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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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13y 3m
Last Update
Jul 24, 2023

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Title (
Characters: 29 of 30
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Characters: 22 of 30
The definitive edition
Description (
Characters: 3188 of 4000
Journey to the forgotten past, to the far future, and to the end of time. A big adventure to save the planet, now begins… CHRONO TRIGGER is the timeless role-playing classic developed by the ‘Dream Team’ of DRAGON QUEST creator Yuji Horii, Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama, and the creators of FINAL FANTASY. As the story unfolds, embark on a journey to different eras: the present, the middle ages, the future, prehistory, and ancient times! Whether you're a first-time player or a longtime fan, this epic quest to save a planet's future promises hours of enthralling adventure! As the definitive version of CHRONO TRIGGER, not only have the controls been updated, the graphics and sound have also been revamped to make your adventure even more fun and enjoyable to play. To complete your journey, also included is the mysterious ‘Dimensional Vortex’ dungeon and the forgotten ‘Lost Sanctum’ dungeon. Meet the challenges presented to you and long-lost secrets may be revealed... Story: A chance encounter amid the festivities of Guardia's Millennial Fair in Leene Square introduces our young hero, Crono, to a girl by the name of Marle. Deciding to explore the fair together, the two soon find themselves at an exhibition of the Telepod, the latest invention by Crono's longtime friend Lucca. Marle, fearless and brimming with curiosity, volunteers to assist in a demonstration. An unanticipated malfunction, however, sends her hurtling through a rift in the dimensions. Taking hold of the girl's pendant, Crono bravely follows in pursuit. But the world into which he emerges is the one of four centuries before. Journey to the forgotten past, the distant future, and even to the very End of Time. The epic quest to save a planet's future makes history once again. Key features: Active Time Battle Version 2 During battle, time will not stop, and you can enter commands when the character's gauge is full. The enemies' positions will change as time passes, so choose your actions based on any given situation. ‘Tech’ moves and combos During battle, you can unleash special ‘Tech’ moves, including abilities and/or magic and characters can combine these abilities to unleash all new combo attacks which are unique to them. There are over 50 different types of combos that you can execute between two and three characters! Experience the 'Dimensional Vortex' and the 'Lost Sanctum' dungeons The Dimensional Vortex: a mysterious, ever-changing dungeon existing outside of space and time. What wonders await you at its center? The Lost Sanctum: enigmatic gates in prehistoric and medieval times will lead you to these forgotten chambers. Meet the challenges presented to you and long-lost secrets may be revealed... Graphics and sound While keeping the atmosphere of the original, the graphics have been updated in higher resolution. As for the sound and music, under the supervision of composer Yasunori Mitsuda, all songs have been updated for an even more immersive gameplay experience. Autosave In addition to saving at a save point or choosing to quit from the menu, your progress is saved automatically while traversing the map. --------------------------------------------}
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Rating & Reviews

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3 136 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Caio C S
05 Mar, 2025
A adaptação para mobile é excelente. Bem fluído e com ótima jogabilidade. A crítica, porém, fica ao fato ABSURDO de não ter legenda em português. Descaso total.
24 Feb, 2025
The game runs great, I have zero complaints. I do wonder how long I have to wait for you guys to do CHRONO cross though…..
14 Feb, 2025
Probably the best JRPG and it plays perfectly on the iPhone!
23 Jan, 2025
Chrono Trigger’s graphics are are all blurry and just feel choppy, some of the textures don’t even match up correctly and look like the game is on several slices, if you want to play a good high quality definitive version of Chrono Trigger either play the DS version or the PC version with mods. Even the SNES version is better Originally this port was made like 12 years ago but now they could’ve just upgraded the textures. But that was fine, now it’s just a mess of choppy textures. What I’m pretty sure Square did was put a smoothing texture on all of the sprites but it kinda ruined everything in terms of experience.
12 Jan, 2025
To those who may be as yet unaware, Square just put out a new policy taking a stand against harassment. They now reserve the right to refuse services or deny your right to purchase their products for engaging in behaviors that may exceed socially acceptable norms… but they have listed asking for “changes” to a game as an example. I’m not kidding. Requesting a change be made may just be enough to get you SUED. That is also not an exaggeration! Square has specifically said they will pursue legal action, and their policy is vague enough that mere CRITICISM may be enough to land you in court if they don’t like what you have to say! UNACCEPTABLE TO THE NTH DEGREE.
30 Dec, 2024
Haven’t gotten far in it but I love it. It was hard to move around at first, Then I connected my switch controller to my iPad and it’s amazing!!!
J. B. Green
28 Dec, 2024
Generational in it's time of creation and still holds up.
04 Dec, 2024
Esse jogo teve um grande impacto na minha vida e eu gostaria de o apresentar a meu filho, infelizmente ele não fala inglês. Esse port precisa de uma tradução em português.
24 Oct, 2024
A must play classic. One of the best games ever made.


Additional Information
Voted: 3.14K
App Store Link:
Price: 9.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: 532MB
App Age: 13 years 3 months
Release Date: Dec 07, 2011
Last Update: Jul 24, 2023
Version: 2.1.1
Version history
Jul 24, 2023
Fixed a bug.
Mar 10, 2022
・Full-screen now available: Up to 21:9 ratio full-screen display. ・Improved Controls Improved directional pad controls. Improved directional pad design to make it easier to see. An exclamation point will now display for an interaction prompt such as Talk. Changed the size of the target marking dungeon entrances, etc. to make them easier to see. Improved the event areas to make it easier to clear when using touch controls. Small additional control adjustments. ・Improved Battles Battle Speed for Auto Battles increased by x1.5. Automatically continue with Auto Battle selected for the next battle. Battle Speed adjustment possible from MENU. ・Additional features: Available save slots increased to 20 slots. "Extras" mode that allows you to view the following freely: Movies, Illustrations, Sound, and Ending Log. ・Small bugs have been fixed.

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Version history