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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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Apr 21, 2022

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******************** Dragon Quest IV, the first instalment in the Zenithian Trilogy, is now out on mobile devices! This epic adventure, unfolding over five unique chapters, each focusing on a different cast of characters, can now be enjoyed on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad! Experience the full epic game with over 40 hours of gameplay in one standalone package! Download it once, and there’s nothing else to buy, and nothing else to download! *In-game text is available in English only. ******************** ◆ Story In the far-flung corners of the world, our heroes’ stories are about to unfold... Chapter 1: Ragnar McRyan and the Case of the Missing Children Starring Ragnar McRyan, noble knight of bonnie Burland. Chapter 2: Alena and the Journey to the Tourney Starring Tsarevna Alena, tomboy princess, Kiryl the priest, her devoted follower, and Borya, the cantankerous conjurer who has watched over Alena since childhood. Chapter 3: Torneko and the Extravagant Excavation Starring Torneko Taloon, a weapon merchant chasing his lifelong dream. Chapter 4: Meena and Maya and the Mahabala Mystery Starring a pair of gifted sisters —Maya, the most alluring dancer in the entire world, and her fortune-telling sibling Meena—who will stop at nothing to avenge their father’s death. Chapter 5: The Chosen Starring a youthful hero destined to deliver the world from disaster. At long last, the Chosen Ones, inseparably bound together by the thread of fate, set off to face their ultimate enemy! ◆ Game Features ・Party Talk Chat with your loyal companions any time you like during your adventure! They’ll tell you all kinds of interesting things, depending on where you are in the story, and what heroic feats you have accomplished! ・360-Degree Views Rotate your viewpoint in towns and villages through a full 360 degrees to make sure you don’t miss a thing! ・Wagon Quest! Once you have the wagon, you can take a team of up to ten companions around with you on your adventure, and swap them in and out of your party at will! ・AI Battles Tired of giving orders? Your faithful companions can be instructed to fight automatically! Use the various tactics at your disposal to see off even the toughest enemies with ease! ・The Casino The old series favourite is back! Will you make a killing at the casino? Try your luck at three fantastic games: slot machines, poker and monster battles! ・Chapter 6? Experience an extra chapter past the ending and explore a challenging bonus dungeon. -------------------- [Supported Operating Systems] iOS11.0 and above. [Supported Devices] iPhone 5S/iPod touch (6th Generation)/iPad (5th Generation) and above.}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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495 voters

Some Latest Reviews

20 Feb, 2025
Overall it’s a great game but 4-6 cloud services don’t seem to work at all, I recently bought a iPad and wanted to continue my progress but can’t due to their being some sort of error. All I ask if Square Enix can fix this problem from such an amazing game.
22 Dec, 2024
옛날에 인터페이스고 스토리고 일본어 모르고 무작정해도 재미었는데ㅎㅎ 지금은 발전한세상에서 한글화된것만해도 대만족입니다 첨에10분정도만 조작불편했는데 이거 한손모드로 게임하기 엄청좋네요 게임성은 무조건 만점이라 올만에 30년전 감성으로 달려볼렵니다 강추
11 Nov, 2024
Though I am a huge fan of dragon quest, I am a bit disappointed that broken cloud save problem is unresolved many years after the release.
01 Feb, 2024
Usually with mobile releases of games you expect things to be worse than they were on the original console, but this is absolutely the best way to play DQ4, in English at least. It takes the very solid DS remake and improves upon it by translating and implementing the party chat feature that was originally left out of international releases. If you've never played DQ4 then you should know it's a great game, easily a couple dozen hours of gameplay, charming characters, fantastic monster design, and while maybe not the most original story a nonetheless fun tale of saving the world.
06 Jul, 2023
This is the only version of the game with party chat available in non-Japanese languages, but it doesn’t have controller support and relies on on-screen controls without a landscape mode option. The graphics feel like an odd mix of different fidelities that are a bit jarring to me, but otherwise it’s tolerable.
Doe Free
06 May, 2021
Only on Chapter 2 so far and enjoying it lots. Nice leveling mechanics, well-made interface, charming characters, and finding the right strategies to pull off combat with different enemies is satisfying. Love it so far!
27 Apr, 2021
It’s an amazing game. If you like RPG, that’s a must have game. Everything’s just right on point in that game. The story’s nothing too special, but it makes the job very well. This game offer a lot of future replayability, because the story’s not too thick, and you don’t get interrupted all the time with useless dialogues boxes. DOWNSIDE: It support cloud saving ONCE, after that, I was never able to synchronize my saved data on my second device, no matters how hard I tried. Therefore, make sure you play this game on your best device right from the start. I keep receiving this message all the time: «Data not found»
Steve Cam
24 Apr, 2021
This game needs to be updated to include drag anywhere on screen to move. All of the other DQ iOS games have it besides this one and VIII but that game should get pulled and replaced with the 3DS versions anyway. If you plan on playing all of the DQ games on mobile start with this one so you won’t get spoiled by not using the virtual joystick.
21 Apr, 2021
It’s an amazing game. If you like RPG, that’s a must have game. Everything’s just right on point in that game. The story’s nothing too special, but it makes the job very well. This game offer a lot of future replayability, because the story’s not too thick, and you don’t get interrupted all the time with useless dialogues boxes. DOWNSIDE: It support cloud saving ONCE, after that, I was never able to synchronize my saved data on my second device, no matters how hard I tried. Therefore, make sure you play this game on your best device right from the start. I keep receiving this failed message all the time: «Connection failed. Please check your signal and try again.»


Additional Information
Voted: 495
App Store Link:
Price: 14.99 $
Website: -
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: 543MB
App Age: 10 years 7 months
Release Date: Jul 31, 2014
Last Update: Apr 21, 2022
Version: 1.1.2
Version history
Apr 21, 2022
Fixed minor bugs.
Jan 22, 2020
Fixed minor bugs.

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Version history