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Delivery From the Pain(No Ads)

🇺🇸 United States
Shan Zhao  | 
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6y 4m
Last Update
Sep 18, 2023

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Title (
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Delivery From the Pain(No Ads)
Subtitle (
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Zombies! Survival games!
Description (
Characters: 3660 of 4000
Delivery From The Pain is a survival-strategy game with a fantastic RPG storyline, it may take over 30 hours to unlock one ending if you are familiar with survival games. 【Features】 ► Unique doomsday experience with hidden game features. ► Multiple endings full of mysteries and surprises. Which one is the truth? ► A huge map with dangerous, attractive 3D urban buildings. ► Lifelike NPCs with particular timelines and evocative story development. ► Thought-provoking, consequential dialogue options. ► An array of weapons and a unique sneak system that will provide hours of experimentation in combat and enjoyment of the game. ► Study system and workshop that offer myriad strategic choices. Try and acquire the safest shelter right away! ► Over ten kinds of zombies with specific skills and four ultimate boss monsters are waiting for you. ► iCloud sync support, no matter if you play on the iPhone or iPad, you won't lose your progress. ► Support for Metal rendering to further enhance the performance! ► No ads, no in-app purchases, you only need to pay once to download it then you can unlock the full game and DLC. 【About New DLC】 1.New Story: the story between Big Brother and Moira and explain lots of confuses you may have while playing main game. 2.New Pet: a dog named hamburger will join your fight with zombies, and he can be more energetic in toxic areas. 3. New game system: creative feeding system, training system and cooking system will offer you a brand-new survival adventure experience in the zombie’s world. 4.New Map: a new map of lumberyard will be added to offer you base survival food sources, you can hunt animals and get other materials like potatoes, medical herbs and wheat there. 5.New Character: a man who worked for Big Brother in Big Brother previous gang will appear in new DLC, you will know how can he survive in doomsday and you can trade with him too. 6.New Mode: you can get unlimited survival supply pack under assist mode when you want to have a quick understanding about the new story, if you are an experienced survival game player, you can try the survival mode with significant difficulty to challenge yourself. 7.New Cooking System: you can send gifts to Moira to get new surprise from her. 【Story】 In 201x, an anti-cancer research institute announced the discovery of the key to eternal life. In response to this breakthrough, Faith Energy Company concocted a vaccine-driven startup, the “Human X Plan.” However, the vaccine failed and all infected humans were turned into zombies. The area where you live has been severely affected. To uncover the conspiracy behind the Human X Plan, you have to explore and survive! You will meet many survivors. Do you want to see them all survive to the end? At what cost? What secret was hidden in the abandoned tapes, newspapers, magazines and files that you find along your way? Can you figure out the password to unlock the hope of door? 【We want to tell you】 This game is our first 3D indie game, we started to develop this game since 2015, and we are lucky to expand team from 5 to 7 members. We've put a lot of effort into "Delivery from the Pain" but we think we can add much, much more! New content updates will continue as we try to deliver a polished product that you can be a part of the development, growing with us & guiding "Delivery from the Pain" to potentially become a series. We want all of your feedback, every idea, & each opinion to make "Delivery from the Pain" as sharp & complete as possible. 【Follow us】 Facebook: @DeliveryFromThePain Twitter: @DeliveryPain Discord:}
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Rating & Reviews

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658 voters

Some Latest Reviews

25 Feb, 2025
05 Apr, 2024
13 Apr, 2023
如題,此款遊戲如此用心,想起以前買遊戲就可以擁有的感覺! 不像市面上手機遊戲「用錢買數據」 ,如此優良的遊戲希望多點人支持,也期待作者團隊陸續開發其他章節故事或者其他玩法,我會繼續付款支持的!
13 Feb, 2023
Really frustrating game. You are drowned in food when you start but most of it goes bad before you eat it then the food disappears and you are left trying to trap rats in a park when you’d rather be shoving a fork in your eye. You get diarrhea every 30 minutes and looting the hospitals gets you a bunch of useless junk that doesn’t help. Speaking of useless junk, that’s 90% of what you get through looting because you are too busy trying to eat 80000 calories a day. You get unhappy and it kills you for some reason. Zombie pathing AI is god awful, which in a stealth game basically means it’s unplayable. This isn’t a survival game. It’s a “win before the clock runs out” game. Spend your money elsewhere
13 Mar, 2021
Уважаемые разработчики прошу не обессудьте моё недовольство. Толи Эпл глюк словил толи ещё что с сетью было точно незнаю! Вообщем игра в своём жанре самая лучшая,без всякой лишней заморочки и доната! Геймпад от Xbox у меня летает отлично,управление грамотное и удобное думаю для всех. Спасибо за то что балуете такой замечательной игрой)! Вчера ночь играл не отлипая от экрана!!! Первый акт не пройден,насыщенная игра,впечатляет и просто как раслаблят так и держит попой в напряжении! Кто думает брать или нет берите и не пожалеете!!! К разработчикам есть одно минимальное предложение: Ребята попробуйте в будущем дополнении если такое будет добавьте озвучку персонажей на русском языке пожалуйста! Удачи в проектах грядущих и успехов вам всегда и во всем👍👍👍🤟🤟🤟
11 Feb, 2021
El juego está muy logrado y cumple 100% lo prometido. A la vez quería comentar que en la compatibilidad con el mando falla en el menú de opciones en el filtro de cámara y en las notas encontradas por el mundo cuando le das para leer hacia abajo, estaría bien solventarlo ya que me tira del juego y pierdo El Progreso no guardado. Y como sugerencia para incorporar me gustaría un poco más de libertad. Gracias y saludos.
25 Jan, 2021
Badger bro
19 Jan, 2021
So far really enjoying the game. Good balance between exploration and crafting. No IAP or pay to win, option of touch controls would have been beneficial for me.
02 Jan, 2021
Это просто лучшее во что я играл Если игра будет развиваться, ее ждет мировой успех💪💪 Ценник полностью оправдан Полноценный сюжет и куча механик Не надоедает совсем😍


Additional Information
Voted: 658
App Store Link:
Price: 4.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Adventure, Games, Entertainment, Strategy
Size: 431MB
App Age: 6 years 4 months
Release Date: Nov 06, 2018
Last Update: Sep 18, 2023
Version: 1.5.1
Version history
Sep 18, 2023
Привет, оставшиеся в живых в Delivery From The Pain, мы хотели бы поблагодарить всех вас за поддержку небольшой студии инди-игр, такой как мы, мы предоставили вам лучший опыт приключенческих приключений с новыми обновлениями: 1. Небольшие оптимизации и исправления проблем с игрой 2. исправить ошибку с контроллером Если вам понравилась наша игра, пожалуйста, порекомендуйте нашу игру своим любимым YouTubers, стримерам и друзьям вокруг вас. Если у вас есть какие-либо проблемы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам.
Dec 19, 2022
Hola, sobrevivientes en Delivery From The Pain, nos gustaría agradecerles a todos por apoyar a un pequeño estudio independiente de juegos como nosotros, les hemos proporcionado una mejor experiencia de aventura de supervivencia con nuevas actualizaciones: 1. optimizaciones menores y soluciones de problemas del juego 2. corregir el error sobre el controlador Si te gusta nuestro juego, recomiéndalo a tus YouTubers, streamers y amigos favoritos que te rodean. Si tiene algún problema, no dude en contactarnos.
Version history