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Waldorf Music GmbH  | 
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Aug 12, 2018

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Nave - next generation Wavetable Synthesis Nave is Waldorf’s first synthesizer App development – created by chief engineer and 
director Stefan Stenzel, NLog mastermind Rolf Wöhrmann and Design Guru Axel Hartmann. The Nave sound engine includes two novel Wavetable oscillators, leaving every previous attempt in wavetable synthesis far behind. The spectrum of a sound can be transposed independently of its pitch. The waves are being rendered periodically to noisy. Especially sounds with an accent on formants can be reproduced easily, which made us integrate a speech synthesizer for the easy creation of wavetables. The clearly structured UI invites both beginners and advanced users to experiment, and the large display of 
the iPad makes Wavetable creation and editing a blast. Besides Speech Synthesis, Wavetables can also be made by analysing audio files. Further stretching, rotating and shifting in spectral domain allows Wavetables to be further refined or distorted. All factory Wavetables from Microwave, Wave and Blofeld are included, complemented by new ones that make extensive useof the enhanced possibilities. In addition to the Wavetable Oscillators, Nave offers an oscillator module featuring the novel Überwave that can fatten your sound by up to eight detuned oscillators. The filter offers the familiar outstanding Waldorf sound, featuring lowpass, bandpass and highpass with either 12dB or 24dB slope. The Drive section offers different characteristics, and it can be positioned in the signal path: before or after the filter, or as a summing overdrive before or after the equalizer - for those who prefer harsh screaming sounds over delicate Wavetable sweeps. An extended modulation matrix and diverse real time control functionality is waiting for animating Nave sounds in any desired direction. Besides the classic virtual chromatic keyboard, Nave can be played with the “Blades” that allow for dynamic triggering of polyphonic modulation by sliding the fingers in x or y direction. The 4-track recorder can be used to build your own Nave songs or to simply sketch your music, inspired by the sounds of Nave. Audio Demos: Nave Specifications per Voice: · Two independent advanced Wavetable Oscillators · Osc module with up to 8 oscillator Überosc with sawtooth, triangle, PWM, white or pink noise · Two Ring Modulators · Multimode Filter with LP,BP and HP, each either 12 dB or 24 dB · 3 Envelopes · 2 LFO · 10 Modulation Matrix Entries · Drive with adjustable curve, depth and position Effects: · Modulation Effect with either Chorus, Flanger or Phaser · Modulation Delay · High Quality Reverb · Three band parametric Equalizer · Compressor Additional Features: · Keyboard with adjustable size, scrolling and glissando modes · Blades with musical scales and optional chord mode · Polyphonic X/Y finger modulation on keyboard and blades · Modulation Wheel and Pitch Bender · Up to 3 X/Y Control Pads · Four Track Recorder with clip based editing · Core MIDI in / out support · MIDI device manager for external hardware and virtual connections · Sync to MIDI Clock or WIST · MIDI Learn · Audiobus compatible · Background Audio · Arpeggiator · Polyphonic Unisono · Speech Synthesizer for Wavetables · 3D Wavetable Editing · Generation of Wavetables from external audio files · Audio Copy / Paste Support · Patch Management with unlimited user banks and categories · Import / Export audio and sound patches from iTunes}
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Rating & Reviews

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281 voters

Some Latest Reviews

23 Nov, 2023
After all these years Nave is and always has been an excellent synth. Please update Nave, it’s too good to let it flounder and deserves to be bought up to speed. Maybe mpe? I know I’m not the only one.
27 Jun, 2023
Unverständlich, zumal alle modernen DAWs das AUv3 unterstützen. Was sollen wir ihnen denn dafür bezahlen? Der Synth ist klanglich top.
07 Jun, 2023
This is still one of my favorite synth apps on iOS. However, my biggest gripe is that I can use it as an external synth in my favorite DAWs. Please, please, please update this to include this feature; especially since Logic Pro is now available on iPad.
28 May, 2023
Wie gewohnt, ein spitzen Synth aus dem Hause Waldorf, aber seit Logic auf dem iPad gelandet ist, wäre AU Unterstützung durch einen Hersteller wie Waldorf eigentlich Pflicht 😉
22 Jan, 2023
It’s been a year since I last reviewed Nave, and I still haven’t found a synth app that can outperform it. If Nave was AUv3, I would hardly ever use other synths, full stop! As long as I launch the app before I launch Cubasis3, I then never ever have problems with audio disconnects or crashes being it’s IAA. I read recently that a new developer was working for Waldorf that had connections with Nave, 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞could be good news 😉 2 Feb 2022 I have become a synthappoholic! I have purchased that many synth apps over the years, But, I haven’t found a synth app that can outperform Nave for cutting lead sounds, the only letdown of this great app is the constant audio disconnect in IAA. I really really really really wish the developers would update Nave to AUv3, if that was to happen, I don’t think I would use anything else for my music projects in Cubasis3. 20th July 21. I’ve been purchasing lots of new iOS synths over the past several months, but in the end I keep coming back to Nave, it completely outshines all of them with its blistering sonic lead and pad synths, and sound fx - they are beyond imagination. Since upgrading my iPad 8 gen to iPad Air 4, I’ve found that Nave has not suffered quite as many audio disconnects as it did before in Cubasis3. I would still like to see an Au3 update.
11 Jan, 2023
Well, it appears that Waldorf are still checking their App Store page every once in a while - as we can see in another review, the developer did respond to a review from back in June of 21. Even if it’s only to monitor reviews, they have to be paying attention on some level and perhaps… if enough voices carry, they will probably see reason enough to at LEAST bring exporting of Navebanks back (Pretty please). This was one of the first synths on the radar when we first got into iOS music making. It’s literally the only standalone app I use (& the design is eye candy, so I don’t mind). Although there is no AuV3, there is a four-track recorder, which is smart. That feature and many others reinforce that Nave is a special synth and always was. The sound engine is up there with the KORG apps - but it’s also got that FM soundtrack vibe bc of the ability to transpose oscillators independently of their pitch (Stole that one from Waldorf). I don’t actually mind the lack of AUV3 as much as I mind the total lack of exporting to backup your Navebanks. It appears that the iOS versions have buried Nave on this one, as I was able to export presets only just recently & now, totally gone. I can’t email them to myself. I can import banks, but I don’t even know where that would be from. It’s a confusing system, and I think that if anything the community would be most appreciative of a simple export feature right inside the app (and clearly marked so). Many thanks. We’ve only scratched the surface with Nave. I don’t want it to die a premature death like Final Touch.
16 Apr, 2021
This is one of the best synth apps you can buy. Everything about it is high quality.
10 Mar, 2021
I was finally able to stop the permanent buzz type modulation on all presets by deleting the Nave, then reinstalling it, but I had to loose a whole bank of presets that I made in the process, I tried emailing both the bank and presets to myself so that I could reload them back into Nave, but pressing the email Bank button just glowed and did nothing at all, I can do this ok with Nave installed on my iPad 2 (iOS 9) running Cubasis2. Nave still looses connection with Cubasis3 quite often, but at least I now have access to a great bunch of working awesome presets. I really would like to be able to email my banks of presets for safe keeping, just in case I have to delete and reinstall Nave in the future (I will never ever be able to recreate the presets I have already lost 😢) 17 Feb. I have just recently updated my iPad 8 to IOS14.4 and started having more serious problems with Nave, all its presets now have a permanent buzz type modulation that I cannot remove, it completely ruins them, also, when I perform a Mixdown in Cubasis3 Nave stutters on all its parts. I now I have to exclude Nave from all my past and future music projects until a fix is issued by Waldorf. I bought this app last year with great excitement thinking it would be worth the £19.99, but I gradually discovered I was wrong. What makes it worse is the fact that before the problems, Nave sounded absolutely fantastic and no other synth app could be compared to it on its performance and sound quality. Please fix this and make it AUv3, IAA is useless! 7 Jan. Please-Please-Please can this app be updated, somedays it constantly crashes unexpectedly as soon as you press a key, or when in the middle of editing, whether its being used as a stand alone synth or in Cubasis 3 on both iPad 8 and iPad mini 5. I originally reviewed this app with 5 stars in November, but that was before I discovered these reoccurring problems, If it was a cheap app I could possibly expect the above behaviour, but at £19.99 I really do expect to have no problems at all, it's like buying a high performance car that randomly and unexpectedly stalls the moment you put your foot down to overtake, and then discover the customer service department won't respond with a solution! Nave is a high performance synth IMHO, with features and sounds that blows the socks off other synth apps, my problem now is that having heard the superb quality of the presets, no other synth app preset in my collection is good enough as a replacement for Nave, these presets have a magic presence that just seem to be perfectly suited to relevant musical creations, (you won't understand this if you haven't tried them), I have quickly become too reliant on Nave in a real-time playing situation, but sadly at the moment it really is far too unreliable and unstable to be used this way as part of a project, and judging by the other user reviews I am not alone with these problems, we ALL want the developer to update this app so that we can enjoy it to its full potential and not feel cheated by wasting our money on something that we just can't use. Waldorf are a big company, I just wish they would look after their customers, which will inevitably attract more potential customers. KEEP SAFE
07 Mar, 2021
The sound engine is great and sounds good (5 stars for this). Easy to program new sounds and the option to load custom wave tables makes it endlessly fun. Expressive keys and arpeggiator are super fun and grooving. Leaving the sound quality aside, the app features are a bit outdated and some non functional.. Exporting banks (email bank) does not work. Button doesn’t do anything. No option to remove imported wave tables. Ableton link missing, probably other standard options found on the other synth apps. I would like to keep this app, but not sure if is still “alive”, with last update 2 years ago.


Additional Information
Voted: 281
App Store Link:
Price: 19.99 $
Website: -
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Privacy Policy: -
Categories: Music
Size: -
App Age: 11 years 9 months
Release Date: Jun 07, 2013
Last Update: Aug 12, 2018
Version: 1.8
Version history
Aug 12, 2018
- AudioBus 3 update - Bug fixes
Sep 17, 2015

More by Waldorf Music GmbH

Version history