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Lingidy ∙ Languages Fast & Fun

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Ascendo Inc.  | 
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Feb 17, 2025
$9.99 - 59.99

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Lingidy ∙ Languages Fast & Fun
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Spanish French Italian German…
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Learn a language with the world’s highest rated, freshest app for language lovers! Lingidy is the only app of its kind with fun, effective lessons, and an AI Tutor to give you an immersive chat experience with celebrities, past or present. Master speaking, understanding, reading and writing with modern lessons and fun, sometimes funny exercises. Lingidy offers the shortest path to have a conversation in a new language. Designed by passionate polyglots and loved by millions of adventurers around the world, Vidalingua apps help you speak and understand Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese, Hindi, Ukrainian, Russian and English. Whether you’re learning a language for a travel adventure, to succeed in class, or to connect at a deeper level with friends & family, you’ll love learning a language with Lingidy. What people around the world are saying about Lingidy by Vidalingua "Apps from Vidalingua are hugely popular... they're free and they work offline, handy when you're actually abroad." New York Times “I tutor students for a living and I appreciate a good learning tool. The new chat feature in Lingidy is a fun way for students to learn with topics they care about. This is the future of language apps.” Harold G. “I have never found anything like this. You can learn different languages with just one app. This is perfect for me.. very useful for traveling.” Kathryn M. “Most apps force you to go through completely irrelevant lessons. Lingidy lets you choose what's useful and skip the others.” Lauren W. Why Lingidy? * Lingidy immerses you in real-life lessons from the moment you start the app. You learn Greetings, Basic Conversation and Useful Expressions that will have you speaking in a few minutes, instead of wasting time on games designed for dopamine addiction. * Later lessons step you through situations you’ll encounter on a trip such as Taking a Cab, Asking for Directions, or spending a Day at the Museum. Then things get real with engaging, humorous lessons such as Flirting, Pick-Up Lines and Rejections. And that’s just the start… * Lingidy uses cutting edge Artificial Intelligence to provide you with endless chat lessons. Try this… “Hey Lingidy, pretend you are Shakira and teach me Spanish while we are clubbing in Miami.” Or this, “Hey Lingidy, will you be my Italian boyfriend and teach me romantic phrases in Italian?” Or even this… “Hey Lingidy, pretend you are Elon Musk and teach me about space travel in English using some South African slang”. * Speaking exercises use advanced speech recognition to analyze you voice and help you pronounce phrases correctly. * Word Order exercises teach you how to construct phrases interactively, providing hints if you get stuck. * Hear any phrase pronounced by tapping on it. Adjust the speed in Settings and select an accent for some languages such as Spanish (Spain, Latin America) and French (France, Canada). * Looking for a phrase that’s not in one of our lessons. We’ve got you covered. If your search comes up empty, a Translate link appears. Get the best AI-powered translations available in real-time. No other lesson based language learning app offers that. * Ask other users questions. Got a question about when to use a word or phrase in a specific context? No worries, post them to our forum and get feedback from native speakers around the world. * Track your progress and set goals. * Select favorite phrases to create your own study list. * Picture Exercises for people who learn best with visual cues. * Spelling exercises. Tap Check button for Hints. * Difficulty levels in Settings. * Lingidy is free forever but you can upgrade if you want to unlock bonus content or support our team of Linguistic Lovers from around the world. * Our mascot, Dolphy, has a rich and sophisticated vocabulary. Owls only seem to know one word, but Hooo’s counting ;-) Privacy Policy Terms of Service}
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Rating & Reviews

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102 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Ajay Kanav
05 Mar, 2025
I loved the user experience and user interface this app has. It is just a fun and easy way to learn a language. I am learning French so I am using their another Translator app as well which is really useful. It just makes language learning a part of your routine and which makes u consistent 💁🏻‍♀️✨
14 Sep, 2024
Trying to learn Italian. While in an Uber or train this is the perfect app to practice. 5/5.
Peter William S
05 Jul, 2024
Early days so far. Started at the Beginner level, although I do have some previous experience wit the language. The level of repetition on each phrase is good for learning and reinforcing. There are possibly too many button pushes to keep moving forward in the lesson, but I haven’t checked for short cuts in the Settings menu yet.
22 Jun, 2024
This app wants every phrase that’s said incorrect, it can’t hear anything and just wants to be an incorrect learning app which is not a learning app at all as it doesn’t even want anyone to be able to say anything in any language
26 Apr, 2024
This app helps me so much, its useful with many languages
09 Jul, 2023
This is a neat app for learning languages that goes beyond simple lessons. It has a chat mode that allows you to simulate a conversation and get corrected if you make mistakes. But there are a few formatting issues on iPad that could make it better. Just cosmetic stuff.
12 Jun, 2023
I tutor students online for a living, and a bunch of other things too so I appreciate good learning tools when I see them. Ligidy is a good app for several reason but I would say the best is that the lessons throw you some curveballs every so often to keep your attention. You can only hear « What is your name », « my name is » so many times, but what other app teaches you to say « Are you pregnant🤰🏽?» as part of a lesson called Making Enemies, which comes right after Making Friends. Lol The new chat feature is a fun way for student to learn a language and about other subjects of interest at the same time. This is the way to the future for language apps.
11 Jun, 2023
I downloaded this app a few months ago to learn Spanish and I like the lessons a lot. I noticed the recent upgrade had a new chat feature so I gave it a whirl. I tried chatting with Pablo Picasso in Spanish about art. So fun and really useful because it will correct you if you ask it to. If you don’t know what to say in Spanish you can just say it in English, and see what the translation would be. Hoping they will add voice so I can practice my pronunciation like for the exercises. Highly recommended 👍👍👍👍👍
Viking Woman
26 May, 2023
I tried previous versions of this app a while back to maintain my Swedish and I liked it a lot. But this version is amazing because you can just have a chat conversation in Swedish, or German French Italian whatever language and the app will respond in that language, and in English translation too so you can compare. And you can chat and respond in Swedish, or English if your Swedish isn’t great and it will translate it in real time. I read that you can ask the tutor to pretend to be any celebrity so I asked it to Bridget Bardot, and it did 😂😂😂😂😂 Hej Bridget, hür må du? Haha So funny, and the tutor can talk about things that only BB would know. And it says that the next version will have real voices, can’t wait for that.


Additional Information
Voted: 102
App Store Link:
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Travel, Education
Size: 80MB
iAP: 9.99 - 59.99 $
App Age: 3 years
Release Date: Mar 25, 2022
Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
Version: 3.3.46
Version history
Feb 17, 2025
Howdy Partners, We’ve made a few bug fixes and minor improvements in this release. - Fixed learn language selector which effected some users upgrading to iOS v18.1 - Localization and on-screen help improvements. - Other minor bug fixes. If you have any problems with this version, please email If you like free updates, please consider rating it 5-stars or email to tell us how to make it better. Marc Bolh, Founder Vidalingua
Mar 19, 2024
Howdy Partners, We’ve improved lesson exercises, fixed issues with picture exercises, and enhanced AI chat tutor in this version. - Enhanced hints for Write Exercises. Tap the Check button to show which letters are in the right positions and remove those which are not. - Fixed several Picture Exercises which had no correct answer or were displaying the wrong picture set. - Extended difficulty levels for Word Order Exercise. Beginners see capitalization and punctuation which makes it easy to order the words. Advanced users see an extra word button not included in the final phrase. - Added speaker icon to exercise screens to tap for pronunciation. Now you can hear it when you want instead of it playing automatically. - Implemented Help menu options in Say Exercises to pronounce phrases slower or faster. - Fixed bugs in Write Exercises that displayed blank placeholders incorrectly. - Implemented Correct feature for AI Tutor to check your phrases for grammatical errors. - Added Suggest feature to AI Chat Tutor so you can keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Tap Chat in the menu bar to access. - Added help bubble to explain Chat Suggest feature. Tap Suggest when you can’t think of something to say. - Improved send animation, icons, fonts and layout of AI Tutor. - Changed AI Tutor to always respond in the language you are learning, but you can always tap on Translate if you don’t understand something. - Fixed problem with ads appearing in certain circumstances during free trials. - Added Userguide to the drop-down menu at top right of screens. Tap the Dolphin icon to access. - Fixed problem displaying Ukrainian phrases. - Fixed issue of lesson names being displayed in English when iOS default language set to Ukrainian. - Fixed bug with AI Tutor > Chat > Translate for Portuguese and Hear. - Improved localization support. - Added free trial screen, after language selection, to unlock thousands of phrases, exercises and remove ads. - Added user guide option to several help menus. - Minor improvements to action icons, screen layouts and help bubble text. If you have any problems with this version, please email If you like free updates, please consider rating it 5-stars or email to tell us how to make it better. Marc Bolh, Founder Vidalingua
Version history