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Quick Poses: Gesture Drawing

🇺🇸 United States
Frederic Ruaudel  | 
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App Age
7y 2m
Last Update
Feb 17, 2024

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Title (
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Quick Poses: Gesture Drawing
Subtitle (
Characters: 27 of 30
Improve with timed practice
Description (
Characters: 2367 of 4000
Quick Poses is an app to help artists train their drawing skills by simulating a real world academic life drawing sessions. Select your pose duration and a bunch of photo galleries and you are ready to go! With Quick Poses, you can easily train your drawing skills, especially anatomy drawing. The purpose of this exercise is about trying to find the essence of the pose within the time constraint of the pose duration. Each time the pose duration expired, a new pose is presented so you can try again. At the end of each session, a summary is displayed. Use it to see how good you did this time. As you train, you'll be able to check your improvements over time in the history section. This section keeps track of all your past sessions. This exercise is called "gesture drawing" and it is a great way to develop your skills at observing, simplifying and making your drawings more dynamic. It is also very good for warming you up before any long drawing sessions. A brief overview of the available features: • Configure your poses duration to your liking from 5s to infinity. • Control your session total duration by limiting the number of poses if needed. • Add a warmup delay at the beginning of each pose so it gives you time to prepare (eg. get a new sheet of paper if you practice using traditional medium). • Use your favorite Apple Pencil™ directly in the app if you want. You can then analyse your drawings at the end of each session. • For longer poses, you can use your full artistic power by displaying the tool picker with more tools and colors at your disposal. • When you draw side by side, choose the side you prefer whether you are left-handed or right-handed. • Use iPad multi-tasking to draw in your favorite drawing app if you feel more confortable that way. • Seven galleries provided by default with the application to practice on various subjects (people, animals). • Add your own galleries using the Files app (see documentation included in the app for details). • Choose whether to display your poses in a specific order or randomly. • Analyse your progress over time with the history screen where you can see all your previous session results. • Export your best drawings to show them to your friends or teachers, or to finish them in your favorite drawing app. • Your privacy is important, and none of your data leaves the application.}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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125 voters

Some Latest Reviews

05 Mar, 2025
Love this app for a quick drawing practice session. I would love if it came with a larger selection of photos preloaded, but since you can add your own reference images this isn’t a mark against the app. The one request I do have is actually, this but more. I would love a phone app version. Just the timed images option, so I can set my phone by my sketch book and practice with pencil and paper when I don’t have my tablet with me.
06 Feb, 2025
Lovely app. Perfect for my figure drawings. Especially love how easy it is to set up custom folders. But I do sorely miss a pause function, so I can pause the timer mid session. I really hope it can be implemented. Would make my drawing sessions a lot less stressful.
01 Feb, 2024
It has everything I’ve wanted from a quick posing app. The one feature I’d like to see added is the ability to save the preferred settings (preparing pause, direct drawing, etc) so that they do not have to be re-applied each session.
crow 7
18 Nov, 2023
This app does everything I expect it to but I would be very happy if there was a way to pause the current gesture and if there was a numbered timer instead of a gradual bar decrease.
26 Jul, 2023
Love this app and all the features, I use it almost daily and can’t thank you enough for it! One small suggestion would be to add a “classroom” timed session that begins with short intervals that increase into longer timed drawings to mimic a life drawing class. My previous life drawing app had a similar feature but otherwise all elements of this are far superior. Thanks again!
14 Feb, 2021
Edit2: I found the folder following your instructions and got my images to work, also got the white canvas to work, thanks! I like the app overall, it would be nice to be able to use a white background to draw on instead of black and the choice to switch from the pencil to something more like a pen. Perhaps offer different sizes, be it with a slider or a choice between a small/med/large. A few other colours for the drawing utensil would also be nice, like black(if we get a white background)red/white(to use on black).
betzalel g
28 Jan, 2021
My experience with the app has been great but in my opinion it’s missing a couple important features. - the ability to remove the default image galleries - The ability to sort galleries by name (to me it just seems like they populate randomly - the ability to set different intervals for the same session (eg. 1 minute for 10 pictures, then 3 minutes for 5 pictures, then 10 minutes for 1 pictures That being said it’s a fantastic app but I really wish it could do some of this stuff. Thanks!
06 Jan, 2021
Very helpful to have an App With Timer and where you can draw parallel. Feature request. You can add Images Boy Button, Not only through file Explorer. Setting if Image on the left Ort Right sieht, in you Need More Place vor Hand Palm or you are left Handel
13 Nov, 2020
Bra app. Digger hvor simpel hele appen er, akkurat som croquis skal være. Skulle ønske det var flere gallerier, feks. med dyr, landskap, naken kropp og hender. Skulle også ønske du kunne zoome ut hvis du har begynt for stort, og ikke tid til å viske ut eller gå tilbake. Burde også være en mulighet for å forandre bakgrunnsfarge. Funker fint, men har mye potensial.


Additional Information
Voted: 125
App Store Link:
Price: 3.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Graphics & Design, Education
Size: 45MB
App Age: 7 years 2 months
Release Date: Jan 17, 2018
Last Update: Feb 17, 2024
Version: 1.6.3
Version history
Feb 17, 2024
Hi there! This new version provides some long awaited little features by many of you: EXPORT ALL POSES AT ONCE! You can now export all your session poses at once from the session result screen. LAST CONFIGURATION RESTORED! Now, QuickPoses will remember your last session configuration settings and restore it at launch. Hooray! GET DEFAULT GALLERIES OUT OF THE WAY! You've added your own galleries and now you don't need the default ones anymore? Be releived, you can now get ride of them with new hide button! If you haven't yet upgraded to iPadOS 15 or higher, you'll need to update your iPad if you want to take advantage of this new version and beyond. In order to give you the best possible features, I've had to withdraw support for older versions :( *** SUGGESTIONS? FEEDBACK? *** As you've noticed above, I love to know how you're using Quick Poses and what is missing for you to fully enjoy it! So don't hesitate to send me all your suggestions and feedback to so I can make the app more awesome for all of us! And if you like the app, don't forget to rate it on the store!
Oct 05, 2023
Hi there! This new update launches the migration system in the sessions screen when it detects old, unmigrated sessions. If you can't see your old sessions since the last update, then this should make them reappear! And if you missed the last big update, here is a recap of what's new: REDUCED IPAD STORAGE USE Quick Poses is now less hungry of your iPad storage space when saving your sessions history. You should find plenty of space to add new galleries and have even more fun! SHUFFLED OR NOT SHUFFLED? A new option has been added to allow you to choose whether you want your poses to display in their alphabetical order or shuffled as before. (Thanks Lin Sill for the suggestion) MISSKIPPED WARM UP? Do you ever skip by mistake your next pose's warmup period while making your last stroke on your previous pose? Never again! If you haven't yet upgraded to iPadOS 15 or higher, you'll need to update your iPad if you want to take advantage of this new version and beyond. In order to give you the best possible features, I've had to withdraw support for older versions :( Otherwise, there's been a whole host of updates under the hood that will bring you even more new features very soon! So get ready! *** SUGGESTIONS? FEEDBACK? *** As you've noticed above, I love to know how you're using Quick Poses and what is missing for you to fully enjoy it! So don't hesitate to send me all your suggestions and feedback to so I can make the app more awesome for all of us! And if you like the app, don't forget to rate it on the store!
Version history