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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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Last Update
Mar 11, 2025

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Title (
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The Ultimate Pixel Remaster
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Characters: 2584 of 4000
A remodeled 2D take on the second game in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics. All the magic of the original, with improved ease of play. Our epic tale begins with four young souls orphaned during the struggle between the Palamecian Empire and the rebel army. On their journey, the youths join forces with the white wizard Minwu, Prince Gordon of Kashuan, Leila the pirate, and many others. Behold the beautiful and sometimes tragic twists of fate that await you on your adventure. FFII introduced a unique skill level system that strengthens different attributes of the characters depending on their fighting style instead of leveling up. Use the key terms you learn in conversation to unlock new information and progress in the story. This innovative game series takes an ambitious turn in this second installment in the FINAL FANTASY series! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ Beautifully revived with new graphics and sound! ・Universally updated 2D pixel graphics, including the iconic FINAL FANTASY character pixel designs created by Kazuko Shibuya, the original artist and current collaborator. ・Beautifully rearranged soundtrack in a faithful FINAL FANTASY style, overseen by original composer Nobuo Uematsu. ■Improved gameplay! ・Including modernized UI, auto-battle options, and more. ・Also supports game pad controls, making it possible to play using a dedicated gamepad UI when connecting a gamepad to your device. ・Switch the soundtrack between the rearranged version, created for the pixel remaster, or the original version, capturing the sound of the original game. ・Now possible to switch between different fonts, including the default font and a pixel-based font based on the atmosphere of the original game. ・Additional boost features to expand gameplay options, including switching off random encounters and adjusting experience gained multipliers between 0 and 4. ・Dive into the world of the game with supplemental extras like the bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player. *One-time purchase. The app will not require any additional payments to play through the game after the initial purchase and subsequent download. *This remaster is based on the original "FINAL FANTASY II" game released in 1988. Features and/or content may differ from previously rereleased versions of the game. [OS Compatibility] iOS 13.0 or higher [Applicable Devices] iPhone 6s, iPod touch (7th generation), iPad (5th generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 and higher}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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324 voters

Some Latest Reviews

27 Feb, 2025
I want to start by saying Final Fantasy II is by far my favorite out of the whole series because I grew up playing it wayyy too much. With that being said there’s many things they have done right, such as fantastic music, new animations for magic abilities (especially ultima which really needed it from the original lol) however there are a few things I don’t remember being in the original. Those being status effects guaranteed to hit you unless you are very high level, the ATROCIOUS “Rng” battles (literally a fight every few steps), and the most important of them all - and the reason why I gave 2 stars - THERES NO SOUL OF REBIRTH MODE. If I’m paying $10 for a 20 year old game remastered you should at least throw in the modes that were in the original. It’s such a shame and feels scammy not to include it. Ps. I think post lv10 thunder animation on the original version is better than the remastered.
22 Feb, 2025
Last achievements isn t on! I did complete every expect a last. Please make update it in all FF 1-6 pixel remastered. Thank
24 Jul, 2024
ソウルオブリバースが無いのは致命的 どんな思いでかつての仲間たちが身を挺して主人公を守ったのかが語られる重要な要素が欠けているため非常に中途半端。 今まで配信していたiOS版はどこ行ったの? そっちやらせて下さい ハッキリいいますがピクセルリマスターは失敗作です。
15 Jul, 2024
This app did the absolute bare minimum in terms of upgrades. Visually the same as past ports yet they managed to remove the postgame. This is a port that's lesser than previous ports and if I could request a refund I would.
01 Jun, 2024
Et oui, sans raison la sauvegarde a disparu sur mon iPhone et dans le cloud. Sympa de perdre plus de 10 heures de jeu, autant dire que je n’ai pas envie de recommencer à zéro au risque de tout perdre à nouveau.
30 Mar, 2024
This is by far the worst game in the ff 1 to 6 bundle. It’s about as much fun as playing ff Mystic Quest. (& if you’ve never played ff Mystic Quest, good for you!) The characters mostly don’t have any class restrictions, which means they can use just any weapon or spell, which means functionally, every character is more or less the same as every other. You need to level your weapon skills, a feature that would later reappear in Secret of Mana. (The plot of this story is also quite similar to Secret of Mana’s.) You need to build your magic skills as well. The landscape of this world can be more than a little aggravating, so use the transportation options available to you. The ending is a little too “Flash Gordon” and therefore tedious for my taste.
27 Dec, 2023
Would love to make iPhone a capable console for playing games like Final Fantasy!
10 Mar, 2023
レイズ全体化でフリーズ現象が二回ほど起きましたが、それ以外に不具合らしきものはありませんでした。 オートバトル機能があるので原作よりテンポよく戦闘ができたり、アイテム所持数制限がなかったりするので、全体的に難易度が下がっているように感じますが、ゲームバランスはほどよく調整されてるなと感じました。 物悲しくも壮大なメインテーマに鳥肌が立ちました。 酷評している方もいますが、かなり良いリメイク作品だと思います。他のピクリマ作品も含めて。 操作性やバグには改善の余地があるため、★は4とさせていただきました。
19 Oct, 2021
先程ゲームクリアして 本編は素晴らしい、 テツキョジンから 7本のエクスカリバー収集等 やりごたえがあった だけど アーチブメント【実績】 一つ取れてない 皇帝を倒し世界に平和 的な奴が無い、 FF2マスターは入手したので 反映されないバグと思うので 改善をしてください


Additional Information
Voted: 324
App Store Link:
Price: 11.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: 386MB
App Age: 3 years 7 months
Release Date: Jul 28, 2021
Last Update: Mar 11, 2025
Version: 1.2.0
Version history
Mar 11, 2025
- Nella schermata di configurazione è stata aggiunta l'opzione "Versione musica". Ciò consente di scegliere tra lo speciale "Riarrangiamento" della colonna sonora realizzato per questa versione del gioco o la versione "Originale" nello stile del gioco originale. Inoltre, entrambe le versioni della musica possono essere ascoltate nel Riproduttore musicale. - Nella schermata di configurazione è stata aggiunta l'opzione "Stile carattere". Ciò consente di scegliere tra il carattere "Moderno" realizzato per questa versione del gioco o il carattere "Classico" nello stile del gioco originale. - Abbiamo apportato dei miglioramenti all'interfaccia utente e ai comandi. - Abbiamo corretto un errore in cui un obiettivo specifico a volte non si sbloccava dopo aver soddisfatto le condizioni. - Abbiamo corretto vari problemi minori.
Jan 30, 2024
■ Neue Hauptfunktionen *In den Einstellungen gibt es jetzt Unterstützungsfunktionen. Diese neuen Funktionen eröffnen eine große Vielfalt an Gameplay-Möglichkeiten. Sie bieten unter anderem Optionen wie die Anwendung eines x0- bis x4-Modifikators auf die Rate, mit der der Status oder Erfahrungsstufen ansteigen, oder auf die Menge des erhaltenen Gils. *Unterstützung für Gamepads. Es ist jetzt möglich, ein dediziertes Gamepad als Eingabegerät zu verwenden, indem man es mit seinem Mobilgerät verbindet. > Auf Geräten mit schwächerer Hardware kann das Spielerlebnis beeinträchtigt werden. *Es ist jetzt möglich, das Standard-Bewegungstempo zu ändern. Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, werden die Charaktere standardmäßig rennen. > Im Antipp-Bewegungsmodus wird der gesteuerte Charakter immer standardmäßig rennen, wenn er sich bewegt. ■ Neuheiten und Änderungen in den Spielmenüs *Der Wert „Magiestörung“ wurde zum Charakterstatus hinzugefügt. Der Wert kann durch das Wechseln der Ausrüstung verändert werden. Je niedriger dieser Wert ist, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Magie trifft oder Erfolg hat. ■ Andere Änderungen und Anpassungen *In der Endsequenz ist es jetzt möglich, Szenen zu überspringen. *Es wurden einige Änderungen und Anpassungen an der Grafik des Spiels vorgenommen. *Es wurden einige Änderungen und Anpassungen an den Soundeffekten vorgenommen. *Diverse Fehler wurden behoben.

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