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SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd.  | 
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Feb 26, 2025

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The Ultimate Pixel Remaster
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Characters: 2795 of 4000
Get FINAL FANTASY IV for 30% off the regular price! A remodeled 2D take on the fourth game in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics. All the magic of the original, with improved ease of play. The Kingdom of Baron sent their elite airship fleet, the Red Wings, to attack the surrounding countries. Distressed by his mission, Cecil, a dark knight and captain of the Red Wings, decides to fight against the tyrannical Baron with his trusted friend and his paramour at his side. In his search for the crystals, Cecil must travel over land, under the ground, to the Land of Summons, and even to the moon. Join forces with Kain the dragoon, Rosa the white mage, Rydia the summoner, and many more skilled allies. FFIV is the first title to introduce the dynamic "Active Time Battle" system, where time moves even during battle, giving the players an exciting sense of urgency.Thanks to the wide appeal of the game, this revolutionary system would be implemented in many future titles in the series. Witness the dramatic story and dynamic battles in this fourth installment of the FINAL FANTASY series! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ Beautifully revived with new graphics and sound! ・Universally updated 2D pixel graphics, including the iconic FINAL FANTASY character pixel designs created by Kazuko Shibuya, the original artist and current collaborator. ・Beautifully rearranged soundtrack in a faithful FINAL FANTASY style, overseen by original composer Nobuo Uematsu. ■Improved gameplay! ・Including modernized UI, auto-battle options, and more. ・Also supports game pad controls, making it possible to play using a dedicated gamepad UI when connecting a gamepad to your device. ・Switch the soundtrack between the rearranged version, created for the pixel remaster, or the original version, capturing the sound of the original game. ・Now possible to switch between different fonts, including the default font and a pixel-based font based on the atmosphere of the original game. ・Additional boost features to expand gameplay options, including switching off random encounters and adjusting experience gained multipliers between 0 and 4. ・Dive into the world of the game with supplemental extras like the bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player. *One-time purchase. The app will not require any additional payments to play through the game after the initial purchase and subsequent download. *This remaster is based on the original "FINAL FANTASY IV" game released in 1991. Features and/or content may differ from previously rereleased versions of the game. [Applicable Devices] Devices equipped with Android 6.0 or higher *Some models may not be compatible.}
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Rating & Reviews

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39 220 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Thore Vaas
27 Feb, 2025
Hab gezweifelt, wurde eines besseren belehrt. Jeden Cent wert
25 Feb, 2025
元々が名作ですし今作を今遊んでもとても面白いです。 しかし、いくら何でも難易度を下げ過ぎでは?と思います。レベルが上がりやすくなっているのだから敵の攻撃力まで落とす必要は無かったのじゃないかと思います。 例えばオリジナルのアントニオンという序盤のボスは「はんげきのつの」という技で反撃がくる状態の敵を攻撃すると痛い目にあう事を遊びながら教えてくれます。 しかし攻撃するタイミングを選べば簡単に倒せる敵です。ピクセルリマスターは事もあろうか「はんげきのつの」を無視できるほど弱体化してしまっていました。
Sean Gelish
18 Jan, 2025
Avoid these mobile versions at all costs. My save data keeps getting deleted for some reason, and it also deleted it from the cloud. It's likely that this is the case with all the Pixel Remasters on here, and Square likely will refuse to fix it cause it's been too long since they came out. Common Square screwup.
17 Jan, 2025
19 Dec, 2024
Love the game but I wish there was an option to change the font size in the game. The game is gorgeous but I am constantly squinting while reading the text, there is a lot of empty space/ or unused area on screen so I do not see why they do not implement this option.
08 Nov, 2024
シリーズでも難易度の高い本作ですが、新たなブースト機能で難易度の調節が自分で出来るようになった。 時間のない社会人にはサクっと極めプレイをするには良い機能だなと。 音楽のアレンジも素晴らしく、懐かしさと新鮮さを楽しんでいます。
Benjamin Morgan
23 Jun, 2024
Just not a very good game. Some issues with janky controls, but mostly this game is just tedious and boring. It was seminal in the genre but has aged very, very, very poorly. Not worth the money. Get FFVI instead, it is better in every single way.
Sean Gelish
18 May, 2024
This game is very special to me as it's my favorite Final Fantasy of all the ones I've played. So, why the 3 stars instead of 5? Because Square is both too old & young at the same time, forcing touch controls only with zero controller support. Just give us that option, Square! You wouldn't do it for the old versions on here, so why can't you do so here at least?! Edit: 1 star now. It's been 2 years. Just implement controller support, you empty-headed cheapskates. Edit 2: Controller at long last.
Adrian Keller
11 Feb, 2024
Great games, get them all. Gamepad support has now been added in. But please please please add the retro font to the Android versions, Square Enix.


Additional Information
Voted: 39.22K
Google Play Link:
Price: 19.36 $
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Role Playing
Size: -
Installs: 24.58K
App Age: 3 years 6 months
Release Date: Sep 03, 2021
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Version: 1.2.0
Version history
Feb 26, 2025
*A “BGM source” option has been added to the config screen. This allows you to select between the special “arrangement” BGM made for this version of the game or the “original” versions in the style of the original game. <br>*A “Font type” option has been added to the config screen. This allows you to select between the “modern” font made for this version of the game or the “classic” font in the style of the original game.
Aug 16, 2024
Fixed minor bugs.

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Version history