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Scott Bender  | 
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8y 5m
Last Update
Nov 03, 2024

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WilhelmSK is a highly customizable display, monitoring and control dashboard for your boat. WilhelmSK works best wth Signal K Server . It can also connect directly to some devices: º NMEA 0183 over TCP or UDP. (from for example, Digital Yacht's Smart WLN10) º Any modern Navico (Lowrance, Simnet or B&G) GoFree MFDs º NMEA 2000 via Yacht Device's YDWG-02 º NMEA 2000 via Actisense W2k-1 º Victron Venus GX or CCGX º Victron VRM º Chetco SeaSmart Devices º Chetco HelmSmart RayMarine Auto Pilot Support (via node-server or the YDWG only) º View or change current mode (Standby, Auto, Wind, Track) º View current target heading or Wind direction º Change target heading or Wind direction º Acknowledge "Turn To Waypoint' Active Captain: º You can view Active Captain Points of Interest and review or comment on them. º Go to Settings->Appearance to show Active Captain Points of Interest on the maps. Alarms and Notifications º View list of current current alarms º Acknowledge RayMarine "Turn To Waypoint' * º Push notification support * º Setup server side alarms * º Set an anchor alarm with the push of a button * Navionics Maps If you already have the Navionics Boating application with an active subscription, you can now use the same Navionics charts in WilhelmSK. Ensure you are a registered user with Navionics and have a Username and Password. If you have not registered, go to the Navionics Boating App’s Main Menu, click on the top “Me” option and then click Login. In WilhelmSK click the login button on the bottom right of the map and enter your Navionics login information. Features: - Raymarine MFD: display and interact with a RayMarine MFD (discovered via Bonjour) - Fusion stereo (control zone volumes, source input, play, pause etc.) - Create a gauge for any value available via SignalK - Sophisticated anchor alarm (requires node server and signalk-anchoralarm-plugin) - Customize gauge display using SignalK meta.zones - Customize gauge range, min/max, etc. - Save custom gauges to node server or the cloud for use on other devices - Wind Angle gauges can optionaly be rotated so that they always point ot the bow of the boat, regaurless of device positioning - Place gauges by long pressing on a gauge and choosing a differnt one - Make a gauge full screen by double tapping - Multiple layout support. Create a differnt layout for Steaming, Sailing, Home Monitoring, etc. - Customize the nuber of pages and their layout - Manuall connection configuration synced accross devices via iCloud - Automatic connection selection based on current ip (usefull when Bonjour is not available and you have multiple boats) - Two themes, dark and light - Animated gauge needles - iPad Slideover and Split View support (Your gauge configuration can be customized for these views) - Connections can be configured to be refreshed manually or at a specific time interval - Design your own custom gauge templates - Share your custom templates via Air Drop, eMail, Text, etc. - Edit ApplyTV or other device layouts and templates remotely using your iPhone or iPad - Most gauges can be configured to be digital or analog - Enter the SignalK path and title for any gauge to show data not supported by default - Displays AIS targets in the Map views - Configure node server plugins inside of the app - IP and RTSP camera display * Some advanced features require signalk-server-node and special plugins installed. Setup Instructions at}
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Rating & Reviews

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54 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Also waiting for update
23 Jan, 2025
I’m trying to get N2K data from my network displaying in my iPad but only some limited data elements will display. My email to support went ignored and there does not appear to be any published documentation for the app. For $20 this should be better supported…
28 Aug, 2024
I had some trouble setting up the connection but got speedy and excellent support from the developer. Still programming the details but so far all working fine. I run it on IPhone and iPad.
03 Sep, 2023
Undoubtedly the best way to upgrade your boat info system. With the Victron Cerbo integrating the SignalK server. It’s perfect. Also works really well with my regular NMEA 183 server. Highly recommended!
03 Apr, 2021
Once you get into map, can’t get out. User Experience Design is not a hobby, it takes actual development and knowledge about how to wireframe, prototype, test and deploy. Expensive app to pay for for UX issues.
24 Feb, 2021
This app saved me from complicating my system. I already had all the hardware I needed and this enabled me to get what I was needing out of it. It get the signal from my multiplexer, which for me is my Vesper, and all the NMEA 2000 sensors that feed into it. Thanks Scott.
09 Sep, 2020
I purchased the app to use and monitor wind data [among other data points], but the app does not parse $WIMWD nor $SDMDA messages. I have a fairly new Simrad system (only 7yrs old) and these are the messages I need to view/monitor. I tried using OpenCPN and they are parsed correctly by that application. Please add functionality for this in your app. I emailed the developer and provided all necessary log and message data. I am still waiting on a response.
13 Jul, 2020
I have a basic raymarine seatalk ng system on a sailboat. It includes a p70/ACU-200/EV-1 autopilot, wireless wind (T120 and T112), micro-talk gateway, Axiom 7 MFD, and YDWG. Not only can I see wind, gps, and rudder reference data in this app, but I can also control the autopilot!! It took only a few minutes to setup and even though I had the settings incorrect on my first go, Scott Bender’s advice fixed it right away. Definitely reach out before giving up!


Additional Information
Voted: 54
App Store Link:
Price: 19.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Navigation, Utilities
Size: 118MB
App Age: 8 years 5 months
Release Date: Oct 04, 2016
Last Update: Nov 03, 2024
Version: 1.17.0
Version history
Nov 03, 2024
The Watch app has been completely re-written and now supports complications and widgets. Requires watchOS v9. Complications and widgets only work with a Signal K Server. Introducing Widgets! * Widgets are available on * Home Screen, * Lock Screen (including the line obove the time), * StandBy Mode * Today View Shortcuts allowing buttons in Control Center, Automations, Siri Support * Set A Multi Switch (set victron inverter on, charge only, etc) * Flip A Switch (turn a switch on or off) * Toggale A Switch (taggle the switch state) * Launch WilhelmSK * Drop/Set/Raise Anchor * Control a fusion stereo * Send a PUT to any path * Get the value of a path * Control the state and heading of an autopilot, advance waypoint Builtin Siri Commands * "Drop the anchor in WilhelmSK" * "Raise the anchor in WilhelmSK" * "Set the anchor in WilhelmSK" * "Tack to port in WilhelmSK" * "Tack to starboard in WilhelmSK" * "Toggle the [switch displayName] in WilhelmSK" * "Turn the Autipilot Ten Degrees To Port in WilhelmSK" * "Turn the Autipilot One Degree To Starboard in WilhelmSK" You can creat Shortcuts with different names, and you won't have to say "in WilhelmSK" These new features only work with Signal K connections
Jun 13, 2024
1.16.2: * Fixed when a new gauge is added to a templeate, existing pages don't get updated * Fixed gauges get messed up when deleting a gauge from a template * Added copy selected gauge settings when add a gauge in the template editor 1.16.1: * Removed separate layouts for iPad split view * Fixed make so swipe up/down in a Web Gauge does not switch layouts * Fixed crash with Raymaine MFD when leaving WilhelmSK * Fixed not reconnecting to Raymarine MFD when changing orientation * Fixed layout label stays visible after swipe up/down 1.16.0: * You can now swipe up or down to change layouts * Last layout page is now remembered per layout * Added option to some gauges to clear the display if freshness is old * Added option to set the background color for freshness * Added multiplier config for RPM Gauge * Added options to specify switch orientation * Added options to show Solar, DC Loads on Electrical Overview * Added a fusion mute button to the top of main screen * New freshness location, which is a square. Uses the border color instead of a dot * Added option to hide the value label in Analog and Circle gauges * Added option to hide the title inside of Circle gauges * Added confirmation for setting the anchor alarm from the top bar * Added Custom Themes * Added configuration for border width * Added configuration for border color * Added configuration for border corner radius (this allows for round gauge borders) * Added option to hide the controls on the WebGauge * Fusion font and color can be configured * Fixed not able to silence notifications that have multiple sources * Fixed units labels on Bar and Text gauges are not effected by padding * Spread the main screen anchor button farther away from the menu button * Made gauge padding a percent instead of fixed pixels. Existing gauges with custom padding will remain the same until the padding is changed * Fixed not recognizing some "warning" notifications as warnings * Fixed decimial digits setting ignored in Wind Gauges * Changed default decimal digits for analog wind gauges to 0 * Fixed some Fusion buttons not show showing pre iOS 16 * Make so image gauges are always in the background * Fixed gauge padding ignored for bar gauges * Fixed Electrical Overview frshness red when there are missing fields
Version history