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Critical Mass - war in space

🇺🇸 United States
Sean O'Connor  | 
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App Rating
App Age
11y 4m
Last Update
May 18, 2022

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Critical Mass - war in space
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Critical Mass is a game set in the future, where you are the commander of a squadron of spaceships. You will be sent on one of 40 different types of mission, ranging from protecting a convoy, to attacking an enemy starbase, to defending Earth. You fight enemy spaceships using six different types of missiles which home in on the nearest target, so you have to be careful not to destroy your own friends... The game is turn based, but with missiles homing in on your tail, enemy ships weaving to get out of your line of sight and sirens screaming warnings at you it can get pretty frantic!}
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Rating & Reviews

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49 voters

Some Latest Reviews

26 Oct, 2023
I played this game as a kid back in the late 90s, and was happily surprised when I found it on here. My only complaint is that I wish you could reset the Honor Roll.
16 Jan, 2021
I played hours and hours of the original game on PC, this port is beautiful and works very well with touch controls. There are a few things I wish to be implemented if the app gets a pin update : - squad orders : in the original game you could give order to your squad, like spreading out to search for enemies, without this some escort missions are very difficult (protect stranded ship, colonizer, politician...) - sound controls, or at least the ability to mute the menu’s music - colors ajustements : with night shift on, ryckurn ships are quite difficult to distinguish from you own squad Thank you Sean for giving a new life to my childhood memories
30 Dec, 2020
It’s enjoyable but it has an annoying bug where it occasionally turns in the opposite direction to what I set it to.
Toast ghost 666
07 Dec, 2020
Praise: Man, what an utterly addictive game. This is probably the only game from back in the day I still play. I love that it’s available on iOS, making it my go-to on the bus, toilet, or when taking breaks at work. Sound design and graphics are great for what they are, and all the classic action is still there and very engaging. The ship selection is altered and stripped down, but gotta say I love the triple blaster Wasp starter. Overall, hard not to recommend this game. Criticisms: I do really miss the build your own ship feature, and I’m not a huge fan of the squadron construction (having to fill out every slot-as I recall the windows version you could go it alone for godly medals). Friendly fire seems to be a much bigger issue in this game, objectives aren’t viewable after mission start. And I’ve noticed bumping into other objects slows you down much more than on windows; I used to rely on sideswipes to make tight turns, but even a glance grinds you to a halt on iOS. Perhaps the worst change is lack of commands available to your squadron. I really miss “search for enemy”. it would also be nice not to have to watch the whole battle unfold after you eject/space/die if there’s a friendly squad you don’t control hanging in the battle. Finally, the “go” button should be bigger, and if I could wave my magic wand I’d love a landscape orientation option. That’s a lot of nitpicks, but don’t mistake my love for this game. I basically just want more Critical Mass on my phone! The classic desktop version is easily one of my favorite games of all time, but this is a solid, addictive port.
17 Oct, 2020
Been a fan of this game since the original PC game came out. Mobile adaptation works excellently, just wish I could create custom ships and missions, or set up a custom battle. Maybe a future update?
A Sneaky Tack
08 Sep, 2020
I recommend downloading Critical Mass! 2020 Missions are played in quick turns. In a turn, the player adjusts the course of their ship, decides what types of missiles to fire, and can eject or use the ‘cloak’ or ‘forcefield’ ability. Before missions, the player is allotted points (rewarded by success) to assemble their squadron. Also, the mission briefing is given. After missions, the game reports the mission outcome and awards you and your squad. Here are a few tips I’d tell my past self: - Don’t shoot your buddies down! - Learn behavioral patterns! - Think two moves ahead. - You don’t have to fire at every chance. - READ MISSION BRIEFINGS! My best game just ended and lasted 14 missions, and I was awarded 2 gold medals (among others). Update: I’ve reached 20 missions with 4 gold medals! Update again: I'm a pro! DEVELOPER: Please add a way to mute volume and to review the mission briefing! Thank you for this awesome game! Update: please allow me to control at least one other ship in my squadron :) friendly fires are wildly lethal :(
26 May, 2020
The Mechanics and graphics of the game are great but they need to make some changes to make it more like the original. First they need to add the design your own ship feature. Secondly they need to make some simple updates like adding mission objective in game. Once you start the mission there is no way to see what your objective is. Another simple change I recommend is making it clear how to earn money. Sometimes you gain a lot some times you lose money when you successfully complete a mission. It seems to be related to you medal and how many of your squads ships supply but it is not clear. Overall a fun addictive game.
01 May, 2020
Ive been playing this game for atleast 15 years and I still get sad, angry, frustrated whenever I loose my space craft but thats how it goes. Great game and I love that it made it from windows 95 to apple app store.
27 Apr, 2020
Unheimlich langweilig, einer der Gründe warum ich es gut und anständig fände wenn Apps ohne großes trara zurückgegeben werden könnten (14 Tägiges umtauschrecht)!


Additional Information
Voted: 49
App Store Link:
Price: 4.99 $
Website: -
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Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Simulation, Strategy
Size: 17MB
App Age: 11 years 4 months
Release Date: Nov 04, 2013
Last Update: May 18, 2022
Version: 1.5.0
Version history
May 18, 2022
- added the option to start a new commander from the rank of your highest previous commander
Oct 28, 2021
- replay the entire mission as a video from any squadron member's point of view
Version history