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Mar 11, 2025
$1.19 - 35.99

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Urban Fantasy ARPG
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Characters: 3870 of 4000
Don't go into Hollows. I know, I know, there are Ether resources in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even ruins of the old civilization — all invaluable treasures. But don't forget about the spatial disorder, the monsters, and mutants running rampant. Ultimately, this is a disaster that could swallow the world. Hollows are not where ordinary people should go. So don't go into Hollows. Or at least, don't go in alone. If you insist on getting into danger, go to New Eridu first. This city full of people from all walks of life has many who need the Hollows: powerful and wealthy tycoons, gangs who rule the streets, schemers hiding in the shadows, and ruthless officials. Make your preparations there, find strong allies, and most importantly... Find a "Proxy." Only they can guide people out of labyrinthian Hollows. Good luck. Zenless Zone Zero is an all-new 3D action game from HoYoverse that takes place in a near future, with the world plagued by a mysterious disaster known as "Hollows." Dual Identities, a Singular Experience In the near future, a mysterious natural disaster known as "Hollows" has occurred. A new kind of city has emerged in this disaster-ridden world — New Eridu. This last oasis has mastered the technology to co-exist with Hollows and is home to a whole host of chaotic, boisterous, dangerous, and very active factions. As a professional Proxy, you play a crucial role in linking the city and the Hollows. Your story awaits. Build Your Squad and Fight Fast-Paced Battles Zenless Zone Zero is an all-new 3D action game from HoYoverse, here to provide a thrilling combat experience. Build a squad of up to three and begin your assault with Basic and Special Attacks. Dodge and Parry to neutralize your opponents' counterattacks, and when they're Stunned, unleash a powerful combo of Chain Attacks to finish them off! Remember, different opponents have different traits, and it would be prudent to use their weaknesses to your advantage. Immerse Yourself in the Unique Style and Music Zenless Zone Zero has a unique visual style and design. With its carefully crafted character expressions and fluid movements, you'll easily feel immersed in the fascinating world as you embark on your own journey~ And of course, every VIP deserves their very own soundtrack, so you'll also have emotional beats full of drip to accompany you in each unforgettable moment~ Surprise Encounters With Various Factions Random Play can't operate without videotapes, and Proxies can't operate without Agents. In New Eridu, customers from all walks will come knocking. So don't be fooled by their innocent and cute appearances, don't be afraid of those who tower over you and look dangerous, and don't turn away the fluffy ones who might shed fur all over your spotless floor. Go and talk with them, learn about their unique experiences, and allow them to become your friends and allies. After all, this is a long path, and only with companions will you be able to walk far~ OfficialWebsite: Customer Service Email: Official Forum: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Discord: TikTok: Reddit: Twitch: Telegram: *** Compatibility Requirements *** Recommended Operating System: iOS 14.0 or later Recommended Device: iPhone: iPhone 11 Pro or above iPad: Equipped with A13 chip or above and 4GB RAM Supported Devices: iPhone: iPhone XS or above iPad: Equipped with A12 chip or above and 4GB RAM}
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64 469 voters

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lol _peti
06 Mar, 2025
Ich hätte nicht gedacht dass ich so ein Spiel brauche aber jetzt weiß ich es.HSR hat auf jeden Fall Konkurenz…
06 Mar, 2025
The thing with Mihoyo, they make aesthetically pleasing games. Some are even enjoyable, gameplay-wise. The character designs, voice, and animations are mostly top notch. But there lies some major issues that turns me off from ever trying out future Mihoyo games ever again; 1) No “true” multiplayer experience. Mihoyo games lack the social aspect in gaming. When you play a Mihoyo game, expect to be immersed in the wordl on your lonesome, doing daily quest/event/grinds that normally would be in a multiplayer game. What that does, is leave you with an emptiness in a world that appears to be lively, yet vacant and lonely. You’ll be spending most of the time alone, despite being able to “add friends” and see their progress, this is fine if you’re mostly looking for a single-player experience. But it’s that emptiness when you’re playing and looking at the friend list wondering why is it even there for ? 2) Absolutely TERRIBLE gacha rates. I know, I know, luck plays an important role in gacha games. But you know what’s better than luck ? An actual feasible pull rate for characters. Especially for Zenless Zone Zero, where the character rotations are mainly EXCLUSIVE/LIMITED. If you fail to pull that character (which likely, you will) you’ll never see them again until far, far into the future. Assuming you live long enough to pull them again. This is normally not too punishing if the characters are selectable after a period of time, we can atleast grind for them. But exclusive, with miniscule rewards that allow us to pull, within a short time frame, presents a fake sense of urgency which manipulates the players into buying their premium currency. This is why I deleted my account, deleted the game, and will not be coming again. I’d rather spend hundreds on fan-made figures and actually get something physical than an off-chance of some BS gambling with the lowest possible rate I’ve seen in a gacha game. 3) Mihoyo rarely makes a new “genre” for their games. In case you haven’t noticed, their games are mostly just slightly better graphics, much further improved character with a couple of “big reasons” to purchase, painted over a recycled gameplay, in addition of some slightly different gimmicks which tricks you into thinking it’s “unique” and “different”, but it’s not.. do you know who does the same ? Blizzard, with their Diablo franchise, just straight up nipple-pinch milking their loyal consumers for whatever they have left. Thanks for the very short fun in Zenless Zone Zero, Mihoyo, but this is just dubious. I will never return to any of your games again, I’m sorry.
06 Mar, 2025
05 Mar, 2025
Bob kiven and Stewart
05 Mar, 2025
Everything about it is just so good and so much fun. Definitely the best hoyoverse game in terms of gameplay and replayablity.
Artifice Aion
05 Mar, 2025
Bruh i want to play it but i can’t make a account so can you PLeAsE make it so I can get in with Game Center like genshin like bruh plssss
05 Mar, 2025
限定確定枠を除いた1800連超えてやっと出ました。 (0.997^1800=0.8%未満)しかしその後のモチーフですり抜けました(25%)。さらにキャラ最大天井でした(180連)これ2連続です。流石に擁護できるレベルじゃないのでここにその記録を残し続けます。 これを見て現実に気付くことができれば幸いです。逆に運が良い結果が来た時はまた追記するのでお楽しみください。 追記 ポケポケのガチャは天井がないにも関わらず100連でピカチュウIR(星3)が出てくれました。そして50連でミューツーIR(星3)出ました!!さらに30連でミューツーIR(星3)2枚目が出ました!!!、さらにピカチュウIR3枚目、リザードンIR2枚出ました。さらにセレビィIRも出ました。 おそらく当たりが出やすいアカウントと出にくいアカウントが存在するレベルで格差があるので課金する人は警戒するべきです。 現状すり抜けなしに当たる未来が見えないので課金することをやめます。 追記:キャラを引こうとしても天井かつすり抜けです(160〜180連)✖️3回
05 Mar, 2025
Pls add some battery farm or something like a Cristal butterfly from Genshin impact, it’s really hard to farm and leveled up some characters when you reached already big level like 53 or 54.
05 Mar, 2025


Additional Information
Voted: 64.47K
App Store Link:
Email: -
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Categories: Action, Games, Role Playing
Size: 3559MB
iAP: 1.19 - 35.99 $
App Age: 10 months 19 days
Release Date: Apr 22, 2024
Last Update: Mar 11, 2025
Version: 1.6.0
Version history
Mar 11, 2025
Neue Version 1.6 „Inmitten vergessener Ruinen“ jetzt verfügbar! Gedicht aus Knochen und ein Grab von Gestern und Tränen. Die Vergangenheit wird vergessen und die Zukunft schreitet dem Untergang entgegen. Inmitten vergessener Ruinen gibt es Leute, die Buße tun, Leute, die beschützen, Leute, die suchen, und Leute, die Widerstand leisten. Neue Figuren Rang-S-Agentin Soldatin Nr. 0 – Anby (Attacke – Elektro) Vertraute Kameradin, die bald ein neues Kampfoutfit anlegen und mit zwei Schwertern das Schlachtfeld fegen wird! Ist diese Rüstung für sie der Beweis, dass „ihre Geburt ein Wunder“ ist, oder ein Echo vergessener Erinnerungen? Welchem Pfad wird diese reinweiße Seele folgen ...? Rang-S-Agentin Trigger (Durchbruch – Elektro) Mysteriöse Scharfschützin der „Obol-Truppe“ und Elitesoldatin mit elegantem und ruhigem Auftreten. Als Überlebende des Falls der alten Hauptstadt verbirgt diese blinde junge Frau eine äußerst besondere Fähigkeit und eine Vergangenheit, die eng mit „Phaethon“ verknüpft ist ... Rang-A-Agentin Pulchra (Durchbruch – Physisch) Mitglied der „Söhne von Calydon“ und ehemalige Söldnerin. Als Opportunistin mit flexiblen moralischen Grenzen scheinen für sie nur ihre eigenen Interessen zu zählen. Aber könnte das nur eine Fassade sein? Zurückkehrende Figuren Rang-S-Agentin Burnice (Anomalie – Feuer) Mitglied der Söhne von Calydon, eine freundliche, lebhafte Barmixerin und in New Eridu sehr bekannt. Burnice ist auch eine wahre Brennstoff-Fanatikerin und nimmt alleine den von allen Maschinen und Geräten im Lager genutzte Brennstoff in Anspruch. Rang-S-Agentin Zhu Yuan (Attacke – Äther) Perfektionistische Offizierin der Spezialeinheit des Ermittlungsteams, die bei der Sicherheitsbehörde als Elite gilt. Es wird gemunkelt, dass sie eines Tages zur Direktorin ernannt werden wird. Ihre Akte beweist, dass wenn sie einen Fall übernimmt, dieser nie ungelöst bleibt. Neue W-Motoren Der Rang-S-W-Motor „Zerrissene Unschuld (Attacke)“ kann durch die Signalsuche im Kanal „Dissonante Sonate“ erhalten werden. Der Rang-S-W-Motor „Spektralvision (Durchbruch)“ kann durch die Signalsuche im zukünftigen Kanal „Umwerfender Chor“ erhalten werden. Neue Handlung Haupthandlung von Saison 1 – Epilog: „Ein Grab von Gestern und Tränen (I)“ Ein Fluch namens „Schicksal“ fließt durch sein Blut. Soldatin Nr. 0 – Anbys Agentengeschichte: „Silberne Echos“ Wenn ihre Vergangenheit sie einholt, ist sie gezwungen, eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Triggers Agentengeschichte: „Außer Sichtweite“ Die Worte aus dem Jenseits sind in der Obhut ihrer Augen. Agenten-Vertrauensereignisse und „Schöne Momente“-Ereignisse Neue Agenten-Vertrauensereignisse sowie „Schöne Momente“-Ereignisse für Trigger und Pulchra. Neue Hochstufungsereignisse und „Schöne Momente“-Ereignisse beim Hochstufen der Vertrauensstufe auf „Vertraut“ für Soldatin Nr. 11. Neue Aktionen Brandneues Programm Melde dich insgesamt 7 Tage an und erhalte verschlüsselte Masterkassette ×10! Kämpfe weiter, kleiner Held! Als du aufgewacht bist, war die Kampffähigkeit der gesamten Menschheit um zehntausend Punkte gesunken?! Es scheint, dass nur du, ein kleines Bangboo, die Welt retten kannst! Kleiner Ritter, großes Abenteuer Ein lebhafter kleiner Ritter und sein fleißiger, treuer Knappe. Virtuelles Gefechtschaos Eine brandneue VR-Herausforderungsaktion, die anscheinend Gefahren wie nie zuvor birgt? Die Lieferkatze seufzt Zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort. Der Großkatzenexpress liefert immer! Neuer Spielmodus „Höhle Null: Fadentanz“ hinzugefügt Neue Gegner Neue Gegner „Abyssus-Vollstrecker“, „Doppelgänger – Abyssus-Vollstrecker“, „Palicus“, „Spezialisierter Angriffsbomber“ und „Geppetto“ Neue Funktion Der „Experten-Herausforderung“ wurde der neue Modus „Erschöpfungsmodus“ hinzugefügt. Proxys verbrauchen im „Erschöpfungsmodus“ doppelt so viel Batterieladung, erhalten aber auch doppelte Belohnungen. Weitere Details zu aktualisierten Inhalten findest du in Ankündigungen im Spiel.
Jan 21, 2025
Version 1.5 "Astra-nomical Moment" Out Now! Under the light, she creates melodies that intertwine, and every thought in this moment becomes a song. Under the light, she plays the galaxy's message and embraces the hope brought by happiness. Like an incredible miracle, radiant and dazzling, that illuminates the world. [All-New Characters] S-Rank Agent Astra Yao (Support - Ether) A superstar from the Stars of Lyra and Ridu's most iconic singer. On the stage, she captivates the hearts and minds of countless concertgoers with her extraordinary voice and moving performances, while away from the limelight, she's a beacon of warmth and sincerity to everyone around her. When it comes to her art, she doesn't shy away from a challenge, and revels in exploring the boundaries of music, weaving new possibilities out of melody and inspiration. S-Rank Agent Evelyn (Attack - Fire) A manager with the Stars of Lyra and Astra Yao's personal bodyguard, Evelyn's calm and decisive demeanor is legendary. Possessed of exceptional professionalism and sharp insight, she always has Astra's back — whether basking in the brilliant glow of stage lights, or surrounded by treacherous undercurrents. From standoffs across the negotiating table to those on the battlefield, she is a staunch and dependable companion. While she may appear distant on the surface, she has risked everything to protect the life she now cherishes. [Returning Characters] S-Rank Agent Ellen (Attack - Ice) A maid of Victoria Housekeeping Co. with flawless martial capabilities. She takes every opportunity to slack off during work, but under Lycaon's management, she is more than capable of expressing her formidable power in combat. While she frequently expresses her desire to change jobs due to the hassle, she unexpectedly cherishes the friendships she's made at Victoria Housekeeping. S-Rank Agent Qingyi (Stun - Electric) An officer of the Criminal Investigation Special Response Team and an "Automaton" from the White Star Institute. She's an artificial human with training data derived from records from the old civilization. Perhaps it's the profound legacy of the ancient civilization that has given her a certain level of "openness." She behaves casually and is not constrained by rules. [All-New W-Engines] S-Rank W-Engine "Elegant Vanity (Support)" can be obtained through Dissonant Sonata Signal Search. S-Rank W-Engine "Heartstring Nocturne (Attack)" can be obtained through Dissonant Sonata Signal Search. [All-New Bangboo] S-Rank Bangboo Snap can be obtained through An Outstanding Partner Signal Search. [All-New Stories] Special Episode: Astra-nomical Moment Every era has its own songstress. People place all of their hopes in her, and she must bring them hope. Ellen's Agent Story: It's Me... Leave a Message Agent Trust Events New Agent Trust Events and Quality Time Events for Astra Yao and Evelyn [All-New Events] Brilliant Overture Log in for a total of 7 days to earn Encrypted Master Tape ×10! The Day of Brilliant Wishes Eous is going to partner up with the superstar of New Eridu! Elpis Ultimate Angler Championship A grand fishing event is about to take place — it's time to show off your true skills! Godfinger Ultimate Showdown The new Urban Video Game Festival begins — Godfinger joins the flagship store lineup! A Dream Come True at Last The long-awaited dinner gathering is just around the corner, but a sudden cancellation crisis hits! Click Click Hollow Reporter Confident smile, perfect pose, flawless background, and the ideal companion! [All-New Gameplay] New "Hollow Zero: Cleanse Calamity" added New "Endless Tower: The Last Stand" added [All-New Area] New area, Starloop Tower, will be available [All-New Feature] New "Outfit System" available Please see in-game announcements for further details.
Version history