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All Birds PR -> Antigua

🇺🇸 United States
Mullen & Pohland GbR  | 
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4y 10m
Last Update
Apr 04, 2021

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All Birds PR -> Antigua
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Puerto Rico + NE West Indies
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Characters: 3517 of 4000
Also Barbuda, Montserrat, Sint Eustatius, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Barthélemy and Saba. It encompasses common birds but also all migrants, vagrants, and established introduced species. This bilingual (English and Spanish) app provides at your fingertips a mini-encyclopedia with extensive text as well as visual and audio resources. Each species is represented by an individual species account featuring a total of 2,570 superb images depicting distinct plumages including variations and subspecies, distribution maps, and bird sounds. This app updates and expands on the groundbreaking book and app “Puerto Rico’s Birds in Photographs: an Illustrated Guide including the Virgin Islands” by Professor Mark Oberle. With over a million downloads and over 100 apps published to date, Sunbird Images has become the true market leader in mobile field guides. SUNBIRD apps have been featured over 300 times by Apple in different countries, and appeared in many magazines and newspapers such as the Times of London and the Telegraph. The apps are described as "incredibly useful" by ITV's Seth Convey and "lovely" by Adam Vaughan of the Guardian. This app is part of the Sunbird Images BLUE LABEL series. Our BLUE LABEL series offers top notch digital field guides which provide the most comprehensive data available for a region or taxon. They are known for completeness including even the very rare species and vagrants which have only been recorded once in a region. Even rare species are illustrated and described, with a full species account. FEATURES • Includes all 415 bird species of Puerto Rico and the northeastern Lesser Antilles • 2,570 images show subspecies + geographic, age and sex variants • 455 recordings of bird songs and calls- Dynamic spectrograms of all songs and calls • Detailed distribution maps of Puerto Rican breeders • Species accounts enriched with references for further study • Select species lists for any combination of 10 islands: Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Anguilla, St. Martin, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Sint Eustatius, Saint Kitts and Nevis , Saint Barthélemy and Saba. • Improve handling by including or excluding accidentals, or display endemics only • Sort and display species in three modes: alphabetical, gallery, and taxonomic listing views • Most advanced Compare Mode of any bird app: compare up to 16 species’ images and songs • Create sighting lists and sort by place, date, group, and name • Automatically plot all birds on a map via GPS (editable) • Make notes for each bird spotted • A simple ID key makes species identification easy • Text is bilingual (English and Spanish) • Bird names displayed in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Latin (scientific) • Narrow species down by characteristics: size, plumage, bill shape, tail length, etc. leading to the bird searched for, plus a choice of similar species. You can also look for fragments of a species name – the search for “finch“ shows all the species which include the word “finch“ in the species’ name. ***A graphically well-designed layout – easy to use with large lettering.*** => Once downloaded no internet connection needed – just download the app and start birding! The app will be continuously developed further. All updates are free of charge. Visit our internet support site for more information We are happy if you like our app. Please don't hesitate to email us if you have any questions, suggestions or comments at: }
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Rating & Reviews

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4 voters

Some Latest Reviews

15 Jun, 2020
I loved this app for the beautiful birds I saw on my trip to the West Indies. It has several nice search features to home in on unknown species with characteristics like size, bill shape, etc, or a simple search by name. You can also narrow down possibilities by island and excluding rare species unlikely to be seen on a visit. You can customize the app by lists in alphabetical order or taxonomical groups in either English or Spanish. There is a long bibliography, a lot of detailed descriptions of species and the environment and range and abundance maps for species that breed in Puerto Rico. A last big help: each species has an audio file that displays a spectrogram as the sound plays.
24 May, 2020
I’ve spent a big part of my life birding and photographing birds specially in the Caribbean islands. I own a collection of birds guides from the region that I take out to the field with me, but now with Mark Oberle’s smartphone app I can have a birding guide always with me without the necessity of reminding me of carrying a cumbersome book. The app covers all the birds, both residents and migratory from Puerto Rico to Antigua in the Lesser Antilles, with beautiful photographs that make identification of the birds very easy. The app allows you to keep birds lists from different areas you go birding so you can keep track of your sightings for sharing with other people or for your personal enjoyment. As a surplus the app also includes the majority of the bird songs aiding in the identification as well as enhancing the birding experience and enjoyment of the app even when relaxing at home. The app have a powerful tool for comparing birds, and is both in English and Spanish. This app is a must for any birder/naturalist interested in knowing more about Caribbean birds and I highly recommend it.


Additional Information
Voted: 4
App Store Link:
Price: 9.99 $
Email: -
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Categories: Reference, Education
Size: -
App Age: 4 years 10 months
Release Date: May 12, 2020
Last Update: Apr 04, 2021
Version: 2.3.0
Version history
Apr 04, 2021
Performance increase when loading data and switching between apps. Several minor bug fixes and general performance and stability improvements.
Nov 02, 2020
We have improved a few things and especially introduced a new Id function to narrow down birds. You can now see the birds immediately when traits are selected. Happy birding!

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Version history