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7 Days to End with You

🇺🇸 United States
nomura shusaku  | 
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3y 2m
Last Update
Aug 20, 2023

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Title (
Characters: 22 of 30
7 Days to End with You
Subtitle (
Characters: 0 of 30
Description (
Characters: 2199 of 4000
This game is a puzzle and novel game in a whole new genre, where you have to guess the language and decipher the story! The story is a short tale of only 7 days The story will end in 7 days It is a short story that can be observed as early as within 5 minutes! Try to decipher this short story with your own hands! Like a puzzle, try to deduce one piece at a time. You are the observer of this story. You observe the story by translating the words of the person. You are free to perceive the meaning of the words. The relationship between these two people is composed of the words you feel. The story of these two people is composed of the words you feel Their world can be a short, mundane story or a long, strange story, depending on your understanding. Or both may exist at the same time, no wonder! The story is complete with your interpretation. Every story you feel and receive will be correct. Until you observe, there is nothing wrong with all stories occurring simultaneously. How to play You can register meanings to words. Touch the placed objects and recognize the language. You can also communicate with the person and try to determine what he or she is saying. Your choices may change the outcome of the story. Even if you don't understand the story at first, you have the chance to repeat it over and over again. Try to understand it a little at a time. This game is recommended for people who Puzzle lovers Likes solving puzzles Likes dot pictures Escape games Likes atmosphere games I like novels. I like stories. I like to think. I like adventure games. This game is recommended for people who Puzzle lovers Likes solving puzzles Likes dot pictures Escape games Likes atmosphere games I like novels. I like stories. I like to think. I like adventure games. This game is recommended for people who Puzzle lovers Likes solving puzzles Likes dot pictures Escape games Likes atmosphere games I like novels. I like stories. I like to think. I like adventure games. If you have any questions, or would like to report a bug, please contact us at This game is produced by one person. Therefore, it may take some time to reply.}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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428 voters

Some Latest Reviews

07 Mar, 2025
Игра представляет собой визуальную новеллу , где главный герой страдает от амнезии и общается с девушкой на полностью неизвестном языке . Игроку приходится самому выбирать значение того или иного слова и пытается понять что происходит . Игра имеет несколько концовок и много неожиданных поворотов(p.s. можно понять весь сюжет игры ) . Во время прохождения включается творческое мышление и дедукция , благодаря которой можно сопоставить значения слов . Рекомендую 👍🏿
06 Mar, 2025
Игра сама по себе классная, необычная. Но пока сырой русский перевод, недоработана, предлагаемые действия твоего персонажа переводит одинаково и коряво, приходится проходить на английском, для платной игры это не очень хорошо. Еще неудобно, что при нажимании на неизвестно слово, открывается меню со всеми словами, а не конкретно на этом слове и приходится листать в поисках этого слова
03 Mar, 2025
It seems to work fine on Mac. It’s kinda hard, but ig that’s what’s fun abt it. Interesting story so far!!
02 Mar, 2025
At the start you wonder how are you going to work out and understand this story and what the character is saying to you. By the second or third time through you will feel accomplished at how much you know. The story is intriguing and I wanted to play it until I understood everything.
02 Mar, 2025
Definitely worth the four bucks, I know this game has more buys on steam but I hope you get even more because this is a very underrated game.
Shamanama yamadamadoo
01 Mar, 2025
Not so good result, as a game the idea is waking up in a cabin with a women speaking in a language you don’t know, but are trying to understand, i fully believe if this game was re-worked it could be successful, however, I’m too lost with the current game and I’m not the type to spend hours on something I don’t understand, as of now this game really is a 2/5 but I really like the art and love the concept, if the game gave the player more options to organize the words, and/or gave the woman (who I’ve nicknamed Alice) more animated expressions to show what kind of emotions go with the words, this would be a really engaging and fun game, for what it is now, 2/5, for what it can be and the art, 4/5
22 Feb, 2025
At the start it’s a bit confusing as you have zero clue as to what is going on, but over time you will fill your word catalogue bit by bit and slowly piece together this foreign language as the days go by. You will probably not “win” on your first play through but all your labeled words will carry through to the next game so you won’t have to restart. I really enjoyed the game despite it being a relatively short game (took me ~4 hours to get to the “true” ending) and recommend it if you are up for a bit of a logic puzzle. One thing that I wish was clarified in the game at the start to make it more fun from the start is how the foreign language works. (If you want a completely spoil free experience then stop reading, but I’d recommend knowing this to understand how to decode the language properly) The number of symbols in the foreign words are equal in length to their English counterparts so a word like “Book” might be written as “%??£” and any repeated letter in a word will have the same symbol like the double “oo” being two “??” However, the symbols do not carry over a respective letter so the “%” in Book means “B” but in another word % might hold a different letter value. Hope that helps… Enjoy :)
05 Aug, 2024
玩法獨特, indie game, 要反覆思考解謎, 非一般複製式手遊 弱點,因設計藍本為日文,很多文字在其他語言=廢話/用詞過度,日語本身用詞不精簡令解讀更困難 Ggm 單一,後來聽得很煩 Tips 要了解文字意思,達成good end 必需玩>1 周目
27 May, 2024
知らない言語に対面した時、いったい自分はどうなってしまうのか? 英語を学習していて、あまりにも自分の習得能力の低さに落ち込み、スランプに陥っている時にこのゲームを知りました。そしてプレイしてみました。 そして思い知りました。ああ、私は習得が遅いとはいえ、こんなにもたくさんの英語を学び、そして覚えてきたんだな、と。 ゲーム開幕直後、何一つわからない単語がずらっと並びます。我々は、何もわからないそれらの選択肢から、必ず一つを選ばなければならない。 よく考えても何もわからない。 とりあえず一つ選び、その後何が起こるか、相手がどんな顔をするか…そういったことをよく「観察」して、自分が何を言ったのか…それを頑張って探し当てる、そんなゲームです。 本当に、ゲームを始めた瞬間の、わからない選択肢を掲げられた時の絶望感が忘れられません。あの恐ろしく孤独で、恐ろしく不安で、それでいて恐ろしく美しい世界を知るための、恐ろしくも素晴らしい言語学習。 そういった、「赤ちゃん」の世界を疑似体験できる、唯一無二の最高な体験ができるゲームでした。記憶を消してもう一度やりたいよう。


Additional Information
Voted: 428
App Store Link:
Price: 3.99 $
Email: -
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Categories: Entertainment
Size: 68MB
App Age: 3 years 2 months
Release Date: Jan 23, 2022
Last Update: Aug 20, 2023
Version: 1.2
Version history
Aug 20, 2023
Fixed a minor bug Corrected and updated text
Feb 15, 2022
The color of certain objects has been changed. Deletion of data function has been implemented. Changed a specific word.
Version history