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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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9y 7m
Last Update
Dec 16, 2020

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------------------------------------------------------ - As this application is very large, it will take some time to download. - This application takes up around 2GB of memory. Over 4GB of free space is required to download it, so make sure that ample spare memory is available before attempting to do so. ------------------------------------------------------ Recommended hardware: iPhone 5s or later, 3rd generation iPad or later, iPad mini 2 or later, iPod touch 6 Supported OS: iOS 8.0 or later *Please be aware that users may experience problems, such as exceptionally slow running speeds, if running this application on devices other than those outlined in the recommended hardware section. Such devices are not suited to playing this game and there is a chance of unforeseen errors occurring if running it on them. Outline The smash hit RPG: Final Fantasy VII, which has sold over 11,000,000 units* worldwide, finally arrives on iOS! *Total includes both packaged sales and downloads. The first Final Fantasy to feature 3D backgrounds and CG movie scenes, this dramatic tale continues to be loved by numerous fans around the world. Battle stages also appear in full 3D for the first time, bringing an even greater sense of awe and spectacle to combat! Customize your characters in any way you like using the fantastic “material” system that allows endless combinations of spells and abilities. This product is a port based on Final Fantasy VII for PC (No changes or additions have been made to the story). Story With its unshakeable monopoly over Mako energy production, the evil Shinra Electric Power Company holds tight to the reigns of world power. One day, a Mako reactor serving the sprawling metropolis of Midgar is attacked and destroyed in a bombing raid by a revolutionary group calling themselves Avalanche. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite “Soldier” unit takes part in the raid as a mercenary hired by Avalanche and sets events in motion that will draw him and his friends into an epic struggle for the fate of the planet itself… Special features for the iOS edition - Play using a simple and comfortable virtual controller designed not to obscure the action, choosing between virtual analogue or fixed 4-way digital control pad options. The opacity of on-screen controls can also be adjusted from the Config Menu. - Two new features to make play easier and more convenient! The iOS edition also includes an option to turn enemy encounters off on the world and area maps (will not skip event battles) and a Max Stats command to become all-powerful in the blink of an eye. Major game controls Movement: Virtual joypad (Select between analogue and digital modes) Menu navigation: Fixed digital buttons Confirm: A button Cancel: B button Open menu: Y button}
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Rating & Reviews

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2 930 voters

Some Latest Reviews

07 Mar, 2025
Pues básicamente lo que indica el título, y gracias que aún está disponible en la AppStore… La pantalla no se ajusta a los modelos de pantalla completa y los controles táctiles están desactualizados, incómodos, no tienen feedback de vibración háptica y además, por un extraño motivo, registran múltiples inputs con un solo toque y hace que el cursor se vuelva loco en las batallas, los minijuegos son injugables directamente… obligando a usar un mando MFI… Una pena.
Nasty Ninja Z
27 Feb, 2025
Everything works correctly except the “A” button, which activates multiple times with each press. This makes the game unplayable. Pity, because I love the game, just not on my iPhone 15.
26 Feb, 2025
The port is good, and I only had one instance of a crash happen from the game. However… You gotta say it how it is, the port isn’t enough. Modders aren’t enough either. You can throw paint on an old house with cracked walls, but the cracks can still be seen or are still there. Bugs have never been addressed. Character text was never improved. The screen resolution feels like it was never adjusted for phones after the iPhone 5. Mini-games could be touched up to work better. Battles feel sluggish when your ATB stops when any enemy attacks. Battle menu UI is not fun to work with. Normal menu-ing is bad. Nothing was adjusted or improved after 25+ years. Ultimate Weapon is a chore to chase down and fight. The snowboard mini-game at some point breaks itself when too many trees are present. There’s little incentive to grind or look for anything hidden in the game. Things that are hidden with no visible indicators are what can kill this entirely. This was fixed in the Pixel Remasters. Still, you might as well buy this game if you want to see Final Fantasy 7. There’s little to no chance of them remastering the game at this point when every video says FF7 is a perfect game, and people should look to it for game design…
Alfonso Madrid
11 Feb, 2025
Cuando llegas A Juno al rescatar a Priscila tienes que hacer una RCP pulsando un botón que desaparece de pantalla y no te permite continuar con la historia del juego. No recuerdo que esto pasara antes por lo que debe de haber algún error con las últimas versiones de la aplicación. Por otro lado el port no está bien adaptado (quitando que se queda en una visualización minúscula por la resolución original, que ahí sin remaster hay poco que hacer), hay mucho espacio entre las franjas laterales (negras y azules) que se podían haber aprovechado para que los botones no estuvieran sobre el juego y hacer los botones L y R algo más grandes
the lost zaba
04 Feb, 2025
I love this game however I would like to ask for it to support the new screen sizes iPad and iPhone sizes please and thank you
05 Jan, 2025
Impossible to leave aeris’ house , even switch to d pad £8 wasted for 1hrs play time
05 Jan, 2025
It doesn't keep my saves after I play it for couple hours. Got to restart the game again.
03 Jan, 2025
Square Enix ne semble pas écouter leur communauté qui réclame des mise à jour , des correctifs , le pavé tactile a changé … ils se repose trop sur leurs lauriers. 8 ans sans mise à jours ? C’est abusé d’où ma sanction méritée
19 Dec, 2024
If anyone is wondering: the game does work well with Bluetooth controller. Awesome game by the way!


Additional Information
Voted: 2.93K
App Store Link:
Price: 15.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Adventure, Games, Entertainment, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 9 years 7 months
Release Date: Jul 30, 2015
Last Update: Dec 16, 2020
Version: 2.0
Version history
Dec 16, 2020
Исправлены ошибки
Jan 26, 2016
This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate. ・Screen rotate function added. (Please note that the app may quit if the screen is rotated too many times in succession.) ・The following minigame buttons have been enlarged and/or rearranged: Submarine G Bike Snowboarding Shooting Coaster (tap the screen to fire the beam) Chocobo Racing Fort Condor ・Name change function added. (Accessible from the world map config menu.) ・Other minor bugs fixed.

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Version history