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Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition

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Last Update
Apr 24, 2020

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Title (
Characters: 26 of 30
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition
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Description (
Characters: 2195 of 4000
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition is a 16-bit era Japanese-style RPG by Stegosoft Games. The new Enhanced Edition features a slew of upgrades, including a revamped battle system, new character classes and skills, new side quests, an overhauled UI, upgraded crafting system, new enchanting system, enhanced aspect ratios, new difficulty modes, an autosave feature, and more! Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition combines the best parts of Japanese-style role playing games with the best parts of western RPGs, as well as including elements of visual novels and adventure games to create a truly unique experience. Atmosphere, emotion and surprise lie at the forefront of Ara Fell's story, driven by deep and accessible characters, each with his or her own past, their own desires and their own motivations for joining the protagonist’s quest. Join Lita and relive the golden age of RPGs with a game that both pays homage to the past greats, as well as blazing its own trail. EXPLORATION: Ara Fell is a world meant to be explored! Jump, crawl, swim and even fly through the air to solve puzzles and discover new locations filled with hidden treasure, secrets and adventure! Every corner of Ara Fell is designed with exploration in mind. OPEN WORLD: Most of the world can be explored from the moment you leave Aloria Village, the heroine's home town... provided, of course, you're strong enough. A clever explorer may be able unlock secrets and discover powerful equipment early in the game if he or she commits to taking advantage of the open nature of the game world. TACTICAL COMBAT: Ara Fell may be a story-heavy game, but the world is still fraught with danger. Choose specialized equipment and statistics, customizing each character to best suit your play style, and to best thwart each boss battle's unique mechanics. CHARACTER DRIVEN: When you join Ara Fell's unwitting heroine on her quest to save her homeland, you'll discover a world filled with vibrant characters who laugh, cry, crack jokes, lose their tempers, and even their will to go on as the size and scope of the curse that plagues Ara Fell becomes apparent. Friends and villains alike are not who they seem as the stakes grow ever higher…}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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127 voters

Some Latest Reviews

06 Apr, 2023
I bought this game a year ago and never touched it. After finally cleaning my phone of old apps I finally got around to ply this game and I fully regret not touching it a year ago. This game is extremely good. Feels like an old classic jrpg game almost like Crono Trigger feel. The crafting is a nifty mechanic especially when upgrading gear. I do love the optimization of different style abilities to help the party or yourself. The story is actually really good too. Usually I just spam read, but for once I actually took my time to read the story and talk to people. The best thing about the game is the music. Music is amazing. If you haven’t tried this game, buy it and give it a try. It is a must play game and definitely worth it.
Alizayah Joe
15 Mar, 2023
I really adore this game, it’s the only game that feels valuable to me emotionally, the soundtrack, the story, the characters, i was attached to this world and everything it had to offer, I’m really hoping for a sequel to this, like the unexplained world on the bottom at the final prologue, and I hope to see Rise of The Third Power on the App Store pretty soon, lovely game, need more of it <3
10 Mar, 2021
不満点は操作性だけです。 決定とキャンセルの位置が直感的操作とは逆なので、押し間違いが多発し最後までなかなか慣れませんでした。 キーコンフィグなどがあるとよいと思います。 また、マップなどもも画面上にキー表示してあるとよかったです。 その他は本当に素晴らしいのひとこと。 数百円でこんなクオリティのゲームを遊べていいの?というかんじでした。 ストーリーも面白くキャラクターも魅力的。 ドット絵で描かれた世界は美しく、探索をするのもとても楽しかったです。 やり込み要素も満載で、自分好みに成長させることができるシステムもとっても楽しい。 賛否両論のエンディング〜エピローグも、私はよかったと思います。 こんなに素敵なゲームを作っていただきありがとうございました。
Alizayah Joe
18 Feb, 2021
We need a sequel to this game and an adventure to discover what’s the world beyond, I always thought it was full of normal people and Ara was just a floating dust or something but I’d love to see more games similar to this with more stories, please make an option to change the buttons to Xbox, I’m not use to PS4 buttons.
04 Feb, 2021
A great game with a great story and characters, got me hooked to keep on going!
26 Jan, 2021
Wow!!! Words cannot express how much of a delight this was to play. I grew up in the 90s and played a bunch of these retro style turn-based RPGs as a kid. I really appreciate this game and wish they’d make a part 2! I’d gladly pay double for it :)
Makara Nou
07 Jan, 2021
Bought it day one but the bug and controller issues really let me down. Glad i came back to it. Hope will continue to support and update the game in the future
Rodrigo Vechi
25 Dec, 2020
Parabéns pelo jogo e pelas mecânicas. Diferente, simplesmente lindo.
27 Oct, 2020
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Best game I’ve played in ages! Love me some Tilani! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Additional Information
Voted: 127
App Store Link:
Price: 4.99 $
Website: -
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Adventure, Games, Entertainment, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 5 years
Release Date: Mar 25, 2020
Last Update: Apr 24, 2020
Version: 1.3
Version history
Apr 24, 2020
Bugs Fixed * WORLD * -Fixed light and shadow layers - map lighting should be way more enjoyable now -Fixed misc. impassable tiles -Fixed misc. missing tiles -Fixed misc. map teleporters resulting in a stuck spot -Fixed issue with Adrian disappearing in the Hunting Range -Fixed battle music in Holy Land after teleporting there -Fixed battle music in East Dian's Gulley -Fixed battle music after fighting the star witch -Fixed old man NPC quest conditions in Temple Orlian -Fixed vendor nun in Orlian Temple basement after completing ghostbusters quest -Fixed a stuck spot in the outdoor area of the Cave of Life -Fixed player double sprite after the Ziam battle -Fixed the Talani vendor icon in Eldrinor -Fixed Lita and Adrian overlap on the bridge outside of Aloria -Fixed potential event command weirdness in the intro * QUESTS * -Fixed issue with turning in bounties without ever receiving the quest -Fixed issue where the Bunny Girl Bandit quest would never complete. **For anyone with this issue, talk to the bounty collector in Aloria to have it get completed** * COMBAT * -Fixed the text position of skills being used by fire sprites in the Holy Land New Features Added * WORLD * -Stepping on the teleporter at the end of the Arei obstacle course now teleports you instead of needing to press OK -The screen now properly resets to its original position after screen shakes complete -The apple toss mini-game will get slightly easier if you fail it multiple times * QUESTS * -The apothecary no longer steals all of your wasp wings * UI * -Added the ability to change the highlight color via the settings menu. This won't properly take effect on the title screen.. just ignore that, please! -When pixel perfect mode is off and the screen is wider than 16:9, the game will now fill the entire height of the screen and will set the width to whatever the corresponding value should be in order to be 16:9. If this causes anyone to see seams, you can turn pixel-perfect mode back on! * COMBAT * -Added a new "Fast Battle Animations" option in the video settings that doubles the speed of attack and skill animations in battle -The player icons now appear above the ult bar instead of below it -The ult bar now charges at the end of the round instead of the beginning (this includes when combat ends!) -The anticipation enchantment works now -The "Might of the Abyss" achievement can now be unlocked when the difficulty is set to story mode (but the story mode ability won't unlock it!) -The game will no longer hang on a black screen occasionally after combat ends * SKILLS * -Lita's Holy Strength augmentation for the Elven Focus skill now properly adds to physical damage as well as magical -The AoE version of Lita's charged shot no longer occasionally skips over enemies * MISC * -Added the game version number to the title screen -Updated some dialogue text -Vendors now reset when they're supposed to * PLATFORM SPECIFIC * -Removed the erroneous video settings -Pixel perfect is now disabled by default, to have the game fill the screen -Added instructions to the first-time-user screen, removed all of the settings options except for Language and added a note about being able to configure the controls in the Settings menu -Touchscreen controls are now visible by default -Pressing a button on a gamepad no longer makes the touchscreen buttons appear -The game now supports both landscape left and landscape right screen orientation
Mar 26, 2020
Version history