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AutoWake. Smart Sleep Alarm

🇺🇸 United States
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7y 3m
Last Update
Aug 14, 2020

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Title (
Characters: 27 of 30
AutoWake. Smart Sleep Alarm
Subtitle (
Characters: 22 of 30
Haptic Alarm for Watch
Description (
Characters: 2189 of 4000
AutoWake is the first haptic smart alarm for your Watch. It can wake you up by tapping you on your wrist using your Watch's haptic engine. You can set it to wake you if you are in light or medium sleep either 15 or 30 minutes before your set alarm time. This helps you feel more refreshed. There's an optional sleep cycle buster that you can turn on to give you a light tap at 5 minute intervals in a 15 or 30 minute window before your alarm to take you gently out of deeper sleep. Not only that but it will even automatically measure your waking pulse just before the alarm sounds, which is a valuable measurement of recovery. If you ignore the alarm on the Watch, you can also set a safety alarm that will play on your phone. This will speak and/or play a chosen song from your music library. There's also auto scheduled alarms in case you forget to set your alarm before bed. If you use AutoSleep our auto sleep tracker, you can use the new ultra smart alarm features. You can now be woken up after a desired amount of sleep, quality sleep or when your sleep bank is back in credit. You can use this in conjunction with a latest wake time if required. You can even set a bedtime reminder that looks at your required sleep, sleep efficiency and latest wake time to give you a reminder for the optimal time to go to bed. When you turn on your alarm, it can automatically tell AutoSleep that you have gone to bed so that time to fall asleep can be tracked. If you use Apple HomeKit then you can run scenes for key events in AutoWake like turning off your bedside lamp and setting your room temperature for sleep. AutoWake requires an Apple Watch running WatchOS 4 or higher. Advanced features requires WatchOS 5. AutoWake works fine with Do Not Disturb and Theatre/Cinema mode. AutoWake requires at least a bluetooth connection between your iPhone and your Apple Watch during the time that you are asleep. You can use Flight Mode on your iPhone, but make sure that you turn on bluetooth. If you user Screen Time, make sure that AutoWake is in your exclude list. As with all of our apps, there is no tracking, no analytics, no snooping. Your privacy is very important. }
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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3 592 voters

Some Latest Reviews

02 Sep, 2023
Purchased because I really enjoy Heart Watch and Auto Sleep, however watch face not supported in 0S9 so totally unusable.
05 Jul, 2023
Buy this app but don't know how to use it The ui is hard to use Hard to setting wake up time And don’t alarm at morning I don’t know what happening
23 May, 2023
Not much use if it won’t work well with Apple Watch Ultra; does not include a face for Apple Watch Ultra.
19 May, 2023
Inutile maintenant pr manque de mise à jour, dommage
17 May, 2023
What’s up with this?? I use AutoSleep and HeartWatch by the same developers and really like them so I thought I’d give this a try. For $2.99 I’d say I did not get my money’s worth. This is crap. I can’t uninstall and reinstall because I see now that it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. I’m afraid I won’t get and option to restore purchase. It worked for 3 nights. I changed one minor setting, the volume within the app , and it doesn’t know what to do anymore. 2 mornings in a row I’ve overslept because I assumed it would go off after the first 3. Bad idea. Even if you like their other apps, this one is not worth that money.
16 May, 2023
Ich habe die App nun mehrfach neu installiert und mit der Uhr kalibriert bzw. eingestellt. Alles nach Anleitung. Nix. Der Alarm funktioniert nicht. Stelle mir zusätzlich immer noch den normalen Wecker etwas später, sonst wäre ich jedes Mal zu spät erwacht. Die App hat also einen Job und führt diesen nicht aus. Schade. Sobald es endlich mal ein Update gibt probiere ich es gerne erneut.
Allie McBob
29 Apr, 2023
I don’t know why people hate this app so much. Yes it has its quirks but it’s really helpful to wake up nicely and feel awake and not have to wake up to an alarm noise. Sometimes it will get messed up and you have to turn the alarm off, then on again. No big deal. I do it daily just in case. I have an auditory backup alarm just in case but usually end up turning it off because I’m already up for the day. I wish they’d update this app. But regardless I’ll continue to use it. I don’t know or any alternatives.
16 Apr, 2023
First, a small digression: most user-reviewers don’t read the manual: the app needs a complication (widget) on the active watch face in order to run. Anyway… The only downside of this app for me is that it drains the iPHONE’s battery when it’s running. I understand the developer’s argument that most people charge their phones overnight, but 1) all fire departments say you shouldn’t charge devices overnight, 2) if something happens, your insurance company will argue it was your fault and 3) the Watch charges much faster than the phone, so why not use it instead? I simply wish more processing was done either on the watch itself, or if it has to be done on the phone, at least done in a more battery-friendly manner.
15 Apr, 2023
We need Chinese! I’ll appreciate it If you could add Chinese for users. 我们需要中文!如果你能为用户添加中文我将感激不尽!


Additional Information
😢 Deleted from App Store
Voted: 3.59K
App Store Link:
Price: 2.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Health & Fitness, Utilities
Size: -
App Age: 7 years 3 months
Release Date: Dec 20, 2017
Last Update: Aug 14, 2020
Version: 4.61
Version history
Aug 14, 2020
1、新增了最新押题内容 2、新增了最新模拟试题 3、新增了最新课程视频 4、优化了用户体验 5、提升页面响应速度 6、修复已知bug
Aug 15, 2019
Here's AutoWake 3. It's a big update! - All alarms are now set directly on the Apple Watch in a rather tasty new way. - If you use AutoSleep & have WatchOS 5 you can now set advanced ultra smart alarms. These allow you to set a sleep goal, quality goal or sleep bank goal. AutoWake can then do things like set an alarm every Friday after you achieve 8 hours sleep but no later than 7:30AM with an intelligent reminder 60 minutes before the best time to go to bed. Ultra smart alarms can help you hit your sleep goal as well as to prevent oversleeping. - Scheduled backup alarms are now both more flexible and more straightforward. - iPhone app is greatly simplified. - Support for every Infograph complication format on the Series 4 Watch. - Smartwake options now include "bump" only. This will tap you every 5 minutes before your final alarm time to take you out of deeper sleep. - You can now change the voice to use for confirmations and safety alarms. Hope you like it! Pleasant dreams.
Version history