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Fast Tract Diet

🇺🇸 United States
Norm Robillard  | 
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App Age
9y 3m
Last Update
Sep 12, 2024

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Fast Tract Diet
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Fast Tract Diet App helps you identify gut friendly foods versus hard-to-digest foods, track and chart your meals and symptoms, create shopping lists and quickly look up symptom potential for specific foods & drinks at your favorite market on the fly. Fast Tract Diet is based on a flexible “FP” point system adaptable to a variety of dietary preferences. Each food is assigned a specific point value based on its symptom potential; the lower the points, the lower the symptom potential. Fast Tract Diet addresses the symptoms of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and related digestive and general health issues including: • Gas, bloating, distension and belching • Cramps, abdominal pain and indigestion • Diarrhea, constipation or altered bowel habits • Heartburn, sore throat, sinus irritation, persistent cough, sour taste, hoarseness, lump in throat feeling and post nasal drip • Respiratory symptoms • Allergic and autoimmune reactions Credits for various Icons - - Icons made by Freepik from Icon made by Picol from}
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Rating & Reviews

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96 voters

Some Latest Reviews

03 Aug, 2024
I had hoped that many of the bugs were addressed, since many of the reviews are old. I just bought this, and I put in a custom recipe. The app changed my ingredients in the recipe. Argh! So I went to the support link which takes me to where I can make an appointment, not technical support. Who wants to enter each ingredient in a dish each time? Nice idea, but yeah, a spreadsheet is easier and accurate. Save your money. If tech folks fix this, I'm happy to change my review.
19 May, 2024
The app does not work anymore. The endpoints are not responding.
20 Jan, 2023
The app is pretty glitchy at times. I’ve used it off and on for a few years now. The diet works well if you follow it and have digestive issues. But the app needs attention. Recently I haven’t been able to add any custom foods. When I go to add them they never save. This problem started in the past 6 months or so. The food lists are pretty limited so being able to add custom foods is pretty important. Maybe they should do a more community/user submitted database similar to my fitness pal..Where there is a more vast database of user submitted foods. Just an idea.
05 Apr, 2021
Norman Robillard is my new hero. I have struggled with severe LPR for 5 years that left me unable speak beyond a whisper in the end. Before figuring out my condition I tried various eating plans such as plant-based, low fat, high fat, low protein, high protein, high fibre, low histamine, low salicylate, gluten free, fermented foods and herbal remedies. I tried asthma meds, anti-inflammatories, CBD, H2 blockers and PPIs with no success. I saw 8 doctors, 1 chiropractor and a Chinese medicine doctor - all useless. It was so depressing. I could eat so little. I went from 155lbs lean down to 125lbs, dangerously thin for a man my size. I got worse and worse. I was bloated and burping all day, even in the morning before eating. The burps burned my throat. My voice was totally destroyed and I couldn't work, socialise or even communicate with cashiers in shops. I had a long list of foods I'd identified as triggers but couldn't connect them all together to form an explanation. Then I read about "silent reflux" and its connection to dysphonia and everything just clicked. But none of the "solutions" such as a low acid diet, raising the bed, avoiding tomatoes and chocolate etc. helped me. I was already avoiding tomatoes, chocolate, acid, alcohol, mint etc. for years. This is where I found a single, simple little comment under a Youtube video: "Look up the fast tract diet". And I thought "what the heck, I'll Google it." 5 days after watching videos of Norman's Skype interviews and reading everything I could, it all started to make sense. I thought I could save $10 after wasting so much money on other "cures" and try to make my own list of low fermentable foods and I started to. But honestly, it was a lot of work and once I started seeing my trigger foods show up on the high FP category I felt this was a potential explanation and a possible treatment and I recognised how much work Norman had put into all this, so I bought this app to say thanks. And I'm so glad I did. It makes it SO fast and easy to check the fermentable carbs in almost all the foods I would want to know. It has been 3 days now of keeping under 25FP and while I still can only whisper or speak with a weak, croaky voice, my burps are down to about 20% of what they were and I'm no longer bloated AT ALL! This gives me hope. I know that with LPR it may take many months to heal my vocal chords but I'm hopeful and thankful to Norman Robillard for this work. One feature request: please add the calorie count fir each food so that when I'm adding foods to my daily diet it will tell me if I'm getting enough calories. Preferably it would give me the carb, fat and protein count too. I'm doing this on another app but wouldn't it be wonderful to have this app do both, so I'm not juggling two apps back and forth? Again, thank you.
19 Jan, 2021
I read the book and wanted to try this method of controlling GERD, but the app is horrendous. I read the reviews before getting it and expected that it wouldn’t have many foods, but dude, it seriously has almost nothing, and even trying to search for foods is ridiculous. Unless you type something in the search box that exactly matches how a food is entered, it doesn’t come up. For example, I tried searching for “shredded coconut” by typing “coconut” and then “shredded” and nothing came up. Then I tried “shredded” and “coconut” and nothing came up. Shredded coconut is on his FP food list given in the book, so there’s absolutely no reason it shouldn’t be in here. I even tried using it in conjunction with MyFitnessPal since they have pretty much everything, but you can’t track the right macros in MFP (i.e., there is no FP) and it would take forever to add all of the foods individually to the FTD app, all the while having to guess at the FP for each item. It’s an interesting concept, but man, it needs a lot of work before it can easily be applied. I don’t have the time to do all of this all on my own, and I figured that spending money on the book and the app would get me a lot more information than it has. The author has outlined some interesting ideas, but the implementation is too difficult so it’s not of much use. I really wanted to try this as a way of controlling my symptoms without medication, but this is not helpful at all.
12 Oct, 2020
In reviewing all the point scores, this doesn’t always agree with my list of high fodmap foods, in fact some this app say are safe are red/bad on my other app! Also there are a lot of weird foods on here, but not more common food items. And why give rum a low score for example when we know alcohol is a problem for SIBO (it’s high on my other one)? I’m just not sure I trust the data but where it agrees I will use it
03 Jul, 2020
Je ne reçois pas l email de confirmation lors de m ont inscription donc appli non utilisable pourtant je l ai payez
14 Apr, 2020
I’m still evaluating whether this diet works for me, but it’s incredibly frustrating trying to create low FP recipes in this app. I’ve been attempting to change the number of servings on one recipe, and the app closes itself every time without saving any of my changes. Also, for foods you’ve added yourself - they show up blank in a recipe, so you have to guess about what it was you added. It’s also just cumbersome to begin with, so I wouldn’t recommend.


Additional Information
Voted: 96
App Store Link:
Price: 7.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Health & Fitness, Food & Drink
Size: 10MB
App Age: 9 years 3 months
Release Date: Dec 14, 2015
Last Update: Sep 12, 2024
Version: 2.8
Version history
Sep 12, 2024
Fixed minor bug
Dec 21, 2023
Improvements and minor bug fixes
Version history