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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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Last Update
Mar 30, 2021

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Title (
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Adventure RPG Among The Stars
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Characters: 3228 of 4000
◇A JRPG with 20 million+ downloads◇ The highly popular RPG mobile game from Japan is finally releasing for Global! With over 80 million copies sold worldwide, the hit RPG series Dragon Quest is now coming to mobile! Explore the planet and fight monsters in this adventure RPG! Characters are designed by the famous Japanese manga artist Akira Toriyama! Also, emotive stamps drawn by Japanese illustrator "Kanahei" can be used to communicate with fellow adventurers! Official website: Facebook: -------------------------------------------------- 【Key Features】 ■Multiplayer mode with up to 4 players! Find adventurers from all over the world and embark on quests together! Use stamps to express yourself! ■Simple yet strategic "Skill Gauge Battle" system! Experience a turn-based battle optimized for mobile! Use powerful spells and skills on monsters to trigger combos! Be careful though - Boss monsters have skill gauges too! Predict their next attacks and enjoy the strategic battle system! ■Character customization! Customize your character's gender and features to create your own unique character! As you progress in the game, you'll unlock the "Change Vocation" feature to change to your ideal vocation! Level your characters and upgrade your weapons and armour to challenge powerful monsters! ■Zoom in & out! Explore the planet! The map takes the form of a planet and is fully optimized for mobile! Swipe, rotate and freely zoom in and out of the planet! Tap the sparkles on the planet to discover new items! Terms of Service: Privacy Policy: -------------------------------------------------- 【Subscription Service: Star Pass (Monthly)】 ■Benefits 1. Every time you subscribe or renew, you'll receive one free Star Pass (Monthly) Lucky Chest Draw. 2. You can refill your stamina back to maximum once per day. 3. You'll enjoy 30 more Luck for the pass's active period. 4. You can use the Auto Battle feature (Exclusive to solo player mode). 5. Turbo Fast Forward can be used during battles. 6. Five equipment lockers can be used per character. 7. Eligibility to purchase Star Pass Gem Packs twice. 8. You'll receive two free Star Pass (Monthly) Lucky Chest Draws instead of the usual one every few months as part of your Continuation Benefits. * Please check the app for details with regards to billing / management / cancellation. -------------------------------------------------- 【DQS System Requirements】 Devices Minimum: At least iPhone 6, fourth-generation iPad, or iPad Mini 2 Recommended: At least iPhone 6S, fifth-generation iPad, or iPad Mini 4 Supported OS iOS 9.0 and up -------------------------------------------------- ◇◇Music◇◇ With specially selected music from the "Dragon Quest" series, enjoy the nostalgia through the music while playing "DRAGON QUEST OF THE STARS"! ◇◇Staff◇◇ ■General director: Yuji Horii ■Character design: Akira Toriyama ■Music composer: Koichi Sugiyama ©2019,2020 ARMOR PROJECT/BIRD STUDIO/SQUARE ENIX All Rights Reserved. ©SUGIYAMA KOBO -------------------------------------------------- }
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11 Apr, 2021
Please contact me at Skype/[WhatsApp:⑩ ++8618881920929 .<Everyone can enjoy 3⑩-day trial now!,⑤,①Worldwide promote your apps and rapidly increase downloads and revenue above 50 times!⑤ We are app marketing experts with rich experience♧
06 Apr, 2021
Using covid as an excuse to end up he game and take people’s money when you could’ve announced this months ago. This is shady business no gaming company can be trusted anymore...
01 Apr, 2021
En mi vida me vuelvo a descargar l comprar un juego de ustedes, no confío y son una basura por lo que hicieron.
31 Mar, 2021
They are shutting the game down after just one year when it is been going on for 5 years in Japan. They did a big anniversary event to get us excited but then right after decided to pull the plug. I will never support another Square app again.
31 Mar, 2021
I enjoyed this game, really wishing it would go on a little longer than then end of June
31 Mar, 2021
A lot of players, myself included, got some unwelcome news today: this game is now sunsetting for a June 30 closure. The game certainly wasn't bad, just very slow and very repetitive. I've been thinking about coming back after about a month off, only to find this latest strange development. Unfortunately, that's not gonna work. Now, I've seen what some folks are thinking on social media. None of the response has been pleasant. But what else can you do when you have a deadly virus crippling or killing your staff, and somehow you're biting off more than you can chew? Whatever the reason, it's not looking good for the trust of this company. Enjoy it while you can. There's another game in the pipeline, but it's not yet here. One can only hope that the new game addresses the concerns that this one brought up. Seriously, 2020 needs to take a hike!
31 Mar, 2021
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
30 Mar, 2021
After ONE year, y’all are just gonna decide to end the game? REALLY?! After all my money and time I put into this fun game and you guys are gonna shut it down in 3 months?!?! I WANT A REFUND! Geez, bro... I am NEVER buying or downloading a Square Enix game ever again.. You guys are blacklisted in my books now... Unbelievable...
30 Mar, 2021
Eines der schlechteren Gacha spiele des Hauses Square Enix! Gründe; -Die Geschichte Teils zu stark zerstückelt -Events als Neuling, teils gar nicht spielbar wegen zu hoher Schwierigkeiten an entweder zu niedriger dropraten der Event Items auf niedrigen Stufen oder zu hoher Schwierigkeitsgrade. -Zu schwach genutzter Multiplayer teils Stunden keine Gruppen vorhanden und selbst erstellt ebenfalls lange Wartezeiten. Ebenfalls meist auch Kick aus gruppen wenn eigenes Level als zu niedrig empfunden wird für die Schwierigkeit. -Waffensystem/Talent System zu stark an die so genannten Glückstruhen angelehnt, welche nur in so genannten „bezahlten Glückstruhen“ die Chance auf 1 Gegenstand der ausgewählten Banner-Gegenstände ermöglichen, ansonsten kaum Chance auf Waffen/Ausrüstung zu erhalten durch normale Glückstruhen, was schnell Spieler an eine >>Pay to Play<< Situation bringen kann. -Ein Abonoment-System das im gegensatz zu anderen Spielen mit 10.- sehr teuer ist, für das was angeboten wird. -Schlecht geführte Soziale Medien, wobei nur Facebook für die Gloable Informations bekanntgaben benützt wird hätte man auch Instagram und Twitter verwenden können um mehr Leute zu erreichen, zudem führt eine Schaltfläche während Wartungszeiten einen nicht auf eine Webseite mit zumindest Englischer Sprache für Informationen zur Wartung sondern auf die Japanische Hauptseite des Spieles was für Globale Spieler gar nichts bringt. Edit: Spiel wird in drei Monaten eingestellt!


Additional Information
😢 Deleted from App Store
Voted: 0
App Store Link:
Website: -
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Privacy Policy: -
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 9 years 6 months
Release Date: Sep 10, 2015
Last Update: Mar 30, 2021
Version: 1.2.40
Version history
Mar 30, 2021
【New Update】 ・ New alchemy recipes added ・ Preparation for future events ・ Preparation for future campaigns ・ Miscellaneous bugfixes ■Please refer to the official website and Facebook page for more information
Feb 24, 2021

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