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Alien Tribe 2: 4X Space RTS TD

🇺🇸 United States
Stefan Haslbauer  | 
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App Age
11y 4m
Last Update
Jan 07, 2021

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Alien Tribe 2: 4X Space RTS TD
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Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
Description (
Characters: 2640 of 4000
In Alien Tribe 2 you can explore space, establish colonies and expand. But beware: the evil Malloc are not at all pleased about your presence and will try with all means to stop you! FOUND COLONIES ON DISTANT WORLDS AND BUILD AN EMPIRE Lead your alien race from their home to the stars and discover distant solar systems and unexplored worlds. Terraform and transform barren rocks into paradisiacal planets. Establish colonies throughout the sector and protect your borders with defenses and battleships. Fight for the alien race of the Fifo against their enemies and develop them further. They are weak at first, but new technologies and improvements make them an invincible force that can eventually build the Ark ship and lead all Fifo to safety. Alien Tribe 2 mixes elements from classic 4X games with real-time strategy and tower defense to create a unique mixture with an unusual gameplay objective! Top 10 in the category Games / Strategy in more than 35 countries Top 10 in the category Games / Simulation in more than 30 countries Top 20 in the category Games / All in more than 15 countries FEATURES OF ALIEN TRIBE 2: THE WORLD SPACE - Play in a randomly generated sandbox environment - Explore space and discover new solar systems and planets - On planets and asteroids you can mine different resources - Meet the Ci'Tan, roaming energy beings that roam the infinite expanses and make your life difficult FROM PLANET TO IMPERIUM: - Dare to jump from your planet out into deep space - Explore planets and send out colony ships. Settle your people on bare rocks or earth-like worlds - Terraform whole planets and turn them into paradisiacal places - Connect your planets to a gigantic network - Build weapon platforms and warships. Protect what is yours! NEW TECHNOLOGIES: - Solve over 45 different missions in four areas. These unlock new construction options for buildings, weapons and ships or other rewards. - Improve your skills in research centers THE STORY: For as long as they could remember, the Fifo travelled through the meta-space with their Ark ship and only left it to trade with other races. When they finally crossed over into normal space, their ship was caught and destroyed by an incredibly destructive asteroid storm. The wretched remnants of the once proud nomadic people were forced to settle on the planet Kamolon. The Fifo wish for nothing more than to return to their old lives and the peace of meta-space. But to do so, they must find all the necessary parts for a new ark ship. Only then can they return to their eternal journey through the center of a black hole. Download and play now!}
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1 523 voters

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Le trio perdu
05 Apr, 2024
Please provide some extra content, so we can sponsor ye developers some :)
04 Apr, 2024
Обожаю писать обзоры и подробные отзывы на достойные внимания проекты 1. Механика отличная, все понятно и удобно. Исключение - при выборе юнита на нижней панели иногда не удается отправить его, не переходя непосредственно месту его локации. Можно пофиксить В целом все просто и логично, хоть и не с первого раза врубаешься. Наверное надо было не на практике учиться, а разобраться по гайду. 2. Разнообразие юнитов и построек приятно удивляет. Взаимодействие зданий между собой тоже вполне логичное - чтобы соединить солнечную систему, надо поставить концентратор, затем соединить с внешним миром трансмиттером, обеспечить питание и тд. 3. Враги в игре не дают скучать, особенно на уровне норм и выше. Необходимо как следует укреплять оборону и следить за вторжениями. 4. Добыча ресурсов - отдельный респект. Важно соблюдать баланс и понимать как происходит терраформирование, какие ветки открытий качать в первую очередь, чтобы обеспечить автономию сс. 5. Исследование Вселенной. Можно было добавить каких-то фишек в открытом космосе. Каких-то уникальных юнитов или даже героев. Не хватает элемента рпг игре. Спасибо за прекрасную игру, которую разгадывал как кубик рубика с нескольких заходов, чем собственно игра и зацепила. Совет новичкам - сразу используйте ЗЭК для покупки ресурсов в самом начале игры, так проще наладить экономику)
28 Jan, 2023
Schlechte Steuerung Zu unübersichtlich Sehr umständlich
09 Mar, 2021
This game has no chill, even just trying to play on Very Easy
10 Jan, 2021
Интересно, а что же там будет далее с ковчегом когда его выкинет из чёрной дыры. Есть над чем поработать по продолжению игры. Мне понравилась игра. Без багов, зависаний, выкидывание.
08 Jan, 2021
This is still one of the greatest games on the iPad. It has great depth, is randomised every time you play it so no two games are the same, and all of it makes sense and works. Highly recommended!
03 Dec, 2020
Start on easy to over come any learning curves. After that enjoy!!! I suggest iPads only.... just not the same on an iPhone.
04 Oct, 2020
...der für ein paar Tage und dann immer mal wieder richtig Spaß macht. Echtzeit Strategiespiel mit vielen netten kleinen Dinge an die man denken muss, um die anderen Alien zu beherrschen. Definitiv 5* wert. Daumen hoch.
Relative newbie
02 Oct, 2020
Con: Some annoying and unnecessary bugs. If fuel converter gets disconnected from network, you cannot reconnect it. You must build new one from scratch - however, you generally restart at the level of fuel you previously generated. Malocs attack frequently, requiring you to fix damage every few minutes. I assume this is intended to add challenge, but mainly it creates tedium, repetition, and excessive micromanagement. If construction station gets disconnected, you can’t reconnect it. Fairly one-dimensional game that plays the same each time. Boredom sets in quickly. Weird combination of tower defense and 4x that does neither well. Game is played in “real time”, which makes it feel longer than it really is and seems mainly filled with repetition - repeatedly playing defense against Maloc attacks. Inability to “automate “ many aspects results in a higher level of micromanagement than most are probably used to in4x games. One of the few games I regret having devoted hours to in the process of mastering it. Not in the same class as Civ or Starbase Orion. Agree with other reviewers that tutorial is not helpful. With most 4x games I check out online user groups. It is perhaps telling that I could find none, which suggests there is not a dedicated user base. I assume that like me most players soon move on to other games. There is only one way to win, and you generally just have to follow the same pattern to win each time, unless you encounter one of the bugs mentioned earlier that require you to redo prior constructions. Once you have the ark ship built, a massive Maloc attack is triggered, yet again adding to the repetitive nature of fighting those ships - the only thing of note that ever happens in the game, and it is the same over and over. Pro: Graphics are good quality and handled by an older iPad model. Most items have an “I” symbol associated which allows you to quickly go to an explanation of the item and sometimes helpful hints. While the first hour or so involves some frustrating trial and error learning due to the mediocre tutorial, after that the logic of game and interface are easy to handle. With practice one learns to handle recurrent issues, like shortage of food- prioritize colonization of food producing planets, terraform food producing planets, and research faster harvesting of food. I deleted the game but would be interested in a richer version 3 that incorporates some automation, ability to take offensive with Malocs, and perhaps additional complexity such as diplomacy or planet development.


Additional Information
Voted: 1.52K
App Store Link:
Price: 4.99 $
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Categories: Games, Entertainment, Simulation, Strategy
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App Age: 11 years 4 months
Release Date: Nov 23, 2013
Last Update: Jan 07, 2021
Version: 4.1
Version history
Jan 07, 2021
Jan 02, 2021
Version history