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Mystery Tales: Eye of the Fire (Full) - Hidden

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Big Fish Games, Inc  | 
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7y 11m
Last Update
Apr 15, 2020

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Mystery Tales: Eye of the Fire (Full) - Hidden
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Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases! You’ve been asked to help a young woman who’s lately been troubled by some very unusual nightmares. Apparently, she’s being harassed by the spirit of a witch who died centuries ago, with eyes that burn like fire. This dark sorceress is trying to use poor Katharina to come back from the dead and exact her vengeance on the world, and you must put a stop to it before it’s too late! • IT’S A BATTLE OF GOOD AND EVIL WITCHES! Is Katharina really the first true witch to be born in centuries? Is that why Madlena wants to steal that power for her own nefarious plans? • CAN YOU SAVE THIS INNOCENT SOUL? Break the deadly curse through haunting hidden object scenes. • USE YOUR SPECIAL GLASSES TO PEER INTO THE PAST This mystical device will help you solve magical puzzles and bewitching mini-games. • PUT A STOP TO MORE WITCHES IN THE ENCHANTED BONUS CHAPTER Contain a deadly plague and enjoy additional Collector’s Edition exclusives including collectible Tarot Cards, morphing objects, and more! *** Discover more from Big Fish! *** Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Big Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more at! Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:}
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Rating & Reviews

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58 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Jilly Jell
12 Mar, 2023
Great game. Highly recommend it. Loved the story & graphics.
Simi parth
23 Mar, 2020
Great game! Very interactive. No problem with game play on ipad 5th Gen.
02 Jan, 2020
Du blir kallad till Menzbruck för att hjälpa en kvinna som haft hemska mardrömmar. Det verkar som om en länge sedan död häxa försöker komma tillbaka till livet med hjälp av henne. Nu måste du försöka stoppa henne genom att undersöka stadens förflutna. Välgjort, även om en del figurer är lite klippdockeartade när de pratar. Kanske är storyn en smula tunn. Minispelet på datorn, när du ska förbinda tre kretsar är svårt i sig, men det blir olidligt svårt eftersom om du försöker ta de nedersta bitarna så blir du lätt utkastad ur spelet - och när du återvänder är allt återställt och du får börja om från början. Det blir fel sorts spänning. Om det är så lätt att bli utkastad, borde du inte förlora det du gjort. I bonusäventyret dyker tre andra häxors andar upp och försöker komma tillbaka med hjälp av de krafter de gömt i varsin artefakt. Nu måste du hindra dem och förstöra artefakterna. Frekvensspelet verkar inte gå att göra i hard mode. I andra delen där kurvorna skulle matchas hände inget hur lika de än var. Gjorde exakt samma moment i easy mode och då funkade det - behövde inte ens ställa in den gröna kurvan. Ganska långa laddningstider mellan scenerna. Väldigt olika svårighetsgrad på minispelen, en del var rejält lätta i hard mode, andra extremt svåra. Det går inte att ta samlarföremålen efteråt, om du skulle missat något. Lite obehagligt känns det att spelet verkar propagera för tortyr. I värsta fall, åtminstone - för att få en häxa att erkänna. Men det är ju välbekant att tortyr i slutändan kan få vem som helst att erkänna vad som helst, skyldig eller oskyldig.
01 Jan, 2020
Wie jemand ein Spiel machen kann, dass die inquisituon als „die Guten“ darstellt und alle Hexen als mordlustige, durch und durch böse Frauen, deren einziger Lebenszweck es ist Menschen zu töten, während die „guten“Inquisitoren die Verteidiger der Menschheit sind, ist mir unbegreiflich. Mir ist echt übel geworden von dem Spiel. Es gibt einen neuen Trend konservative, rechte oder einfach menschenfeindliche ideologie unterschwellig in Spiele zu packen (neulich hab ich ein „Spiel“gespielt, bei dem der „Gegner“, den man töten muss ein Stamm von Frauen ist, die sich weigern das zu machen, was Männer sagen. Widerliches „Spiel“). Hier ist es noch nicht mal unterschwellig. Die inquisition war ein grausames, dunkles Kapitel und hat unzählige, unschuldige Menschen das Leben gekostet. Und ich will kein Spiel spielen, bei dem die die „Helden“ sind.


Additional Information
Voted: 58
App Store Link:
Price: 6.99 $
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Privacy Policy:
Categories: Adventure, Games, Entertainment, Puzzle
Size: -
App Age: 7 years 11 months
Release Date: Mar 29, 2017
Last Update: Apr 15, 2020
Version: 1.0.5
Version history
Apr 15, 2020
- modification de la page "magazine municipal" - correction de bugs mineurs.
Mar 29, 2017

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Hidden Objects 38 Witches' Legacy: Awakening Darkness HD - Hidden 28 Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams - Hidden Objects, Adventure & Mystery 38 House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside HD - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 18 Fear for Sale: The House on Black River 24 Hidden Expedition: The Fountain of Youth (Full) 23 Labyrinths of the World: Changing the Past HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 28 Bridge to Another World: The Others - A Hidden Object Adventure 38 Mystery of the Ancients: Mud Water Creek (Full) 38 Myths of the World: The Heart of Desolation Collector's Edition - A Hidden Object Mystery 38 Midnight Castle - Mystery Game 64 Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone HD - A Magical Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 18 Nevertales: Smoke and Mirrors - A Hidden Objects Storybook Adventure 32 Mystery Trackers: Winterpoint Tragedy - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 28 Sable Maze: Sinister Knowledge HD - Hidden Objects 18 Phantasmat: The Endless Night HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 28 The Curio Society: New Order HD (Full) - Adventure 18 Surface: Alone in the Mist - A Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 38 Reflections of Life: Tree of Dreams - Hidden Game 38 Haunted Hotel: The X 15 Danse Macabre: Crimson Cabaret - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 18 Christmas Stories: Puss in Boots HD - A Magical Hidden Object Game (Full) 28 House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside HD - A Hidden Object Adventure 18 Off The Record: The Art of Deception - A Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 29 Dark Parables: Goldilocks and Fallen Star (Full) 38 Sea of Lies: Tide of Treachery - A Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 28 Secrets of the Dark: The Flower of Shadow (Full) 18 Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman - A Colorful Hidden Object Mystery 28 Cadenza: Havana Nights (Full) 29 Danse Macabre: Deadly Deception - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 38 Dark Realm: Queen of Flames HD - A Mystical Hidden Object Adventure 28 Nevertales: The Beauty Within - A Supernatural Mystery Game 28 Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams HD - Hidden Objects, Adventure & Mystery 28 Grim Tales: Bloody Mary - 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A Mystery Hidden Object Game 38 Shiver: Lily's Requiem - A Hidden Objects Mystery 38 Toy Story Drop! 15 8 Ball Smash 5 Witches' Legacy: The Dark Throne HD (Full) 18 The Keeper of Antiques: The Revived Book HD 28 Haunted Hotel: Eternity - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 28 Punished Talents: Stolen Awards HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 18 Dark Dimensions: Blade Master HD (Full) - Hidden 18 Dangerous Games: Illusionist HD - A Magical Hidden Object Mystery 28 The Curio Society: The Thief of Life - Hidden 28 Cadenza: The Kiss of Death - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 38 Vampire Legends: Untold Story of Elizabeth (Full) 28 Phantasmat: Behind the Mask (Full) 34 Haunted Hotel: The X (Full) 34 Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt - A Hidden Objects Adventure 28 Surface: Reel Life HD - A Supernatural Hidden Object Mystery 18 Twilight Phenomena: The Incredible Show - A Magical Hidden Object Game 38 Nevertales: Smoke and Mirrors HD - A Hidden Objects Storybook Adventure (Full) 18 Dark Parables: The Little Mermaid and the Purple Tide HD - A Magical Hidden Objects Game (Full) 18 Solitaire Blast – Fairway Card 32 Echoes of the Past: Wolf Healer HD (Full) 18 Emberwing: Lost Legacy - A Hidden Object Adventure with Dragons 38 Mystery Trackers: Raincliff's Phantoms - A Supernatural Detective Game 28 Rite of Passage: Heart of the Storm (Full) 38 Spirit of Revenge: Cursed Castle HD - A Hidden Object Mystery Game 18 Sable Maze: Sullivan River HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Adventure 18 Grim Facade: Monster in Disguise - Hidden Objects 34 Grim Facade: The Artist and The Pretender HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 18 Dead Reckoning: Broadbeach Cove (Full) - Adventure 38 Mystery Tales: The Twilight World HD - A Hidden Object Adventure 28 Revived Legends: Titan's Revenge - An Epic Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 18 Labyrinths of the World: Changing the Past HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 18 Dead Reckoning: Silvermoon Isle HD - A Hidden Objects Detective Game 28 The Secret Order: The Buried Kingdom HD (Full) 18 Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt HD - A Hidden Objects Adventure 18 Mystery Trackers: Paxton Creek Avengers - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 38 Ominous Objects: Trail of Time HD 22 Redemption Cemetery: At Death's Door Hidden (Full) 24 Phantasmat: The Dread of Oakville - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 38 Revived Legends: Titan's Revenge - An Epic Hidden Object Adventure 28 League of Light: Wicked Harvest HD - A Spooky Hidden Object Game 26 Living Legends: Wrath of the Beast HD - A Magical Hidden Object Adventure 28 Dangerous Games: Illusionist HD - A Magical Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 18 Beyond: Light Advent Collector's Edition (Full) 38 Danse Macabre: Crimson Cabaret HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 28 Christmas Stories: The Gift of the Magi 29 Awakening: The Golden Age - A Magical Hidden Objects Game 33 Maze: Subject 360 HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 28 Myths of the World: The Heart of Desolation - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 38 ◆ Solitaire ◆ 9 Secrets of the Dark: The Flower of Shadow 18 Cadenza: Music, Betrayal, and Death HD - A Hidden Object Detective Adventure 23 Christmas Stories: The Gift of the Magi (Full) 28 Christmas Stories: Puss in Boots HD - A Magical Hidden Object Game 28 Midnight Calling: Jeronimo 34 Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-tale Heart - A Hidden Object Mystery 28 Bridge to Another World: The Others - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 28 Deep Sea Solitaire 39 Web of Deceit: Deadly Sands - A Hidden Objects Adventure 28 Phantasmat: The Endless Night - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 38 Amaranthine Voyage: The Shadow of Torment - A Magical Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 28 Web of Deceit: Deadly Sands HD - A Hidden Objects Adventure 23 Dead Reckoning: The Crescent Case - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 34 Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 28 Phantasmat: The Dread of Oakville - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 28 Fear for Sale: The Dusk Wanderer - Hidden Objects 38 Mystery of the Ancients: Three Guardians HD - A Hidden Object Game App with Adventure, Puzzles & Hidden Objects for iPad 28 Phantasmat: Behind the Mask 17 Shiver: Lily's Requiem HD - A Hidden Objects Mystery 18 Danse Macabre: Thin Ice - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 18 League of Light: Silent Mountain - A Hidden Object Mystery (Full) 38 Nevertales: Shattered Image HD - A Hidden Object Storybook Adventure 23 Fear For Sale: The 13 Keys HD - A Scary Hidden Object Mystery 28 The Secret Order: The Buried Kingdom HD 18 Rite of Passage: The Lost Tides - A Mystery Hidden Object Adventure (Full) 28 Grim Tales: Color of Fright HD - A Hidden Object Thriller 28 Sea of Lies: Beneath the Surface (Full) 38 Edge of Reality: Ring of Destiny (Full) - Hidden 28 Nevertales: The Beauty Within HD - A Supernatural Mystery Game 28 Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams - Hidden Objects, Adventure & Mystery (Full) 38 Grim Tales: The Heir - A Mystery Hidden Object Game 38 Awakening: The Redleaf Forest HD - A Magical Hidden Object Adventure 18 Midnight Calling: Anabel - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) 28 Amaranthine Voyage: The Obsidian Book - A Hidden Object Adventure 38 Gummy Drop! Match 3 Puzzles 39 Cadenza: Havana Nights 25 Jackpot Magic Slots™ & Casino 52 Fashion Crafters 33 Big Fish Casino: Slots Games 50 Hef de vloek op in tuiniergame 43 Cooking Craze: Restaurant Game 23 Cascade Gem & Jewel Adventure 35 Ultimate Survivors: TD Battle 50 Match Upon a Time Game 59 Puzzles & Passports: Match 3 44