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Zombicide: Tactics & Shotguns

🇺🇸 United States
Asmodee Digital  | 
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App Age
6y 6m
Last Update
Apr 10, 2020
$1.99 - 2.99

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Zombicide: Tactics & Shotguns
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GET READY, GRAB YOUR WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT. THE TIME HAS COME FOR A... ZOMBICIDE! Discover a new single-player adventure based on the famous survival board game! In their quest for ever greater productivity, humans have genetically altered plants and animals, creating a new world infested by...Zombies! In this post-apocalyptic tactical RPG, you're part of a gang of survivors ready to do anything to stay alive! Cities in ruin, abandoned hideouts, creepy hospitals... Search for food, weapons and shelter in a world that's striving to kill you. You'll be the predator... And the prey! The good news is that Zombies are slow, stupid and predictable. The bad news is that there are dozens of them and the more you kill, the more there are! Do you want to survive? Get ready, complete all your mission objectives and exterminate them all. The only way out is…ZOMBICIDE! Features: • Follow the survivors' story line and unlock up to 4 characters. • Complete all 40 missions • Play characters with favorite weapons and unique abilities to master. • Face different types of zombies, like Walkers, Runners, Fatties and Abominations… And how will you defeat the Toxic Zombies?! • Chainsaws, shotguns, axes and katanas… All of your favorite weapons are waiting for you! • Ready for a challenge? Discover new ways to eliminate zombies thanks to new survivors, just waiting to join your team. Belle from Prison Outbreak, Julien from Angry Neighbors and others await you in the store. • Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Brazilian Portuguese. One thing is for sure: you're going to have some bad encounters…}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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306 voters

Some Latest Reviews

19 Apr, 2021
I paid the cost for the app and I dashed through all the levels in 4-5 days. Then...nothing. Games over. All you can do is grind to keep upgrading, but the amount you need to upgrade one character could take 2-3 hours of grinding. For what? So you can play the same levels you’ve already mastered? No difficulty levels. Nothing. Then I bought some DLC characters thinking they might open new areas. Nope. Then I decided to start over with one of the DLC characters and the UI freezes after you give Rauol the command to fire on a few zombies in the first level. I loved this game while I was playing it and I love the board game but this version burns out fast and is really buggy. Contacted support, not even a ‘we’ll get back to you soon’ email.
Hardcastle Ham
31 Mar, 2021
Good adaptation, but after a few missions it became way too easy. I never bought any characters, but I did sign into asmodee to get one extra character for free. He ended up being by far the most powerful character. Please add more missions, maybe difficulty selection, ability to search in any room, and incorporate more aspects of the board game to make it a little more challenging (eg only certain weapons can kill fatties...etc) Overall nice job; the game was fun
lili du 63
17 Feb, 2021
Même si c'est pas exactement comme la version plateau, la mécanique est la même. C'est trop bien. Bien choisir quoi améliorer pour être au top. Vous indiquez dans les achats intégrés les nouvelles maps, mais quand pourra-t-on les avoir? J'ai finis le jeu et j'ai encore envie de dégommeriez du zombie. Je le conseille surtout à ceux qui connaissent déjà le jeu car pas de tutoriel ni explications générales du jeu. Une sauvegarde serait l'idéal aussi. Toujours pas la possibilité d'avoir les extensions de ville alors que vous le notez dans l'app store du jeu. Ca fait plus d'un an que j'attends de pouvoir jouer aux bundles? Quand est-ce qu'elles seront dispo?
21 Jan, 2021
Great game, great fun, limitless action, nice graphics but... if you finish the game and want to retry playing from the start on completed campaign (not start campaign from the scratch) with character that is leveled up and has advanced weapon you get stuck at 1st level (tutorial one). Closing and reopening the game just returns me to this exact level which means I cannot play this anymore. Steps to repro the issue: Playing with “Raul” character (paid one), equipped with military sniper cannot shoot zombies in tutorial level, and all other buttons are not selectable so I cannot move from that pane. 1 Star as I have uninstall and install back and my in game purchases are lost
05 Jan, 2021
I just checked back to see if there was more content yet but no such luck. I played through twice but I am done for now. I would for sure pay for an expansion if they released one.
22 Dec, 2020
One of my most favourite ports! Brilliant fun and damn hard! Loved it! Please please make some add ons. New missions, etc! Thanks
11 Nov, 2020
This is awesome. If you like the Zombicide games, you will definitely spend some time in this app trying to finish the campaign.
09 Nov, 2020
I gave Zombicide 4 stars, because it is fun to play, but it has some glaring omissions: [1] Lack of rules and other information. Unlike pretty much every other adaptation of a board game that I’ve played, it has no rule book, and other than a brief tutorial at the beginning, offers very little in the way of info — especially what the icons mean. [2] No options. Other than music and sound effects volume, there is a complete lack of game options, including badly needed options like Auto Zoom on/off and Always Skip Zombie Spawn Animation on/off. There are also quite a few frustrating things about the game (many of which are related to the 2 major omissions I mentioned above) : [1] The way it auto zooms in the map every time you do anything is extremely annoying. I zoom the map out, so I can actually see what’s going on enough to play the game, and then every time I move or attack, or if it changes characters, or ANYTHING ELSE HAPPENS, the map zooms back in. I suppose some people may prefer this, but surely there could be an option. [2.1] I can’t figure out what some of the icons mean or how some aspects of the game work. I *think* the exclamation flag beside a weapon means there’s a better weapon available, but sometimes none of the other weapons are as good as the one I have selected (or else having a “better” weapon is pointless, because if they’re not dual-wield, and the “best” weapon for your off-hand is the same type as your main-hand, how does that benefit you?). Likewise, trying to find out which weapons can be upgraded (and how far) is very confusing. A small note in the rules (and actually *having* rules) would fix this. [2.2] I figured out that the background colours show if a weapon is Common or Uncommon, and that an Uncommon weapon of the same level is better, but it wasn’t obvious. And I *think* I’ve sort of figured out if a weapon can be upgraded once or more than once (if the details show a number and a padlock, I think it can be upgraded to that level and some number of levels beyond that, and I think no padlock means the next level is as far as it can be upgraded). Again, having rules would fix this. [2.3] Some of the information is available in strange or limited ways. For example, you can upgrade a weapon from the Character page of the character who is wielding it, but you can’t see whether or not it can be upgraded more than once, without going back to the Weapons section and tapping the weapon there. For some reason, this information is not shown on the weapon card itself and/or the detailed weapon info. Likewise, you can only view the detailed weapon info for equipped weapons on the Character’s page. Why? Putting the “info” icon on the weapon cards wherever they’re displayed (especially when choosing from the list of weapons to equip) would eliminate this problem and make it much easier to decide which weapon to use. Having to equip each weapon in order to see its details is *very* annoying (and unnecessary). [3] This game definitely needs an Options section. In addition to being able to keep the map zoomed out (ie. turn off Auto Zoom), it would be nice if I could always skip the Zombie Spawn Animation, instead of having to click “skip” every single time (and if I don’t do it fast enough, the map scrolls around and I have to try to get it back where I had it). I realise some players probably prefer the current behaviour, which is why I suggest having options for them. It would also be nice to have an Auto Repeat Attack on/off option. Many times I try to scroll the screen after an attack and it rolls the attack dice instead. It would be useful to have an option to prevent that next attack roll from popping up automatically. Another useful option would be Auto Scroll on/off (although Auto Zoom on/off and Always Skip Spawn Animation are *way* more important). I don’t really need to see zombies moving on the other side of the map. I’d much rather move the map around myself, to see what I want to see. There are several other more minor improvements that could be made, but they’re far less important (and this is already a lengthy list), so I won’t go into them here. Zombicide really is a good game, and I have fun playing it (in spite of the annoyances and frustrations), but with a few additions (primarily Rules/info and Options), it could be a great game!
28 Oct, 2020
Une maj s’il vous plaît! N’abandonnez pas vos jeux!!! Très très bonne adaptation! Très très bon jeu! Merci de ne pas avoir faire un paye to win. On achète, on joue, point. J’entends râler sur le prix des dlc... Je trouve que le jeu de base n’est vraiment pas très cher pour ce qu’il apporte. Je comprends que les dev se rattrape sur les dlc. D’ailleurs si vous pouviez nous développer celui des tortues ninja sorti en physique mais uniquement en pré achat, ce serait le pied pour ceux qui les ont ratés !! ;.) Est ce qu’une maj est prévue? De nouveaux niveaux?


Additional Information
Voted: 306
App Store Link:
Price: 4.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Board, Games, Entertainment, Strategy
Size: -
iAP: 1.99 - 2.99 $
App Age: 6 years 6 months
Release Date: Aug 28, 2018
Last Update: Apr 10, 2020
Version history
Apr 10, 2020
First release
May 20, 2019
This update brings many fixes : - When you loot a weapon, statistics are now normaly displayed. - When you loot a weapon, it now appears properly in you inventory. - During a melee fight, player is not stuck anymore if he has some remaning hits. - Objectives in Mission 8-2 and Mission 8-5 can now be properly validated. Thanks again for your support !
Version history