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Freya • Surge Timer

🇺🇸 United States
The Positive Birth Company Ltd.  | 
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Mar 27, 2024

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Freya • Surge Timer
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Hypnobirthing birth timer
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Characters: 3940 of 4000
Meet Freya, the world’s first hypnobirthing-friendly birth timer, brought to you by The Positive Birth Company. This award-winning birth timer supports you through labour, coaching you through every single surge (or contraction) with a simple breathing technique and guided relaxations. Put hypnobirthing techniques into practice during pregnancy, labour and childbirth Relax between surges with a mix of guided relaxations, positive affirmations, gentle music and calming visualisations Birth timer that keeps track of surges, logging each surge or contraction so you can see how frequently they are coming and how long they are lasting Receive a notification from Freya when your labour is established and it might be a good time to call your midwife Use Freya during pregnancy to practice breathing techniques and relaxation Available in French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian Never birth alone with Freya by your side. TRACK YOUR SURGES In hypnobirthing we refer to contractions as surges, because a ‘surge’ more accurately describes the sensation you’ll experience when in labour. Freya is the ONLY hypnobirthing-friendly contraction timer on the app store, designed specifically with hypnobirthing mums in mind, using appropriate terminology, but can be used by anyone. If you would like to know more about Hypnobirthing, follow The Positive Birth Company on Instagram or Tik Tok where we share loads of free resources to make your birth better. PREPARE FOR BIRTH You can use this birth timer in pregnancy to help you relax and prepare for childbirth. In fact the more you practice your breathing and listen to the guided relaxations and positive affirmations, the more familiar they will become and the more effective they will be at helping you relax when it comes to birth. Positive affirmations have been proven to change the way your mind works and listening regularly will help you feel less anxious and more confident in the lead up to birth. You can practice daily and then reset the surge history whenever you like. THE SCIENCE We know the more relaxed you are during birth, the more oxytocin you will produce. Oxytocin helps your uterus to work efficiently, making labour faster and more comfortable. LIFESKILLS Freya can be used for pregnancy and post-birth relaxation, any time you feel you could benefit from taking some deep breaths or need some help finding your zen. Everything you learn - mindfulness exercises and breathing techniques - are skills for life. If you have any questions or spot any pesky bugs lurking about the place please do let us know at WHAT YOU’LL GET: - iPhone and Apple Watch app - Timer to record your surges (also known as a contraction timer) and let you know when you’re in established labour - Coaching audio to keep your mind focused on breathing through each surge and the ability to switch between 4 and 8 breath counts or 3 and 6, or turn the counting off altogether. - 4 different birth coach voices - Guided relaxations, positive affirmations and soothing visuals to help keep you relaxed between surges - A gentle expanding visualisation that you can use to sync your breathing - Option to record your own music, visualisations or relaxation tracks - You can listen to your own playlist on a third party app (such as Spotify) whilst still using the Freya app to keep track of your surges and coach you through each one. - A detailed log of your surges over time, so you can track your progress through labour, reset this after you practice breathwork at any time - Ability to easily share the log with your birth partner, midwife or doula - Coaching created by renowned hypnobirthing expert Siobhan Miller, founder of The Positive Birth Company Download the ONLY hypnobirthing-friendly birth timer on the App Store and prepare to meet your baby in the best possible way, feeling calm and confident, relaxed and happy! }
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Rating & Reviews

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1 594 voters

Some Latest Reviews

10 Jan, 2025
This app was hands down the BEST thing for my labor with my son! The meditations and counting helped me to focus on my breathing throughout labor and really stay relaxed. I ended up going to the hospital after laboring at home and I was fully dilated by the time they checked me for the first time. It was an incredible first time birth experience and can’t wait to use the app again for my second, whenever that comes!
07 Dec, 2024
The breathing reminders, affirmations, and surge timer were so helpful and I used them all. If you’re planning a vaginal birth, definitely recommend this as an essential!
18 Nov, 2024
The single star is for the mini audio guides, which provide some relief during contractions. However, the app is poorly designed and overly focused on decorative elements, which detracts from its primary purpose—tracking contractions effectively. Additionally, the lack of a trial period (even 3 days would suffice) forces users to purchase it without fully understanding its functionality. The claim of family sharing is misleading; it doesn’t work as advertised. Attempts to reach support resulted in vague promises to escalate the issue to the developer, with no resolution or follow-up. Very disappointing experience overall.
09 Oct, 2024
This is my second time using this App - for the birth of my second baby a few days ago and it was immensely helpful all over again. I used it to relax and listen to positive affirmations in the run up to my due date when I was due a planned induction for medical reasons. It helped me manage my stress and anxieties and feel confident in my body and calm. I used it to distract and calm myself so I could get some rest on the busy induction ward once my partner had left for the night. Once my labour had started I used it to time contractions whilst listening to a mixture of the background music and my own music in Spotify (brilliant feature). One improvement would be if you could control your own music volume/skip song via Freya rather than having to switch between Apps which was a little distracting/frustrating mid-contraction. I found it so helpful to have something to focus on and guide my breathing. When I felt myself losing control/panicking, it brought me back in control. Like my last induction, the midwives couldn’t believe how far along I was as I looked “so chilled” and I think the App really helped me cope so well. I declined any pain relief apart from having 2 paracetamol (gas and air doesn’t suit me) - I didn’t wobble from this decision as I felt well supported with the App and my breathing. The midwives were amazed and I felt so proud of myself. Thank you so much PBC!
30 Sep, 2024
I did have a beautiful birth experience that I attribute very much to the Positive Birth Company's hypnobirthing course. This app however was not something that I felt was worth the cost, when there are so many other timing apps that have much more utility. It did help me through early labor and up to transition, but there are just a few too many user interface components lacking for me to rate it highly. This person who previously reviewed hit it on the head with the basic things that are lacking so I will paste those things here: -Easier way to turn on and off the sound of meditations, vs surge counter. It was kind of all-or nothing. -Easier way to pause the meditations. Overall that interface was just clunky ESPECIALLY once I was in labor. Kind of gave up on it by the time I was in transition! -Should be a better way to edit the surges, like if you accidentally left it running and need to shorten the duration from 2 minutes say to 1 vs. just delete entirely. -More detail on the surges and patterns would be helpful. It just says "labor is established" basically but not "now you're ~5-1-1" or making notes about new patterns-it's not analyzing the data much. I would have preferred a more interactive app for that.
21 Jul, 2024
I had my second baby last week and in the months leading up to her birth, spent a lot of time doing birth meditations in preparation for labor. I also took several of the hypnobirthing classes from The Positive Birth Company (I wish I would have known about this approach during my first pregnancy). This app is an incredible tool both in my preparation and during the birth of my daughter. It is simple to use and has a really nice layout. I found Siobhan’s voice to be so calming when my contractions were ramping up and having the breath count option really helped me stay in a calm space during labor. This app played a huge role in my peaceful birth experience!
06 Jul, 2024
I love this app and the versatility it brings. As a doula, I recommend it to all of my clients.
06 Jul, 2024
I cancelled induction at 40+4 and it was rebooked despite not wanting it at 40+6. I listened to the Freya app back to back for 3 hrs on the morning of 40+5. Had something to eat and went into spontaneous labour. 1st pregnancy. Labour lasted less than 7 hrs, delivered as water birth.
19 Jun, 2024
I’ve now used Freya for both of my births and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to use their breath to support them through contractions. The breathing counting as your contractions / surges come massively helped me keep focussed and get through them. Then the positive affirmations in between surges help you refocus and relax as much as possible. Honestly so grateful for this app. It made such a positive impact on my birth experience.


Additional Information
Voted: 1.59K
App Store Link:
Price: 2.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Health & Fitness, Medical
Size: 120MB
App Age: 11 years
Release Date: Mar 14, 2014
Last Update: Mar 27, 2024
Version: 7.0.1
Version history
Mar 27, 2024
Hemos escuchado a nuestra increíble comunidad de hipnoparto y hemos realizado cambios en Freya. ¡Haz que tu nacimiento sea aún mejor! - Mezcle los niveles de audio a su gusto: use el ajustador de música de fondo en la configuración para aumentar o disminuir el volumen de la música relajante que acompaña la voz de su entrenador de parto. - Reciba notificaciones tranquilizadoras: su afirmación positiva diaria ahora va acompañada de un tono personal para Freya, para que sepa cuándo mirar su teléfono en busca de un poco de positividad. - Ahora disponible en Apple Watch: descarga Freya en tu teléfono o tableta y también aparecerá automáticamente en tu Apple Watch.
Mar 26, 2024
We have listened to our amazing hypnobirthing community and the lovely Freya has had a glow up. Make your birth even better! - Choose your own birth coach: You can now select the voice you find the most soothing and inspiring to coach you through your surges and relaxation. - Mix the audio levels to suit you: Use the background music adjuster in settings to increase or decrease the volume of the relaxing music that accompanies the voice of your birth coach. - Receive calming notifications: Your daily positive affirmation is now accompanied by a tone that is personal to Freya, so you know to look at your phone for a little bit of positivity when you hear that calming sound. - Now available on Apple Watch: Download Freya to your phone or tablet and it will automatically appear on your Apple Watch too.
Version history