetic north 4. Added PSI as an option for torque display for a turboprop aircraft, the calculation is for Pilatus PC6 and PC12, may not apply to every turboprop planes
Feb 07, 2024
-When selecting "vector" as the transition point or selecting "vector-to-final" on the PROC window it sets the active leg to the FAF waypoint -All the IAFs are now listed as tradition points when selecting approach
Version history