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AnkiMobile Flashcards

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Ankitects Pty Ltd  | 
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14y 9m
Last Update
Feb 25, 2025

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AnkiMobile Flashcards
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Smart & powerful flashcards
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Characters: 3253 of 4000
AnkiMobile is a mobile companion to Anki, a powerful, intelligent flashcard program that is free, multi-platform, and open-source. Sales of this app support the development of both the computer and mobile version, which is why the app is priced as a computer application. AnkiMobile was written by the lead developer of Anki and AnkiWeb, and it has been around since 2010. Beware other apps using "Anki" in their name that have sprung up recently - they are not compatible with the rest of the Anki ecosystem, and they offer far fewer features, despite charging expensive subscriptions. Some of AnkiMobile's features include: - A free cloud synchronization service that lets you keep your card content synchronized across multiple mobile and computer devices. This makes it easy to add content on a computer and then study it on your mobile, easily keep your study progress current between an iPhone and iPad, and so on. - The same SM2 and FSRS scheduling algorithms that the computer version of Anki uses, which remind you of material as you're about to forget it. - A flexible interface designed for smooth and efficient study. You can set up AnkiMobile to perform different actions when you tap or swipe on various parts of the screen, and control which actions appear on the tool buttons. - Comprehensive graphs and statistics about your studies. - Support for large card decks - even 100,000+ cards. - If your cards use images or audio clips, the media is stored on your device, so you can study without an internet connection. - A powerful search facility that allows you to find cards that match criteria such as 'tagged high priority, answered in the last ten days and not containing the following words', and automatically place them into a deck to study. - Support for displaying mathematical equations with MathJax, and rendering LaTeX created with the computer version. - Support for adding images drawn with the Apple Pencil to your cards. Please note that AnkiMobile is currently intended as a companion to the computer version of Anki, rather than a complete replacement for it. While AnkiMobile is able to display and schedule your cards in the same way the computer version does, certain changes like modifying note types need to be done with the computer software. Add-ons are not supported, so while you can study image occlusion cards created with the computer version, they can not be created within AnkiMobile. For this reason, please start with the computer version of Anki before you think about buying this app. The cloud synchronization service is optional, and data can also be imported/exported from the app via a USB cable or AirDrop. Like all apps, AnkiMobile can be purchased once and then used on multiple devices in a household using the same Apple ID. Family sharing is also supported (apart from in India). For information on bulk discounts for educational institutions, please see Apple's Volume Purchase Program. For more information on AnkiMobile, including a link to the online manual, please have a look at the support page: If you have any questions or want to report an issue, please let us know on our support site and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.}
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8 058 voters

Some Latest Reviews

09 Mar, 2025
Debati muito se comprava este app. Hoje me arrependo de não ter comprado antes. Ele é maravilhoso. Tem muitas funções e é bem intuitivo. Demora aprender tudo que ele é capaz mas depois que você pega o básico os seus estudos se transformam. Minha única queixa é que só dá para sincronizar com outros dispositivos com uma conta no Ankiweb (eu prefiro o iCloud) ou com um servidor próprio. Mas isso é o de menos. Se você tem condições mas não consegue justificar comprar um aplicativo nesse preço, estou aqui para te dizer que é sim justificável. Vale muito a pena. Bons estudos e boa sorte a quem leu.
08 Mar, 2025
The app is good but changing the settings in the IOS version is not easy.
08 Mar, 2025
Nachdem ich Anki jahrelang auf meinem Windows-PC benutzt habe, brauchte ich selbstverständlich die App als ich auf mein neues iPad für die Uni umgestiegen bin. Dementsprechend enttäuscht und ein wenig verärgert war ich, dass bei einer App, die so viel Geld kostet, nicht mal annähernd die Hälfte aller Funktionen der PC-Version dabei sind. Ich vermisse die Funktionen meine Add-ons hinzuzufügen zu können oder auch doppelte Karten einfach zu löschen (ohne jede einzeln durchsuchen zu müssen). Trotzdem ist diese App für mich ein Muss, um im Unialltag meine Karten lernen zu können (dafür reicht die App allemal!). Ich hoffe, dass die App noch weiterentwickelt wird, sodass zumindest Image Occlusion Enhanced in Zukunft möglich ist.
08 Mar, 2025
ius coges
07 Mar, 2025
Bilder werden nicht angezeigt(Fehlermeldung) Text wird im Darkmode nicht angezeigt,weil er schwarz wie der Hintergrund ist. Und das alles für 25Fr. Lächerlich.
07 Mar, 2025
Honestly, I’ve had this a few months and I can confirm that it speeds up and consolidates vocabulary learning (modern Greek) so much. I also use the free desktop version about half the time, but I’d pay for that too. Just stick with the default settings (although reverse cards are best for language learning) and don’t mess with the daily new card limit—it takes time for the words to sink in, but this app shortens that time by months
05 Mar, 2025
Me hubiera gustado tener esta herramienta mucho antes, súper adaptativo a las necesidades de estudio de los estudiantes y profesionales.
Charles Varga
04 Mar, 2025
There really isn’t an app like it anywhere. This is quite literally an app unmatched by even the most prominent language learning apps such as Duolingo, which comes with too many bells and whistles, and constantly puts features behind paywalls, including the ad-free experience. I use this app for other learning as well, including studying for certification exams. I’m definitely never going back to any other way of learning.
xayah god
01 Mar, 2025
Can you plsss add proper browsing interface. We cant use the tags as intended in many decks available. The overall experience is awful. Even the free app ankidroid has a better browsing experience compared to a PAID version on iOS. Otherwise, no problems with the app.


Additional Information
Voted: 8.06K
App Store Link:
Price: 24.99 $
Website: -
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Productivity, Education
Size: 37MB
App Age: 14 years 9 months
Release Date: May 26, 2010
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Version: 25.02.2
Version history
Feb 25, 2025
25.02.2: - Added option to review preferences to open links externally. 25.02.1: - Fixed an issue opening dictonary links. 25.02: - Updates to match Anki 25.02 - Fix issues with dragging & dropping in the editor. - Web links are now opened inside the app.
Feb 12, 2025
25.02.1: - Fixed an issue opening dictonary links. 25.02: - Updates to match Anki 25.02 - Fix issues with dragging & dropping in the editor. - Web links are now opened inside the app.
Version history