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Klevgrand Produkter AB  | 
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Last Update
Jun 27, 2023

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Real Audio Synth
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This unique virtual instrument introduces a new “Audio Model” format, capable of containing thousands of waves extracted from ordinary audio files. These waves - and how they’re structured - lays the ground for how Tomofon generates audio, resulting in a highly flexible and instantly expressive instrument. On one hand it can sound very organic, even lifelike, and on the other, like something out of this world. Whether you want to play around with the Audio Model Starter Pack (instruments & voices) and factory presets, or import your own audio to shape your own unique soundscapes – it is fair to say that you are in for a creative journey. How does it work? Tomofon converts audio files into a large set of oscillating waves, which are then mapped into pitch zones where each wave represents one layer (a bit similar to how a sampler structures different velocity zones). The main difference is that since each zone is populated with waves instead of ordinary samples, the synth engine can morph between them (both layers and zones). This makes all transitions between zones and layers continuous and seamless. Create and share your own unique sounds A significant feature of this plug-in is that users can import their own audio files and create new and unique Audio Models. Ordinary audio files (preferably with monophonic content) can easily be imported and distributed into different pitch zones over the keyboard range, either automatically or manually. Doing an automatic import is basically a one-click process which instantly results in a proper playable Audio Model. A manual import gives the user full control of which waves should end up in which pitch zone. Last but not least you can easily share your own created Audio Models with others. Tomofon comes pre-loaded with a pack of 124 Audio Models based on high quality audio recordings of multiple expressions. These models includes several instruments like strings, vocals, brass, woodwind, guitars and more. Along with these models there are over 180 presets to get you going right away. From there on you can venture further and start creating Audio Models based on your own audio files and experiment on the types of sounds they can grow to be. Features - Wide selection of factory presets and Audio Models - Integrated audio sample importer and Audio Model editor - Pitch and (layer) depth envelopes that can be edited by the user - Envelope times can be controlled separately via MIDI velocity - Several LFO:s (including Sample and Hold with randomness) - Modulation matrix (2 x MIDI CC, Velocity and Keymap) - Monophonic playback with separate glide times for pitch and velocity - Polyphonic legato playback where started notes syncs envelopes with currently playing ones - Up to 4 doubling voices with separate pitch, pan and level - Filter with modulation possibilities - Post Reverb, Delay and EQ }
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Rating & Reviews

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50 voters

Some Latest Reviews

19 Feb, 2025
Tomofon is likely the most outstanding synth whose tech is truly unique, the pinnacle achievement on an iPad. I will try to explain how it works, but your best bet is to check out YouTube where a good deal of time is spent explaining Tomofon. A sample or samples are deconstructed into wave tables. And that has been done exceedingly well by other companies. The wavetables are then presented in novel ways, creating for lack of a better descriptor 3-D timbres over time. Users can import their own sample data and have it converted so that most of the hard work is dealt with outside of the user’s hands. The synthesis itself is fairly easy to comprehend and works in ways that create gorgeous sound and are not only possible, but are ridiculously easy to accomplish and I don’t say this in a flippant way, it’s almost too easy to get useful timbres not heard from other synths. In a far more complex, synthesizer, the AIR Hydrosynth sometimes approaches some of Tomofon’s more expansive capabilities. I love my Hydrosynth so making it sound like it’s a limited toy pains me because outside of virtual synths it’s one of my favorites and now so is Tomofon. I can’t think of a situation that Tomofon wouldn’t be incredibly useful for. Yes, it is expensive, it also outperforms anything that I can think of and does so with an elegant, easy to understand GUI. Best in class, really it’s own class that outclasses anything I’ve worked with on this platform. Considering what it’s able to do this is a no-brainer if you want truly unique sounds that are not insanely difficult to program if even possible outside of Tomofon. It’s that good.
04 Feb, 2025
This thing can sound like anything,especially with the matching of the voices and bodies to the waves you can put in there yourself-add the effects and you have a synth that can sound like anything anyone and everything in one package-please keep updated.....
06 Sep, 2024
I have informed the developer more than one year ago (!!!) that the app reliably crashes within one or two minutes when I use my ROLI Seaboard Blocks. They said they will look at this topic, but nothing ever happened (the last update was also more than a year ago - mind you, before I even mentioned this problem).
hel i um
10 Mar, 2023
Bra grundpris är det och nu kan man köpa till modell paket på webbsidan (fungerar på alla plattformar). Med dessa öppnar sig nästan oändliga variationer genom att bara byta ut modellen på vilket ’preset’ som helst. Superbt! Nu vill vi bara ha mappar i user presets samt möjligheten att göra egna paket. Opps! MPE vill vi ha också


Additional Information
Voted: 50
App Store Link:
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Categories: Music
Size: 1035MB
App Age: 2 years 1 month
Release Date: Feb 15, 2023
Last Update: Jun 27, 2023
Version: 1.2.0
Version history
Jun 27, 2023
- Support for MPE keyboards: for hardware, AUv3 and the built-in keyboard in the standalone app! - Added a Body parameter that simulates different instrument bodies and materials - Added filter types (now there is LP, HP, BP in both 12 db/oct and 24 db/oct) - Zoom and Scroll functionality in Audio Model Editor - Controller sources (and MPE state) can be locked so they won't change when loading a new preset - Custom tunings support (opens .tun files) - Pitch Zone graphical representation are now rendered inside the curve tool - Various bug fixes and improvements
Mar 09, 2023
Now you can import Model packs into Tomofon
Version history