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Dune: Imperium

🇺🇸 United States
Dire Wolf Digital LLC  | 
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App Age
1 year
Last Update
Mar 05, 2025
$11.99 - 11.99

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Title (
Characters: 14 of 30
Dune: Imperium
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Description (
Characters: 1292 of 4000
Immerse yourself in the world of Dune. Experience the ultimate blend of strategy and intrigue as you navigate the treacherous landscapes of Arrakis in the award-winning board game Dune: Imperium! Battle online, locally with AI, or against the formidable House Hagal. Earn Achievements that showcase your prowess as a leader. Embark on more than a dozen Challenges that will test your wit and cunning. Compete for badges in the rotating Skirmish Mode where no two games are the same! Control the Spice. Control the Universe. Arrakis. Dune. Desert Planet. Raise your banner above the vast wasteland before you. As the Great Houses of the Landsraad marshal their forces and their spies, whom will you influence, and whom will you betray? A tyrannical Emperor. The secretive Bene Gesserit. The shrewd Spacing Guild. The ferocious Fremen of the Deep Desert. The power of the Imperium can be yours, but war is not the only way to claim it. Dune: Imperium blends deck-building and worker placement in a deeply thematic new strategy game where the fate of the Empire hangs on your decisions. Will you seek political allies or rely upon military might? Economic strength or subtle intrigues? A council seat… or a sharpened blade? The cards are dealt. The choice is yours. The Imperium awaits.}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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7 519 voters

Some Latest Reviews

05 Mar, 2025
Don’t get me wrong. The UI is beautiful, however when you have tech tiles actions available, the only way to know is if there’s a green mist coming out of your deck/avatar area. You have to tap on your tech tiles to bring them all lined up, and then the available will be glowing gold. Also the cards that allows you to take another immediate turn is glitchy. Sometimes works and sometimes it doesn’t. Overall I love this game, and anyone that owns, and has played the board games should try this. Despite the ui, which also has weird window size limitations on the mac, it’s an amazing game. I know it’s only going to get better.
02 Mar, 2025
Fantastic adaptation of the Dune universe into a strategic resource management card game. Great game vs AI … after you beat the game on all difficulty modes and leaders… try the custom modes next (at least the first level) Get it now!!!!
02 Mar, 2025
Great game. It has a good tutorial that helps you learn how to play it. Not many games have a good or great tutorial. Soundtrack is great. Game runs and plays great. I haven’t came across any bugs or glitches whilst playing. Flawlessly game.
Club Ts.
28 Feb, 2025
The game itself is fun, but please add restore purchases feature in order to enjoy the expansion among multiple devices within the same account.
28 Feb, 2025
After seeing the reviews and how good the board game is, I thought it wasn’t for me. How wrong was my initial thoughts. There is nothing to dislike about the game and the digital version….adds no setup time and easy to play. Can’t recommend this enough. I’m never going to get bored of this.
Amiral Ping
28 Feb, 2025
[edit du 28/02/2025] Bonjour, La mise à jour qui vient d'être déployée par Dire Wolf, ne corrige en aucun cas les problèmes d'ores et déjà signalés. Pire même, elle en rajoute. Dire Wolf ne tient donc définitivement pas compte des commentaires qui lui sont adressés. Tout cela est fort regrettable. L'Extension Avènement de IX qui coûte tout de même 10€ de plus et permet d'accéder aux parties classées, sape littéralement tout plaisir du jeu de stratégie issu de la version standard, et ceci au seul profit d'un jeu de hasard où seuls les plus chanceux l'emporteront. Cordialement. [edit off] [edit du 07/02/2025] Hello, Definitely. 30 minutes of waiting to be able to play a ranked game. I paid you €22 to be able to use this game and its expansion, knowing that I already use the board version of the game. This game, just like its expansion, must therefore be available at all times; it is a principle when you pay a certain amount of money to be able to benefit from a service. Also, having to wait 30 minutes before Dire Wolf finally decides to make a new session accessible when you are available now, is a flagrant abuse of power on your part. Keep it up, and you will disappoint many players very soon with such a commercial policy that does not respect its customers in any way; rumors travel quickly you know, and they do not wait 30 minutes before going from one relay point to another. Not to mention the bugs reported and not corrected. Not to mention the game modes used for the ranked games of the Advent of IX which are expeditious and therefore make the game a simple game of chance and disappointing, while you would just have to switch the ranked games to epic mode in order to mitigate the negative effects of chance; cf. my previous opinions which you seem to totally ignore. Kind regards. [edit off] [edit du 01/02/2025] Bonjour. Je réduis ma note à 1 tant que Dire Wolf ne réagit pas et ne corrige pas le déséquilibre du jeu provoqué par l'extension Avènement de lX qui nous coûte tout de même 10€ supplémentaires pour rien. Cette extension rend le jeu totalement inintéressant car elle en fait un jeu bien plus de hasard que de stratégie, du fait de héros déséquilibrés, de la présence de cartes bien trop puissantes, d'un mode tournois limité à seulement 10 points de victoires pour l'emporter et non 12, sans parler des bugs d'ergonomie qu'elle introduit dans le jeu. En outre, Dire Wolf ne tient absolument pas compte des avis qui sont adressés à son support clients via l'interface du jeu ; la dernière mise à jour ne corrige rien de tout cela. C'est regrettable. Le jeu de base (12€) est nettement meilleur et mérite le qualificatif de chef-d'œuvre, si ce n'est qu'il est impossible d'y jouer en mode tournois. L'extension (10€) quant à elle ruine stratégiquement le jeu et en fait un simple jeu de hasard ou le plus chanceux l'emportera toujours, surtout en mode tournois où le mode épique n'est pas permis. Tout cela est gros comme le nez sur la figure. Regardez les résultats des matchs pour vous en convaincre. C'est tout l'intérêt d'une version logicielle du jeu. Réagissez ! Corrigez cela ! [edit off] 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Ayant déjà acquis la version plateau de ce jeu hors norme, mais avec beaucoup de mal pour trouver des personnes sachant y jouer, voire se montrant au moins capables d'en assimiler tous les contours de ses règles, je me suis dit, pourquoi ne pas prendre un petit raccourci en essayant cette adaptation logiciel du jeu. Et voilà comment une petite dépense supplémentaire de seulement 11€99, se révèle être une formidable nouvelle aventure au cœur de l'univers de science-fiction de Dune Imperium ! Un didacticiel à la fois complet et détaillé. Une ambiance à la fois visuelle et sonore digne du film de Denis Villeneuve et de la bande son de Hans Zimmer. Une ergonomie impeccable, que ce soit contre l'IA ou bien contre d'autres joueurs. C'est un pur chef-d'œuvre ! Comment pourrait-on ne pas consacrer d'une aussi belle, voire magnifique manière, l'œuvre toute entière de Frank Herbert ? Eh ! bien DIRE WOLF l'a fait ! Ce n'est plus une dépense ! Là c'est un investissement ! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
28 Feb, 2025
I have nothing but good words for this game. It’s deeply strategic, addictive, extremely replay-able. Well worth the money.
27 Feb, 2025
Well then. So much for testing! VP animations, resource award animations were broken in 2.2. Come on guys.
23 Feb, 2025
This game is amazing! The reason I am giving it four stars instead of five is the lack of local multiplayer (aka hot seat or pass-and-play). This would be the perfect game to play with friends or family on a long plane flight otherwise. I am amazed at how well it works on the small screen of an iPhone. Two bugs: 1. Cards in hand sometimes obscure leftmost intrigue cards, making them unplayable 2. Hard AI sometimes goes all in on combats that are clearly not worth winning. (E.g., 4 solari)


Additional Information
Voted: 7.52K
App Store Link:
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Categories: Board, Games, Strategy
Size: 595MB
iAP: 11.99 - 11.99 $
App Age: 1 year
Release Date: Mar 13, 2024
Last Update: Mar 05, 2025
Version: 2.2.6
Version history
Mar 05, 2025
Bug fixes
Mar 04, 2025
This fixes some community bugs.
Version history