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Actraiser Renaissance

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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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3y 6m
Last Update
May 02, 2022

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Actraiser Renaissance
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Actraiser has been remastered!
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Characters: 2789 of 4000
ABOUT Actraiser combines 2D platforming action (Realm Acts) with a City-building simulation (Realm Management) in the ultimate battle between good and evil! Featuring the soundtrack that sent shockwaves through the gaming world when it was first released, composed by the legendary Yuzo Koshiro - now remastered! Help humanity flourish by playing as the Lord of Light and their loyal angel in a world beset by evil. NEW FEATURES - Remastered 2D graphics present the game in beautiful HD - 15 new music tracks, as well as re-arranged original tracks by Actraiser composer Yuzo Koshiro! - New stories, expanded action and realm management gameplay, additional action stages, an all-new realm, and new more powerful bosses! - Auto-save and difficulty levels GAME SYSTEM Realm Acts: Strategically cast powerful fire, ice, and other magic in these 2D action stages. Humans return to reclaim the realm after you conquer these stages, allowing you to begin cultivating your settlements. New magic that was not available in the original game has been added along with the ability to dodge. Players can also attack with upward and downward motions for a more dynamic action experience. You will need every new trick in your arsenal to defeat stronger bosses at the end of the new action stages. Realm Management: Help humanity flourish by cultivating your settlements and offering guidance. Use your miraculous powers to summon lightning and trigger earthquakes to remove obstacles such as trees and boulders that impede the growth of your chosen. Play as the Lord of Light's angel and use your mighty bow and arrows to drive back the evil monsters that prey on your people. Protect your settlements from enemy raids in real-time strategic battles. The placement of your forts and timing of your miracles is key to achieving victory in these engagements. Experience all-new tales of humanity's struggles to overcome their flaws and failings as they learn to love one another and together grow stronger. Altogether, these new scenarios amount to more than twice the story present in the original. Explore the vast new realm and enjoy building your settlements for longer than ever before! MUSIC The original Actraiser composer, Yuzo Koshiro, has re-arranged all of the iconic original tracks and added 15 new tracks as well. Players can listen to the original music or switch to the re-arranged versions while playing the game. Tired from protecting and raising your villagers? Then just sit back, relax, and enjoy the tunes. *The app is a complete version of the game. You can complete the game from start to finish with absolutely no in-game purchases. [Supported Versions] iOS 13.0+ [Supported Devices] iPhone 6s/iPod touch(7th generation)/iPad(5th generation)/iPad Air2/iPad mini4+}
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128 voters

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01 May, 2024
大人になってゲームは殆どしなくなりましたが、懐かし過ぎて思わずダウンロードしました。 アクションパートが何故かやりにくいと思ったら、剣振りとジャンプのボタン配置が左右逆になってますね。スーファミの元祖はYボタン(左)が剣振り、Bボタン(右下)がジャンプでした。オプションでボタン配置を変更可能にして欲しいです。30年経っても感覚が身体に染み付いてるので、無意識にボタンを押し間違えてますw リマスターの新しい内容を楽しんでますが、少し容量が重くてよくフリーズします。 自分的には元祖の軽いリメイクでも全然課金してやりたいです^_^
20 Oct, 2021
とにかく曲が懐かしい。CDを買ってたくらいには大好きな曲でした。ロマサガ(FFだったかも?)はアクトレイザーの曲を聴いて「ヤバい!ウチももっと曲に気合を入れないと!!?」と焦ったほど。本当に名曲です。 ゲームの内容も原作を分厚くしたような形で好きです。 問題は、、皆さんが語る通りにアクションパートでの操作性ですね。確かに原作もアクションではヤキモキさせる動きだったのですが、今作はジャンプと攻撃ボタンが宜しくない。 上昇しながら切り上げるアクション(↑+攻撃ボタン)が度々暴発する。特に地形が傾斜になっている時などで顕著でした。そしてジャンプ中に素早く下降しながら切り下ろしするアクション/連続攻撃後に突き抜けるアクションが発動しにくい。 後方に素早くバックするアクションは豪快に下がりすぎるので後ろの落とし穴や針に激突しそうで使いにくい・・。 スマホだけでの操作性はちょっと厳しいものがありました。 作品としては好きなのでコントローラーを買おうと思っていますが、、それまではストーリーを進められそうにもないのでお休みかなぁ。😅
17 Oct, 2021


Additional Information
Voted: 128
App Store Link:
Price: 15.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Action, Games, Entertainment, Simulation
Size: 2468MB
App Age: 3 years 6 months
Release Date: Sep 23, 2021
Last Update: May 02, 2022
Version: 1.1.0
Version history
May 02, 2022
Summary of changes is as follows: <Realm Management and Settlement Sieges / Raids> - The item and SP potion drop rates during realm management and settlement defense has been increased. - The population requirements to complete certain objectives in Aitos and Marahna during realm management have been reduced. - The option to skip previously completed settlement siege battles has been added. (This feature is only available after completing the game.) <Realm Acts> - The difficulty of the Rafflasher boss fight in Marahna Act 1 has been adjusted. - The ""Renaissance Actions"" setting has been added to the game settings menu. If toggled off, backstepping, combos, rising strikes and overhead slams will be disabled, providing players with an experience closer to that of the original Actraiser. - The stage clear sequence has been adjusted. <Miscellaneous> - The option to change the angel's outfit during cutscenes has been added. - A number of the musical compositions have been further refined by Yuzo Koshiro. - An option to view update information has been added to the title screen. - Various other minor issues have also been addressed.
Sep 23, 2021

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