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WeCom-Work Communication&Tools

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Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited  | 
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8y 11m
Last Update
Feb 20, 2025

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WeCom-Work Communication&Tools
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work chat and office tool
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WeCom is a business communication and office collaboration tool developed by Tencent WeChat Team. WeCom provides the same communication experience as WeChat and connects with WeChat in an all-round manner. It also offers productivity tools such as Document, Meeting, Email, Calendar, and WeDrive, and flexible OA apps for effective business communication and management. WeCom provides exclusive industry solutions for retail, education, government, manufacturing, catering, financial services and other industries, helping various industries to better serve users on WeChat. WeCom has been widely adopted by millions of leading organizations, including Xibei Restaurant, Rainbow, P&G, Cartier, WalMart, IKEA, Bank of China, PICC, Deppon Express, Changan Automobile, Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School, Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, Guangzhou Haizhu Bureau of Education, Longhua District Education Bureau, and Shenzhen Taxation Bureau. 1. Provides a communication environment to work with colleagues [Ease of Use] Creating a user-friendly experience consistent with WeChat. [Reliable Storage] Messages are synchronized between devices and stored in the cloud. [Effective Communication] Message read status is shown for the sent. [Corporate Directory] Supports import and centralized management of member information. 2. Connect with WeChat in an all-round manner [Exchange Messages] Add WeChat users as contacts and offer services via private or group chats. [Contact Customers] Companies can view and manage the customers added by members. Various tools such as Broadcast Messages and Chat Toolbar are available. [Customer Group] Manage the customer groups of members via tools such as Anti-harassment and Group Template. [Customer Moments] Posts about activities and product updates can be shared to Moments. [Channel] Invite customers to check activities and live videos through chats and Moments. Show members in the homepage and the live room to add contacts. [WeChat Customer Service] Provide consistent consulting experiences. Invite WeChat users to add members to upgrade services. [Partner Space] Manage the contacts of distributors, suppliers in one place. Use Document, Meeting and other tools and share apps across companies. [Inheritance from Former Employees] Customers of former members can be reassigned without confirmation. [Company Pay] Companies can receive or pay money to users and send Red Packets. 3. Integrate multiple productivity tools and OA apps [Document] Provide rich capabilities and stable experience. Invite colleagues, customers or other contacts to collaborate. [Meeting] Provide stable experience and integrate screen sharing, e-whiteboard, meeting control, recording, and meeting minutes. [Email] Integrate the security and green anti-spam, supporting mutual reference with various tools. [Calendar] Organize online and offline meetings, view busy schedules and manage public calendars, and invite colleagues, WeChat customers, upstream and downstream. [WeDrive] Allow flexible permission and sharing business data with others. [OA Apps] Preset tools, such as Attendance, Reports, Announcement, Meeting and Forum. 4. Open capabilities [Retail Industry] Open APIs for Contact Customers, Customer Group, and Customer Moments. [Education Industry] Open APIs for Contact Parents, Education Bureau-School Interconnection. [Government Affair Industry] Open APIs for Contact Residents are available. [Office and Collaboration] Open APIs for Attendance, Calendar, WeDoc and Meeting are available. [Developer Share] Answer questions and share experiences to make progress together. 5. Security and management [All-round Safeguard] WeCom is the first domestic office product to pass SOC2Type2 auditing and has obtained ISO27018, ISO20000, and ISO27001, securing data in an all-round way. Note:WeCom is connected to HealthKit. After authorization, workout data can be accessed from HealthKit.}
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155 498 voters

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07 Mar, 2025
06 Mar, 2025
因工出差(马来西亚和越南),在合作的供货商群里发了工作沟通信息就被封了,说存在骚扰/恶意营销/欺诈行为。 上传了工作证明、护照、身份证申诉,最终也不给解封,要等15天!这不是耽误事吗!
06 Mar, 2025
06 Mar, 2025
06 Mar, 2025
06 Mar, 2025
05 Mar, 2025
05 Mar, 2025
非常无语😑 简直就是用脚做的软件 明明头天打上卡了 第二天却显示打卡异常 未打上卡 好几次了 真的无力吐槽 同事也遇见过很多次 关键是想找人工客服反馈 出来的一直是智能客服 跟个人机一样 真心希望别的公司少用点这个软件 钉钉都比这个强多了
04 Mar, 2025


Additional Information
Voted: 155.5K
App Store Link:
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Categories: Utilities, Business
Size: 852MB
App Age: 8 years 11 months
Release Date: Apr 18, 2016
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Version: 4.1.33
Version history
Feb 20, 2025
Optimized experience and fixed bugs. Recent updates: I. Efficiency Tools and Basic Experience 1.Smart Sheet -The smart sheet can be used together with Contact Customers to manage the customer sales and service process in one sheet. -A new customer sales and service follow-up template has been added. The customer management system can be quickly configured through the "Use Wizard" in the template to improve service efficiency. -It supports synchronising data from "Contact Customers" and "Customer Group". New customers do not need to be registered manually and are automatically entered into the smart sheet. Members can record customer follow-up info in the sheet. -A "Dashboard" can be created based on the recorded customer info to statistically analyse business data in real-time, making the follow-up status clear at a glance. -When the customer status changes or a specified time is reached, members will be reminded to follow up with customer leads according to the "Automations" rules, thereby promoting the service process. -It supports adding customer records in the smart sheet to the "Chat Toolbar". When members chat with customers, they can quickly view the current customer info and progress. -The maximum number of record rows in a smart sheet has been increased to 100,000, supporting the entry of more customer and business data. Optimised the user experience when there is a large amount of content, viewing and editing become smoother. -Equation -Smart sheet formulas support cross-sheet calculations. In scenes such as counting tasks by members, ranking sales by store, and calculating inventory by product, you can use the FILTER function to filter records across sheets for statistics and calculations. It realises the effects of functions such as SUMIF/VLOOKUP in Excel. -When adding fields, you can choose from preset formula templates in "Use Formula Calculation" to achieve hundreds of calculation effects such as marking duplicate values, calculating rankings, and accumulating daily sales, without the need to compile your own formulas. -Content permissions can be set based on the calculation results of formulas/Search for References to define the scope of content that can be viewed. For example, you can find the person in charge based on the store, and set to only view data of the stores you are responsible for. -The Reference field has been upgraded to "Search for References", which can automatically search and reference across sheets based on the info such as members and options, making the reference of content more convenient. It is suitable for scenes such as summarizing the number of tasks by name or finding inventory by product number. -Dashboard -The dashboard now includes a new "Word Cloud Chart" feature, which provides a visual representation of words that appear frequently in text. This is suitable for scenes such as analyzing customer feedback, product comments, and recruitment interview evaluations. 2.Chat and Basic Experience -In messages, @mentions of me are now highlighted, making it more efficient to distinguish and view messages related to me. -On the mobile side, text search is now supported under the "Image/Video" chat history category, making it more efficient to find images. 3.Meeting -Online meeting rooms can be assigned exclusively to specified departments, ensuring that important department meetings are not restricted, and resource management is more efficient. II. Cross-border Communication and Overseas User Experience -Meeting subtitles support 18 languages, helping participants to understand the content during meetings. -Meetings support real-time transcription of 18 languages, making the recording and exporting more convenient. -Meetings now support the use of Japanese and Malay, making it easier for foreign members to use.
Dec 23, 2024
I. Efficiency Tools and Basic Experience 1.Smart Sheet -The smart sheet can be used together with Contact Customers to manage the customer sales and service process in one sheet. -A new customer sales and service follow-up template has been added. The customer management system can be quickly configured through the "Use Wizard" in the template to improve service efficiency. -It supports synchronising data from "Contact Customers" and "Customer Group". New customers do not need to be registered manually and are automatically entered into the smart sheet. Members can record customer follow-up info in the sheet. -A "Dashboard" can be created based on the recorded customer info to statistically analyse business data in real-time, making the follow-up status clear at a glance. -When the customer status changes or a specified time is reached, members will be reminded to follow up with customer leads according to the "Automations" rules, thereby promoting the service process. -It supports adding customer records in the smart sheet to the "Chat Toolbar". When members chat with customers, they can quickly view the current customer info and progress. -The maximum number of record rows in a smart sheet has been increased to 100,000, supporting the entry of more customer and business data. Optimised the user experience when there is a large amount of content, viewing and editing become smoother. -Equation -Smart sheet formulas support cross-sheet calculations. In scenes such as counting tasks by members, ranking sales by store, and calculating inventory by product, you can use the FILTER function to filter records across sheets for statistics and calculations. It realises the effects of functions such as SUMIF/VLOOKUP in Excel. -When adding fields, you can choose from preset formula templates in "Use Formula Calculation" to achieve hundreds of calculation effects such as marking duplicate values, calculating rankings, and accumulating daily sales, without the need to compile your own formulas. -Content permissions can be set based on the calculation results of formulas/Search for References to define the scope of content that can be viewed. For example, you can find the person in charge based on the store, and set to only view data of the stores you are responsible for. -The Reference field has been upgraded to "Search for References", which can automatically search and reference across sheets based on the info such as members and options, making the reference of content more convenient. It is suitable for scenes such as summarizing the number of tasks by name or finding inventory by product number. -Dashboard -The dashboard now includes a new "Word Cloud Chart" feature, which provides a visual representation of words that appear frequently in text. This is suitable for scenes such as analyzing customer feedback, product comments, and recruitment interview evaluations. 2.Chat and Basic Experience -In messages, @mentions of me are now highlighted, making it more efficient to distinguish and view messages related to me. -On the mobile side, text search is now supported under the "Image/Video" chat history category, making it more efficient to find images. 3.Meeting -Online meeting rooms can be assigned exclusively to specified departments, ensuring that important department meetings are not restricted, and resource management is more efficient. II. Cross-border Communication and Overseas User Experience -Meeting subtitles support 18 languages, helping participants to understand the content during meetings. -Meetings support real-time transcription of 18 languages, making the recording and exporting more convenient. -Meetings now support the use of Japanese and Malay, making it easier for foreign members to use.

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Version history