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Camelot Pro

🇺🇸 United States
Audio Modeling Srl  | 
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6y 3m
Last Update
Dec 16, 2024

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Title (
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Camelot Pro
Subtitle (
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Live performance management
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Characters: 3480 of 4000
Camelot is an application created to address the most complex live performance needs with a simple and guided workflow. It combines in one app, a convenient and beautifully designed digital performance workstation that in the past could only be achieved with a complex setup made of connecting different applications and devices together. Camelot is a Setlist Manager, a Software Instrument & FX Host, a PDF Music Score reader, a Multitrack Audio Player, and the most advanced Audio/MIDI Patchbay and Router. All in one piece of software: ● Hardware Instrument presets: select your instrument Smart Map and go! With no MIDI knowledge! ● Software instruments and effects (AUv3) Play with your favorite software sounds & FX (Auv3 format) and enjoy switching from one scene to another WITHOUT SOUND INTERRUPTION! ● MIDI keyboards and MPE controllers: connect any MIDI controller directly or with a USB hub; ● Advanced MIDI routing: duplicate, filter, and route any MIDI messages with ease; ● Powerful MIDI Transformers: Message Transformers convert CC messages from one number to another. Trigger a chord by pressing one note Remap/rescale any CC or velocity curve. Easily play different scales or harmonize/shift parts; ● MIDI and Bluetooth remote controls: Remote scene switching, start/stop buttons, or assign track levels to external pedals, faders, or controllers; ● Smart Scene Switching: It’s a unique feature on iOS!!! There is no AUv3 host capable of switching sound with NO AUDIO INTERRUPTION and clever MIDI messages management, that does not truncate MIDI instances & routing. Stop using production tools for live performances! ● Tempo Sync with MIDI Clock and Ableton Link, with dedicated output for metronome (click) ● Lyrics and Chords attachments with custom annotations: each Scene recalls PDF or images that you can visualize during the performance. The attached file can be saved at the desired zoom level and scroll position. Stop using paper chord, lyrics, or music score books! ● Audio backing tracks, Timeline & Automations: attach Audio Tracks, add auto-play and auto-stop markers, and even add Scene automation. You can have multiple audio tracks with separate audio outputs and, at the same time, use the Timeline to automate Scene switches at specific points in the sequence; ● Audio Inputs and Routing: Manage any audio input source: mic, guitar, bass, or hardware synth. Add effects to any internal or external audio source in Camelot. Endless audio routing options with dedicated audio send connectors; ● Manage your Performance with ease: Forget about the complications of last-minute Setlist changes. Rearrange, move and duplicate Songs with simple Drag & Drop directly on each Setlist. How Camelot is organized: ● Setlists - a collection of Songs ● Songs - can have one or more Scenes that each include a Timeline. When you select a Song in Camelot, you load all the resources needed to play that Song (i.e., Virtual Instruments, FX, and Audio Tracks). ● Scenes - recall and organize Hardware instruments presets, MIDI connections, Software plugin presets, and Music Score Attachments. You can switch freely from one Scene to another with no interruption in the sound. ● Layers - the building blocks of each Scene. Layers allow the connection between MIDI Input Controllers and the Items. Layers manage the MIDI and Audio flow for all the Items that are loaded on them. ● Items - Individual Hardware or Software Instruments and FX.}
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Rating & Reviews

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151 voters

Some Latest Reviews

04 Aug, 2024
Complimenti davvero, software completo, intelligente ed affidabile.. Per me ormai imprescindibile. Grazie e continuate così
22 Jul, 2024
Absolument pas ergonomique. Absolument pas intuitif. Peu fiable. Trop cher par rapport à la concurrence.
08 Jul, 2023
Da musicista totalmente dedito all’hardware sono passato ad un setup agilissimo costituito da iPad e due controller midi, CamelotPro é l’unico HOST che mi permette di avere tutte le mie app al mio servizio in qualsivoglia setlist ben organizzate e pronte all’uso, gestisco sequenze’ suoni live, effetti e minitoring. Must have
John Chase-Bois
08 Jul, 2023
This app is essentially MainStage for IOS but better. Please keep going with this App development!
14 Jun, 2023
Je viens d’acquérir Camelot-pro. Travaillant depuis longtemps sur Multitracker, je joue guitare et chant sur des backing-tracks audios. Tout de suite ce que trouve comme manque. Pas de version française. Pour moi rédhibitoire. Pas de possibilités d’ėqualiser ou de compresser la piste backing track. Gros manque au vue des possibilités de cette application. Multitracker le fait ! Pour le reste je dėcouvre l’application et je vais essayer de monter un set. Cordialement
06 Apr, 2023
I really like the concept with setlist–song–scene structure. That way, you can have setlist level AU plug-ins, only load them once, and switch presets or adjust parameters without having to reload everything for every song in a live performance. At least that‘s the theory — in practice that functionality is severely lacking. You can only send raw midi from other layers to the setlist rack plug-ins. There are very few plug-ins, especially FX, that accept midi program changes or CCs. Camelot can expose parameters in their UI, but doesn‘t allow binding to midi controller, as is the case in AUM for example. For example, I have a master bus layer in the setlist rack with an EQ plug-in, but no way to control it via MIDI CC. Even the built in EQ in the mixer can‘t be remote controlled…
Marc Chestnut
04 Apr, 2021
Da sucht man Jahrelang nach einer App um seine Keys und Synthies Live zu verwalten - und denkt: Bin ich der Einzige, der dieses Problem hat? Camelot ist wirklich super! Alleine seine Basis-Funktionalität, MIDI Funktionen und Setlist Management rechtfertigen den Preis. Gut, dass auch noch ein Metronom mit an Board ist. Die Backing-Track Funktion habe ich noch nicht genutzt, werde ich aber auch demnächst testen. Ich habe Camelot seit gut einem Jahr im Einsatz.
02 Apr, 2021
.... seit Monaten suche ich ein Programm mit Setlist, Notenanzeige und der Möglichkeit schnell Klänge und Effekte während des Spielens zu wechseln. Alle bisherigen Käufe zeigten sich als nicht ausreichend geeignet für meinen Spielablauf. Und dann entdecke ich zufällig CAMELOT. In diesem Programm steckt alles was man zum Darbieten von Songs benötigt und vieles mehr. Eine Setlist wird mit Songs gefüllt. Diese werden in Scenes aufgeteilt ( z.B. Intro, Chorus, Ending usw.) Jede Scene enthält Layer mit Instrumenten, Software-Instrumenten, Effekten, Einstellungen, sowie die Möglichkeit Bilder oder PDF mit Noten darzustellen. Zusätzlich lassen sich übergreifende Layer für den Song und für die Setlist erstellen. In der Timeline entsteht der gesamte Song. Es lassen sich Audiodateien importieren um z.B. zu einem Playback zu spielen. Die einzelnen Scenes werden nun zeitgenau im Songablauf positioniert. Startet man den Song so finden alle Klangänderungen, Instrumentenwechsel, Effektvariationen präzise an der richtigen Stelle im Song automatisch statt. Die Notendarstellung wechselt bei Bedarf natürlich ebenso flexibel mit. Jede einzelne Scene kann eine individuelle Ansicht der Noten enthalten. Mit diesem Programm steht das Spielen im Vordergrund - der Rest erfolgt automatisch. Ich empfehle die HP des Herstellers um umfangreiche Informationen zu erhalten. Für die professionelle Umsetzung erscheint mir der Preis für dieses "Werkzeug" mehr als angemessen.
Raja Rapaka
27 Feb, 2021
My Outdated review : “once released , not taking care of updates. now it does not work with audio interface and god know when they fix it.” My present review: “I am changing my review as with the latest update 2.02 they fixed all the issues including audio interface issue and also personally contacted me about it. Great support and wish them good luck. “


Additional Information
Voted: 151
App Store Link:
Price: 29.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Music, Utilities
Size: 48MB
App Age: 6 years 3 months
Release Date: Dec 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 16, 2024
Version: 2.2.14
Version history
Dec 16, 2024
NEW: - Updated Roland Fantom Map (Bank ACB 004 JUNO-106) FIX: - Resolved "no audio" issue: sanitized audio data in cases of invalid input. - Fixed a potential crash when closing global settings. - Fixed a potential crash when quitting the app. - Corrected Numa Compact SE and X SE external parts index. - Fixed potential crashes when clicking on "Done" and other buttons. - Fixed parameter status saving for the Pitch Bend remapping table. - Resolved a crash in the Pitch Bend remapping table - Fixed remapping table behavior by ensuring the minimum and maximum values are within the 0–127 range
Nov 06, 2024
NEW: - Default to 100% wet for audio effects - Updated Roland Fantom map - Added Numa Compact SE and Numa Compact X SE maps - Unicode strings support (including Chinese and Japanese fonts) FIX: - Update item height in order to show the entire borders.
Version history