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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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May 11, 2021

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DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvation—one of the most highly acclaimed and best-selling games in the franchise is finally here for mobile! Now all three instalments of the Erdrick Trilogy can be played in the palm of your hand! Every wondrous weapon, spectacular spell and awesome adversary in this rich fantasy world is yours to discover in a single standalone package. Download it once, and there’s nothing else to buy, and nothing else to download! DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvation has an independent storyline and can be enjoyed without playing DRAGON QUEST I or DRAGON QUEST II. ※In-game text is available in English only. ◆ Prologue On the morning of their sixteenth birthday, the child of Ortega, hero of the land of Aliahan, is charged with a seemingly impossible task by the King himself: to slay the Archfiend Baramos, master of darkness! What trials await our intrepid hero as they set out to take on a quest not even their legendary father was strong enough to complete? ◆Game Features ・Freely Customisable Party System. Set out on an unforgettable adventure with a party of up to four characters who can be customised to your exact specifications at Patty’s Party Planning Place! Choose names, genders and jobs, and put together the team of your dreams! ・Freely Changeable Vocations Your party members can be assigned any one of up to 9 vocations, a choice which will dictate their stats, equipment, spells and abilities. Though the hero’s role has been decided by fate, the jobs of all the other characters are yours to change as you see fit. Characters who change jobs will be returned to Level 1 and have their attributes halved, but they will retain all the spells and abilities they’ve learned, allowing you to tailor your team to perfectly suit your needs. Turn a priest into a warrior to add healing abilities to your swordsman’s arsenal, or mix it up any other way you like! The possibilities are endless! ・Experience an epic RPG experience with over 30 hours of gameplay with added features to the original release! Travel across multiple continents and dungeons as you level up your characters and unlock new spells and abilities. The personality system changes how your character grows making your party always unique. Mini-games like medal collecting to unlock powerful new items that were not available in the original release. Discover and explore bonus dungeons and location after completing the main plot. ・Simple, Intuitive Controls The game’s controls are designed to work perfectly with the vertical layout of any modern mobile device, and the position of the movement button can be changed to facilitate both one- and two-handed play. ・Experience the multi-million selling series, beloved both in Japan and beyond, and see how the masterful talents of series creator Yuji Horii first combined with the revolutionary synthesizer sounds of Koichi Sugiyama and the wildly popular manga illustrations of Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball) to create a gaming sensation. ◆ Supported iOS Devices/Operating Systems ◆ ・iPhone 4 and above/iPad/iPod touch (4th generation and above) ・iOS4.3 and above}
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Rating & Reviews

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389 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Cobra Kai Never Dies!!
22 Feb, 2025
I played through 99% of the game. I got to Zoma. Beat the boss rush, out of heals and MP. There should’ve been a portal at the bottom of the stairs in Zoma’s room but there is not. So the game is impossible to finish
Pleas fix
19 Feb, 2025
This game is a fun classic. Fun to play while watching the anime. This game would be better with backbone support.
29 Mar, 2024
In this year 2024, with Switch ports existing, this game really needs controller support on iOS.
01 Apr, 2021
1,2,3로토시리즈 너무 고전이라 접근하기 힘드신분들은 드퀘4,5나 8로 먼저 입문하셔도 됩니다 (4,5,6,8 따로해도 되지만 1,2,3은 순서대로 하시는게 좋습니다) 드퀘11(스팀판)하실분들은 혹은 드퀘11하시고 여운남아서 오신분들 있으시면 3부터 하다 스포당하지 마시고 로토시리즈 1-2-3 순서대로 클리어하시는걸 추천합니다
15 Feb, 2021
Super j-rpg c’est un classique à faire le portage est super le seul point négatif est qu’il n’y a pas les animations des monstres présente sur la version originale et pour certains le fait qu’il n’y ai pas de vf
Dragon warrior reborn
08 Nov, 2020
I own iPad & iPhone. Can’t move saves between them. Great game but can’t rank higher since they won’t support a basic function. Also landscape mode would be nice.
Luke S 81
09 Oct, 2020
Maybe I’m missing something here, but this game just feels really lazy. I played through DQs 1 and 2 and loved them, even though there was some monotony. But in 3 right off the bat was disappointed- you just go to the party store and roll up some random characters? What’s the story in that? I’m skipping this one and moving on to # 4.
25 Aug, 2020
애니메이션 없어서 별로라는거랑 다운불가랑 조작안좋다는건 헛소리엿음 애니는 없어도 크게 안느껴짐(애니잇는 버전 안해본 첫플레이라면...그리고 유튜브로 봣는데 공격시에만 움직이긴함 4,5,6은 계속움직임...그냥해도댈듯 어차피 게임자체가 고전급그래픽이고)거기다가 이겜은 자발적으로 노가다를 하도록만드는 중독성이 엄청남 그런데 세로화면 한손조작모드가 없엇다면 생각하기도싫음 그리고 풀스크린으로할만한 그래픽이아님 세로화면 운운하는인간들 진짜드퀘를 이해하는지 의심만댐 게임은 시간경과에따라 배경이 해지고뜨고 대사도틀려지고 배경도 바뀌고 이거 정말몰입감더해줌 다운로드 도잘댐 아이폰7플러스임 인공지능이 잇어서 동료만잇을뿐 드퀘1하는 느낌으로 전투할수잇음 주인공 기술선택 귀찮아서 오토로 만드는 성격을 본거같은데 찾기 포기하고 일부러 사망하게한후 동료들로만 올오토로 하는데 너무퀘적함 초반성격질문부터 몰입감높여줌(거의 실재랑 같이나와서 처음엔 깜짝 놀랏음ㅋㅋ)호기심에 드퀘1시작한게 이렇게 즐거움 이잇을줄은몰랏음 드퀘1이식에 다시한번 감사드림
01 Aug, 2020
I just finished this and on a high from such a fantastic ending. This game is a joy from beginning to end, we'll balanced, good auto combat AI that saves you tons of time. Great world and characters but the best part is that this is the perfect evolution of the first 3 games. If you have no intention of playing 1 and 2 just play this one but if you really want the full experience definitely play 1,2 and 3 in order. I'm telling you it's worth it. But this is also just a great game on it's own if you never play the others and I don't recommend playing this one first either. @squareenix please release Dragon Quest VII 7 to us in English markets on mobile.


Additional Information
Voted: 389
App Store Link:
Price: 9.99 $
Website: -
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Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 10 years 4 months
Release Date: Nov 20, 2014
Last Update: May 11, 2021
Version: 1.83.1
Version history
May 11, 2021
- mindre forbedringer og feilrettinger
Nov 26, 2020

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