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Jun 23, 2022

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******************** This grand adventure, unfolding over three generations, is now available to play in the palm of your hand! Take your place among a family of heroes, sharing in all the triumphs and tragedies of their storied lives! Enjoy three generations’ worth of adventure in one standalone package! There will be a fee to download the game but download it once, and there’s nothing else to buy, and nothing else to download! *In-game text is available in English only. ******************** ◆Prologue Our hero begins the story as a small boy, travelling the world with his father, Pankraz. Over the course of his many adventures, this lovable lad learns and grows. And when he finally becomes a man, he resolves to continue his father’s unfinished quest—to find the Legendary Hero... This thrilling tale on a stunning scale can now be enjoyed on pocket-sized devices! ◆Game Feature ・Make Friends with Mighty Monsters! The fearsome monsters you face in battle can now become your friends, giving you access to unique spells and abilities—and a whole host of strategic possibilities! ・Converse Freely with your Fellow Party Members! The party chat function allows you to converse freely with the cast of colourful characters who will accompany you on your adventure. So don’t hesitate to turn to them for advice and idle chit-chat whenever the urge assails you! ・360-Degree Views Rotate your viewpoint in towns and villages through a full 360 degrees to make sure you don’t miss a thing! ・AI Battles Tired of giving orders? Your faithful companions can be instructed to fight automatically! Use the various tactics at your disposal to see off even the toughest enemies with ease! ・The Casino With slot machines, poker, the monster arena and the exciting slime races of the slurpodrome, the casino is sure to provide you with a little light relief when the pressures of adventuring prove too great. Better still, you can exchange the tokens you earn for all kinds of exciting items, making taking a break well worth your while! ・Treasures ‘n’ Trapdoors Take dice in hand and roll your way around specially designed game boards, enjoying a whole range of exciting events as you go! Some of the things you’ll see won’t be available anywhere else, and if you manage to make it to the end, you can win some really great rewards! ・Bruise the Ooze is Back! Bruise the Ooze, the slime-smashing minigame introduced in the Nintendo DS version, is back with a bang! Tap the slimes within the time limit to earn points in this super-simple yet fiendishly addictive goo-splatting extravaganza! ・Simple, Intuitive Controls The game’s controls are designed to work perfectly with the vertical layout of any modern mobile device, and the position of the movement button can be changed to facilitate both one- and two-handed play. ・Experience the legendary RPG loved by millions in Japan and worldwide! Created by a legendary trio with the master creator Yuji Horii, the revolutionary synthesizer score and orchestration by Koichi Sugiyama, and art by master manga artist Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball). -------------------- [Supported Operating Systems] iOS11.0 and above. [Supported Devices] iPhone 5S/iPod touch (6th Generation)/iPad (5th Generation) and above.}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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741 voters

Some Latest Reviews

22 Feb, 2025
DQV is a great game, and this version of DQV is very fun, but the English localization leaves a lot to be desired. Most character names have been butchered into out of place references and nearly every line is a pun or rendered in a phonetic accent with only a passing resemblance to human speech. Some of the worst standouts include the changing of the names of every antagonist to Russian words for chess pieces, words the translator themself didn't seem to understand given they confused which pieces are "Ladja" and "Slon". These name changes are coupled with a pathetic attempt at a Slavic accent which will make you roll your eyes every time a villain speaks. The translation effort seems more like a "so random" internet parody of the story and dialogue.
Olaguer Treviño
28 Dec, 2024
Sin duda alguna no te puedes perder de esta joya de juego, una historia tan insuperable que acaba conectando con el jugador, es una pena que no lo traduzcan al español.
흔한 쑤레기 어플
17 Sep, 2024
나만 그런게 아니라 레딧쪽에도 악명이 높더군요 아이클라우드 안되기로 이유도 없고 그냥 복골복임 ㅋㅋ 그냥 안되고 싶으면 안됨 폰 바꿔서 세이브 옮길려다가 싹다 날림 5탄만 그러는게 아니라 4,5,6 다 그럼 웃긴게 옆동네 파판은 아이클라우드 세이브 잘만 됨 ㅋㅋ 레딧에선 8탄도 이런다니 참고하십쇼
juan pancho sevilla
10 Sep, 2024
4/5 car il manque une VF même si la note de 5/5 est largement méritée
22 Nov, 2023
Great game but I can’t save to the cloud. It says connection failed when I tried to save using my iPhone 14 Pro.
29 Oct, 2023
No sound what’s happening
28 Oct, 2023
Just recently Getting back into playing it and for some reason I don’t get sound from the game anymore I don’t know if it’s just my phone or not but I hope it gets fixed
DJ KrysB
20 Jul, 2023
I only bought this game based on the reviews and having played other DQ games. Unless you have loads of free time trying to figure the game out by talking to all the people in the village or dungeons then don’t waste your time. Also, the controls are awful. No controller support and also no way to flip phone like every normal game out there.
18 Jul, 2023
Amazing port of the DS Version, that just feels good to play on the go on the gorgeous iphone screens!


Additional Information
Voted: 741
App Store Link:
Price: 14.99 $
Website: -
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: 502MB
App Age: 10 years 2 months
Release Date: Jan 19, 2015
Last Update: Jun 23, 2022
Version: 1.1.2
Version history
Jun 23, 2022
Fixed minor bugs.
Dec 11, 2019
Fixed a bug.

More by SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.

FINAL FANTASY TACTICS 36 DRAGON QUEST TACT 46 Trials of Mana 30 Secret of Mana 15 DRAGON QUEST IV 32 FINAL FANTASY VI 7 FINAL FANTASY 31 DRAGON QUEST 25 エンゲージソウルズ 7 FFBE幻影戦争 戦略RPG/シミュレーションゲーム 38 Lara Croft GO 35 SaGa Frontier Remastered 29 CHRONO TRIGGER (Upgrade Ver.) 53 FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion 46 Deus Ex GO 35 DRAGON QUEST VI 32 ドラゴンクエストタクト ドラクエのタクティクスRPG 27 FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS 43 SQUARE ENIX Software Token 15 TheWorldEndswithYouSoloRemixHD 24 Arena Battle Champions 38 FINAL FANTASY IV 36 COLLECTION of SaGa FF LEGEND 67 FINAL FANTASY V 45 DQ Dai: A Hero’s Bonds 51 Actraiser Renaissance 54 COSMOS RINGS 9 DJノブナガ 10 ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険 -魂の絆- 31 FINAL FANTASY LEGENDS II 時空ノ水晶 28 FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS 23 ディープインサニティ アサイラム 44 FFVII THE FIRST SOLDIER 52 Hitman Sniper: The Shadows 33 FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion 49 FINAL FANTASY II 35 Hidden Heroes AR 37 ドラクエベビー&キッズ~スライムとあそぼう~ 24 三國志亂舞 RANBU 38 FINAL FANTASY II 5 FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS II 39 ドラゴンクエストけしケシ! 22 FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV 46 Legend of Mana 2 FINAL FANTASY III 49 聖剣伝説 Legend of Mana 19 Romancing SaGa 3 25 Arkanoid vs Space Invaders 55 PROJECT TOKYO DOLLS 11 DRAGON QUEST V 30 FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS 24 聖剣伝説 ECHOES of MANA | アクションRPG 27 TheWorldEndswithYou: SoloRemix 26 FINAL FANTASY 4 星のドラゴンクエスト 17 Manga UP! 30 FINAL FANTASY PORTAL APP 28 FINAL FANTASY VI 19 ECHOES of MANA 55 FF IV: THE AFTER YEARS 39 FINAL FANTASY Ⅸ 17 おじさまと猫 スーパーミラクルパズル 14 FFVII THE FIRST SOLDIER 40 魔法科高校の劣等生 リローデッド・メモリ 26 NieR Re[in]carnation 22 DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 40 ブレイブリーデフォルト ブリリアントライツ 13 FINAL FANTASY TACTICS :WotL 29 鋼の錬金術師 MOBILE 20 FINAL FANTASY III (3D REMAKE) 38 Lara Croft: Relic Run 37 スクールガールストライカーズ2 12 半熟英雄 ああ、世界よ半熟なれ…!! 24 OCTOPATH TRAVELER™:CotC 51 ChocoboGP' 15 FINAL FANTASY Ⅸ 18 爆走!テレビ野郎ナナーナ 19 スクウェア・エニックス アプリ 12 The GO Trilogy 1 FINAL FANTASY IV Complete Pac 43 刀使ノ巫女 刻みし一閃の燈火 4 DRAGON QUEST III 32 Tomb Raider Reloaded 44 マンガUP! 17 SCHOOLGIRL STRIKERS ~光輝旋律~ 13 Hitman GO 30 ドラゴンクエストⅩ 冒険者のおでかけ超便利ツール 21 エンゲージ・キル(Engage Kill) 36 DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY OO 43 FINAL FANTASY TACTICS 獅子戦争 28 BOOM STREET SMART 31 ドラゴンクエストライバルズ エース 11 ドラゴンクエストVIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君 23 ロマンシング サガ -ミンストレルソング- リマスター 28 Life is Strange: Before Storm 38 Sa・Ga COLLECTION 28 Hitman Sniper 43 ドラゴンクエストVII エデンの戦士たち 19 ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ スーパーライト 13 ファイナルファンタジーポータルアプリ 8 Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- 44 NieR Re[in]carnation 54 FINALFANTASY XV POCKET EDITION 45 FFBE DIGITAL ULTIMANIA 36 グリムノーツ Repage 15 CHAOS RINGS Ⅲ 30 スクールガールストライカーズ ~トゥインクルメロディーズ~ 23 STAR OCEAN -anamnesis- 15 FINAL FANTASY ALL THE BRAVEST 39 ガンガンONLINE 28 いただきストリート for SMARTPHONE わたしのお店にタッチして! 25 ゲートオブナイトメア 17 予言者育成学園Fortune Tellers Academy 26 魔法科高校の劣等生 LOST ZERO 19 クロノ・トリガー 32 ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2 イルとルカの不思議な鍵SP 18 FINAL FANTASY VII 21 RANBU 三国志乱舞 18 FINALFANTASY CRYSTALCHRONICLES 28 サガ スカーレット グレイス 緋色の野望 24 ディシディアファイナルファンタジー オペラオムニア 23 THE LAST REMNANT Remastered 28 Hitman Essentials 31 とある魔術の禁書目録 幻想収束 17 オクトパストラベラー 大陸の覇者 24 FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered 33 FF IV: THE AFTER YEARS 24 DRAGON QUEST VIII 19 FINAL FANTASY V (旧Ver.) 14 Bundle of Mana 25 THE LAST REMNANT Remastered 29 FORTUNE STREET SMART 36 FINAL FANTASY IV コンプリートパック 33 FINAL FANTASY I-VI BUNDLE 44 ROMANCING SAGA 2 27 Adventures of Mana 36 ヴァルキリープロファイル VALKYRIE PROFILE 28 聖剣伝説セット 15 ロマンシング サガ リ・ユニバース/戦略RPG 30 VALKYRIE PROFILE: LENNETH 38 ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ テリーのワンダーランドSP 17 FINAL FANTASY V 5 DRAGON QUEST OF THE STARS 10 Grimms Echoes 20 トワツガイ 17 ファイナルファンタジーXIV コンパニオン 22 FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE) 43 DRAGON QUEST II 17 CHAOS RINGS Ⅲ 20 FINAL FANTASY TACTICS獅子戦争_iPad 18 サガ フロンティア リマスター 19 ドラゴンクエストモンスターズテリーのワンダーランドRETRO 17 COSMOS RINGS 2 FINALFANTASY CRYSTALCHRONICLES 40 ロマンシング サガ2 10 VALKYRIE ANATOMIA(ヴァルキリーアナトミア) 18 すばらしきこのせかい Solo Remix 28 KINGDOM HEARTS Uχ Dark Road 40 FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE) 33 乖離性ミリオンアーサー 10 ドラゴンクエスト ポータルアプリ 12 SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live 33 SaGa SCARLET GRACE : AMBITIONS 43 ドラゴンクエストウォーク 歩く楽しみが増える位置情報ゲーム 21 ドラゴンクエストIV 導かれし者たち 19 すばらしきこのせかい Solo Remix for iPad 18 聖剣伝説 -ファイナルファンタジー外伝- 24 FINAL FANTASY VII 21 ドラゴンクエストVI 幻の大地 17 VoC: The Forsaken Maiden 40 VoCTheIsleDragonRoarsChapter0 44 Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe 48 パラノマサイト FILE23 本所七不思議 19 VoiceofCards:TheBeastsofBurden 48 VoiceofCardsTheIsleDragonRoars 47 PARANORMASIGHT 33 VoiceofCards:TheForsakenMaiden 48 VoC: The Beasts of Burden 40 VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars 50 The Centennial Case 30 結合男子 27 ポップアップストーリー 魔法の本と聖樹の学園 19 FINAL FANTASY VII EVER CRISIS 44 ワールドエンドヒーローズ 8 ドラゴンクエストチャンピオンズ - 乱戦コマンドバトルRPG 36 サガ エメラルド ビヨンド 0 ドラゴンクエストV 天空の花嫁 17 Life Is Strange 19 KINGDOM HEARTS Uχ Dark Road 55 FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered 45 FF IV: THE AFTER YEARS+ 9 Trials of Mana+ 27 FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE)+ 18 FINAL FANTASY+ 34
Version history