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Jetting Rotax Max EVO Kart

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6y 1m
Last Update
Jan 30, 2025

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Jetting Rotax Max EVO Kart
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for Micro Mini Junior Max DD2
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Characters: 3967 of 4000
This app provides, using temperature, altitude, humidity, atmospheric pressure and your engine configuration, a recommendation about jetting and spark plug to use for karts with Rotax 125 Max EVO (Micro Max Evo, Mini Max Evo, Junior Max Evo, Senior Max Evo, Max DD2 Evo) engines, which use a Dellorto VHSB 34 XS carb This app can obtain automatically the position and altitude to get the temperature, pressure and humidity from the nearest weather station thought internet. Internal barometer is used on supported devices for better precision. Application can run without GPS, WiFi and internet • For Mini, Junior, Max, DD2 you can choose which cylinder you are using. At the Grand Finals 2016, the cylinders for the Mini and Junior classes were updated. At the Grand Finals 2017, the cylinders for classes Max and DD2 were updated. New cylinders require richer carburation • Two different tuning modes: "By regulations" and "Freestyle"! • In first mode, the following values are given: main jet, spark plug, spark plug gap, needle type and position (including intermediate positions with washer), air screw position, idle screw position, optimal water temp, gear oil recommendation • In second mode (Freestyle), the following values are given: main jet, spark plug, emulsion tube, needle, needle type and position (including intermediate positions with washer), throttle valve, idle jet (outer pilot jet), idle emulsifier (inner pilot jet), air screw position • Fine tuning for all these values • History of all your carburetor setups • Graphic display of fuel mix quality (Air/Flow Ratio or Lambda) • Selectable fuel type (VP MS93, gasoline with or without ethanol) • Adjustable fuel/oil ratio • Adjustable floats height • Mix wizard to get the perfect mix ratio (fuel calculator) • Carburetor ice warning • Possibility of use automatic weather data or a portable weather station via Bluetooth: Kestrel DROP & 5x00, WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter, Skywatch BL • If you don't want to share your location, you can manually select any place in the world, the carburetor setups will be adapted for this place • let you use different measure units: ºC y ºF for temperatures, meter and feet for altitude, liters, ml, gallons, oz for fuel, and mb, hPa, mmHg, inHg for pressures The application contains four tabs, which are described next: • Results: In this tab two jetting setups are shown ('By regulation' and 'Freestyle'). These data are calculated depending on the weather conditions and the engine and track configuration given in the next tabs. Also this tab lets do a fine tuning adjustment for all values for each carburetor config to adapt to the concrete engine. Besides this jetting information, the air density, density altitude, relative air density, SAE - dyno correction factor, station pressure, SAE- relative horsepower, volumetric content of oxygen, oxygen pressure are shown too. You can also see in a graphic form the calculated ratio of A/F (air and fuel) or Lambda • History: This tab contains the history of all jetting setups. If you change the weather, or engine setup, or fine tuning, the new setup will be saved in history • Engine: You can configure in this screen the information about the engine, that is, engine model, spark plug manufacturer, float type and height, fuel type, oil mix ratio and type of the track • Weather: In this tab, you can set the values for current temperature, pressure, altitude and humidity. Also this tab allows to use the GPS to get the current position and altitude, and connect to an external services to get the weather conditions of the nearest weather station. In addition, this application can work with a pressure sensor built into the iPhone For Rotax Max non-EVO Engine please try our other app: Jetting Rotax Max Kart If you have any doubt about using this App, please, contact us. We answer every question, and we take care of all comments from our users to try to improve our software}
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Rating & Reviews

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171 voters

Some Latest Reviews

30 Dec, 2024
Good app use it a lot, but I’m wondering of there will be an update for the 2024 type cilinder, for getting the right tune for the newer type engines. Because the evo2 engine is “old” now.
01 Aug, 2024
Nachdem anfangs die Funktion „Wetter Daten abrufen“ einwandfrei funktionierte, ist dies nicht mehr der Fall. Nun friert der Bildschirm ein und es bleibt die Meldung „Daten abrufen“ stehen. Anfragen an den Support bleiben unbeantwortet.
Karting Dad
10 Feb, 2023
Jet settings are not correct for new UK regulations with throttle restrictor for Minimax 950 (Intermax) Please can you update the App to include this?
Ed Walkers
04 Jul, 2020
Improve lap time almost 0.5 second and 400rpm with this app. Good
Diego Merton
07 Jan, 2020
With this app we reduce lap time almost 0.5 second. Good app. We also users another app from this developer: jetting for non Evo rotax engines, and we also recommend this app.
Andy Vettel
06 Jan, 2020
Reduce lap time around 0.5-0.7 second with this app. Karts runs much better.
Anrew Sand
04 Jan, 2020
It’s not just guide, thus app really works. We use it for micro and dd2 classes and karts runs much much better!
Diego Merton
03 Jan, 2020
We use it for senior and dd2 classes. Reduce lap time with this app around 0.5-0.7 second.
Jonh Speed
02 Jan, 2020
It’s not just guide, it’s really works! All karts jetted with this app runs much better!


Additional Information
Voted: 171
App Store Link:
Price: 7.99 $
Website: -
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Sports, Utilities
Size: 40MB
App Age: 6 years 1 month
Release Date: Feb 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Version: 2.6
Version history
Jan 30, 2025
• Jetting for new 2020 Micro EVO and Mini EVO engines (model year 2020 or MY20) is available! You can select engine type: MICRO EVO 2020 or MINI EVO 2020 on the Engine tab! • We redesigned 'Engine' tab a bit. Now you can separately choose the engine class, and separately the year of manufacture of the cylinder • The upgrades in detail: The modified exhaust for both Micro MAX and Mini MAX is based on the original Micro package. An inlet insert (carburettor throttle body restrictor) makes the carburettor less sensitive to different settings in the carburetion. The Mini MAX will use the same smaller radiator as the Micro MAX does already • Engine temperature recommendations changed • For classes Mini, Junior, Max, DD2 you can now choose which cylinder you are using. At the Grand Finals 2016, the cylinders for the Mini and Junior classes were updated. At the Grand Finals 2017, the cylinders for classes Max and DD2 were updated. New cylinders (with new advanced cylinder manufacturing technology and ecu) require richer carburation • Added new feature: get weather (temperature, pressure, humidity) via Bluetooth using weather stations: Kestrel DROP, Kestrel 5x00, WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter, Skywatch BL • Added new feature: added the ability to calibrate the barometer built into your phone or tablet (go to the “Settings“ tab, then “Measurement units“) • Added new feature: added various utilities (unit converters) (go to the “Settings“ tab, then “Utils“) • We have improved our weather calculator significantly. Now you can manually select which type of atmospheric pressure you are working with (for example if you use portable barometers, weather stations): - sea level pressure QNH - sea level pressure QFF - station pressure (barometric pressure) • Now, if you don’t want to see intermediate (half-steps) positions for the needle, you can turn it off on the 'Engine' tab • New type of fuels have been added: VP Racing MS93 and 93 AKI with ethanol. Please check which fuel you are using • On the results tab, click on the drop-down menu 'Weather (AirLab)', new data for tuners are available: Air Density, Relative Air Density, Density Altitude, Station Pressure, SAE - Dyno Correction Factor, SAE - Relative Horsepower, Volumetric Content Of Oxygen, Oxygen Pressure • In the 'Results' tab, we added recommendations about spark plug gaps, positions for idle adjustment screw, optimal water temperature, gear oil recommendations • We have changed recommendations for height of the floats, please check height of the floats on 'Engine tab' • Improved functionality and accuracy of fuel calculator • Added new type of spark: NGK Rotax • Improved functionality for the feature 'Weather for custom location'. We added a search bar where you can enter the location name. Search places easier and faster now • We reworked the altitude determination algorithm for the 'weather for custom location' feature. We hope that now, if you manually selected your location, the altitude will be calculated with much greater accuracy • We added the ability to leave text notes for each history in 'History' tab. To do this, open any History, enter edit mode and add a note • Now you can manually select the translation language. Application contains many special terms and sometimes translations that we offer are not always good. We are sorry. Now, if your phone (for example) in German, but you are unhappy with the translation you can switch to English (for example) only in this app (you don't have to change locale of device). You can find this feature on 'Engine' tab at the very bottom
Nov 12, 2021
• Jetting for new 2020 Micro EVO and Mini EVO engines (model year 2020 or MY20) is available! You can select engine type: MICRO EVO 2020 or MINI EVO 2020 on the Engine tab! • We redesigned 'Engine' tab a bit. Now you can separately choose the engine class, and separately the year of manufacture of the cylinder • The upgrades in detail: The modified exhaust for both Micro MAX and Mini MAX is based on the original Micro package. An inlet insert (carburettor throttle body restrictor) makes the carburettor less sensitive to different settings in the carburetion. The Mini MAX will use the same smaller radiator as the Micro MAX does already • Engine temperature recommendations changed • For classes Mini, Junior, Max, DD2 you can now choose which cylinder you are using. At the Grand Finals 2016, the cylinders for the Mini and Junior classes were updated. At the Grand Finals 2017, the cylinders for classes Max and DD2 were updated. New cylinders (with new advanced cylinder manufacturing technology and ecu) require richer carburation • Added new feature: get weather (temperature, pressure, humidity) via Bluetooth using weather stations: Kestrel DROP, Kestrel 5x00, WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter, Skywatch BL • Added new feature: added the ability to calibrate the barometer built into your phone or tablet (go to the “Settings“ tab, then “Measurement units“) • Added new feature: added various utilities (unit converters) (go to the “Settings“ tab, then “Utils“) • We have improved our weather calculator significantly. Now you can manually select which type of atmospheric pressure you are working with (for example if you use portable barometers, weather stations): - sea level pressure QNH - sea level pressure QFF - station pressure (barometric pressure) • Now, if you don’t want to see intermediate (half-steps) positions for the needle, you can turn it off on the 'Engine' tab • New type of fuels have been added: VP Racing MS93 and 93 AKI with ethanol. Please check which fuel you are using • On the results tab, click on the drop-down menu 'Weather (AirLab)', new data for tuners are available: Air Density, Relative Air Density, Density Altitude, Station Pressure, SAE - Dyno Correction Factor, SAE - Relative Horsepower, Volumetric Content Of Oxygen, Oxygen Pressure • In the 'Results' tab, we added recommendations about spark plug gaps, positions for idle adjustment screw, optimal water temperature, gear oil recommendations • We have changed recommendations for height of the floats, please check height of the floats on 'Engine tab' • Improved functionality and accuracy of fuel calculator • Added new type of spark: NGK Rotax • Improved functionality for the feature 'Weather for custom location'. We added a search bar where you can enter the location name. Search places easier and faster now • We reworked the altitude determination algorithm for the 'weather for custom location' feature. We hope that now, if you manually selected your location, the altitude will be calculated with much greater accuracy • We added the ability to leave text notes for each history in 'History' tab. To do this, open any History, enter edit mode and add a note • Now you can manually select the translation language. Application contains many special terms and sometimes translations that we offer are not always good. We are sorry. Now, if your phone (for example) in German, but you are unhappy with the translation you can switch to English (for example) only in this app (you don't have to change locale of device). You can find this feature on 'Engine' tab at the very bottom
Version history