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Daily Carb

🇺🇸 United States
倩 赵  | 
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12y 8m
Last Update
Aug 25, 2024
$0.99 - 3.99

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Daily Carb
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Nutrition Info & Glucose Track
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Characters: 3521 of 4000
This is the app you are looking for if you are a dieter or who want to control your diabetes or weight! You can set your carb budget and track your daily nutrition intake of the food, carbs, fiber, fat etc, and also track quantity of water intake, readings of your glucose, HbA1c, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, exercise, medications and insulin, you can share the readings with your doctors in form of CSV, HTML or PDF by email. Key Features: Food: ⁃ Create your carb budget and track it. ⁃ Track your food logs includes daily nutrition intake, such as carbs, fiber, calories etc. ⁃ Huge default food database from restaurant, common foods and supermarket. ⁃ Add your custom food or your recipes. ⁃ Add food to Favorites. ⁃ Search food database. ⁃ Report your carbs intake. Weight: ⁃ Track your weight logs. ⁃ Add note to each reading. ⁃ Calculate BMI of each reading automatically. ⁃ Show weight change compared with last weight. ⁃ Report weight and BMI logs by chart. Water: ⁃ Log your daily quantity of water intake. ⁃ Show your target, actual and average glasses of water intake by chart. ⁃ Show number of glasses of water intake in Water’s icon. ⁃ Report your water intake. Others: ⁃ Calendar overview of your data. ⁃ Password protection. ⁃ Supports Touch ID passcode. ⁃ Supports WiFi Backup & Restore. ⁃ Supports Dropbox backup & restore. ⁃ Manage your personal info and set color ranges for your glucose and blood pressure. ⁃ Email your readings to your doctors in form of CSV, HTML or PDF. ⁃ Badges to show your consumed/remaining net carbs and water intake. ⁃ Supports AirPrint. ⁃ Supports transferring data to Health app. ⁃ Supports universal version. In App Purchase: Exercises: ⁃ Log the date, duration, exercise name, intensity of exercises and add note to it. ⁃ Hundreds of default common exercises for you to chose. ⁃ Customize and save your own exercises. ⁃ Save your favorites exercise. ⁃ Search exercise by name. ⁃ Show your actual exercise time and average exercise duration by chart. Glucose: ⁃ Log your glucose and HbA1c logs. ⁃ Add note to each reading. ⁃ Analyze glucose level by chart. ⁃ Show the statistics info of four glucose segments. ⁃ Calculate average glucose level of different periods. Blood Pressure: ⁃ Log your blood Pressure and heart rate. ⁃ Add note to each reading. ⁃ Calculate your MAP of each reading. ⁃ Analyze BP and heart rate level by chart. ⁃ Show Max, Min and Avg number of BP, Heart rate and MAP. ⁃ Show percentage and number of BP in different levels. Lipid Panel: ⁃ Log your Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL and LDL. ⁃ Add note to reading. Medications: ⁃ Log your medication intake. ⁃ Log medication intake time, dosage, and add note to it. ⁃ Manage your medications’ route, unit, side effects, icon and other info. Reminders: ⁃ Create unlimited reminders to alert you measure your blood pressure or glucose, drinking water, visiting doctor, doing exercise or anything else you would like. ⁃ Create reminder text of each reminder. ⁃ Set time, repeat frequency, and icon for the reminders. ⁃ Ten default reminder sounds and you can set your own. ⁃ Set if reminder is ON or OFF. Apple Health: Daily Carb is able to write nutrition/weight/glucose/blood pressure data only according to your permissions and preferences. If allowing Daily Carb to write data, you could transfer these data to Health App easily. If you have any questions or suggestion, please mail to}
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Rating & Reviews

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224 voters

Some Latest Reviews

10 Jan, 2025
SO buggy. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice, got *slightly* more functionality each time, but even then it’s impossible to figure out how to use it. Not intuitive at all. For a paid app it’s 🚮
09 Dec, 2024
I’ve used in for many years and would really hate to change. I can take the 3 month printout to my Dr at checkup time. He really likes the format and compliments it every time. They scan it in as part of my permanent record.
03 Sep, 2024
I use this app daily and have done so for several years. Tried othesr but found them to not be so user friendly, including Atkins. The only draw back is the inability to merge food databases. I like the custom foods group a lot more than favorites. If you could move items from search to custom instead of favorites it would be a vast improvement. Reports are a excellent tool to track progress over time
M. Eames
24 Jul, 2024
This stinks. I can’t load my data into my new iPhone 15 Pro Max and I can’t simply input an entire meal without 5 or 10 interruptions because you stop me after each food item! Peas, interruption, chicken, interruption, potatoes, interruption, Apple, interruption, milk, interruption, bread, interruption, butter, interruption, etc and it goes on and on and on ad infinatum!
12 Apr, 2023
It’s rather easy to track n it works for me to keep me in!
09 Mar, 2023
So very helpful to monitor critical numbers and see over time how you are doing.
Von Siker
04 Sep, 2021
First take - Awesome app, doesn’t make you create account and get sucked into other things. Very comprehensive app. 1 big problem. You pick what you’ve eaten at each meal and it logs net carbs - great. So things you find yourself eating regularly - it becomes tedious, and you fix this by starring that food as a favorite. So you begin building up this large list of favorites, and that makes logging what you eat very efficient. But then …. BOOM !! ……. All of a sudden for no clear reason I can find, every couple of days the favorites list gets completely ERASED. That means you have to start building the list all over again. I sent the company a message, and they asked me to video this mistake. But it appears to happen very randomly, and it’s a bug they MUST FIX.
06 Aug, 2021
08/06/21 rating: I continue to use this app to help me manage my diabetes. In fact, I would be lost without it because I have input the data for nearly all of the foods I consume. Recent update has introduced some extra boot time when first starting the app but I assume that issue will be fixed in the next update. Overall, I continue to rate this app as 5 stars. It is an effective way of counting carbs and/or calories. When I first started counting carbs with this app, I was able to loose about 30 pounds and keep the weight off by continuing to use this app to count my daily carbs. I highly recommend it for all diabetics - type 1s and type 2s to keep control of our A1C levels. 08/1/20 Review: I use Daily Carb on my new iPhone 11 pro routinely and have been for many years (think iPhone 5). I’m never without it. I credit Daily Carb with helping me avoid eye problems and other typical consequences of being a diabetic for over 30 years. When I got my iPhone 11 pro, I had accumulated a lot of carb data that I wasn’t looking forward to losing by going to a different iPhone. I’m really happy I could transfer most of my data and didn’t have to reenter a lot. I highly recommend Daily Carb to any diabetic and/or weight conscious person who needs to control their blood glucose and/or weight. It has been a real success story for me. Previous Review: Been using it for about 6 years and have been very satisfied overall. I'm a type I diabetic and I've been able to keep my A1c in the 6 range and my weight under control. Any software problems I had have been resolved quickly. I highly recommend this app to all who want to accurately track their carb consumption. I've never found any better apps.
Y. Vazquez
05 Jun, 2021
This has helped me so much to track my diabetic log along the day and calculate how many carbs/calories there are in my own recipes. Only issue is that many of the nutritional info about brands aren’t accurate, so always check your foods and edit the nutritional info in the app for future use!


Additional Information
Voted: 224
App Store Link:
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Health & Fitness, Medical
Size: 76MB
iAP: 0.99 - 3.99 $
App Age: 12 years 8 months
Release Date: Jul 10, 2012
Last Update: Aug 25, 2024
Version: 6.0
Version history
Aug 25, 2024
⁃ Bugs fixes and stability improvements.
Nov 24, 2023
⁃ Compatible with iOS 17. ⁃ Other minor bugs fixed.

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Version history