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Trials of Mana+

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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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4m 16d
Last Update
Jan 09, 2025

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Title (
Characters: 15 of 30
Trials of Mana+
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Characters: 13 of 30
RPG 3D Action
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Characters: 3556 of 4000
“Trials of Mana,” has finally come to the Apple Arcade! Fun for longtime fans of the Mana Series and new players alike! ◆Story When the world was shrouded in darkness, the Goddess of Mana drew forth the Sword of Mana to smite the eight Benevodons, monsters of destruction. She sealed the horrors inside the eight Mana Stones, bringing the realm back from the brink. Weak from rebuilding the world, the Goddess changed into a tree and fell fast asleep for years. However, the forces of evil sought to free the Benevodons to gain control of the world. They started a terrible war to further their plot and destabilize the kingdoms. Peace was at an end. Mana itself began to disappear from the world and the Mana Tree to wither... ◆Playable Characters Players start their adventure by selecting three of the six main characters. The overlapping story of interwoven destinies changes depending on who you choose as your main character and companions! ◆Graphics See the spectacular world of Mana in full 3D render! Scenes and characters from the original game now in beautifully detailed graphics. ◆Battle System Use the dynamic fighting system to evade enemies and fight back with aerial and combo attacks. Utilize the signature ring menus of the Mana Series and new shortcut commands. ◆Powering Up Characters Switch to light or dark classes to strengthen your characters and change their look. In this remake, there’s also a newly added Class 4. With over 300 different kinds of abilities available, there are many different ways to train and power up your characters. ◆Difficulty You have the option of four difficulty settings: Beginner, Easy, Normal, and Hard. The Beginner setting allows players to resume in the same spot no matter how many times they get a game over. If you find action games hard or want to focus on the story, select this difficulty. ◆Soundtrack The 60-song soundtrack features arrangements overseen by the original composer, Hiroki Kikuta. Players can switch the BGM to the new version or the SNES version. ◆Voiceover Full voiceover in English and Japanese! The characters in your party determine which extra conversations happen during your journey. ◆New Game Plus After you beat the game once, you will unlock new storylines for your party members. You can unlock harder difficulties like Expert and the No Future after playing through the new storylines. ◆New Features Included in the game is the option to play through flashbacks for each character in your party. You’ll also see a familiar Mana Series face when searching for Li’l Cactus during your adventures. Plus, there are additions like a new type of item seed and the autosave feature. ◆Smartphone-Specific ・Menus are touch-operated. Control characters with the directional pad overlay display. ・Newly added features like auto-target, auto-camera, and auto-battle. ・Graphic quality options available. ・Cloud save compatible. ・Can obtain the starting gear “Rabite Adornment,“ which increases the EXP gained in battle up to level 17 and “Silktail Adornment,” which increases the amount of lucre gained in battle up to level 17. 【App Download】 ・This application is approximately 6.7GB in total. Please ensure you have the necessary storage space available on your device before purchasing. ・After starting the game, a large portion of data must be downloaded after defeating the first boss. You can also select “Download” on the title screen to download the entire app at once. ・A Wi-Fi connection is highly recommended when downloading the app. 【Players】 1}
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Rating & Reviews

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175 voters

Some Latest Reviews

06 Mar, 2025
Sono un grande fan degli RPG, ma questo titolo mancava alla mia collezione. È semplicemente meraviglioso. Si respira un’atmosfera tipica dei giochi di un tempo, con la differenza che non è a turni 😳 tesori nascosti, fortuna nei drop, scelta dei personaggi e avanzamenti di classe… Non riesco a staccarmi più 💟 miglior gioco presente su Arcade a mani bassissime
04 Mar, 2025
I had to change the voice audio to Japanese because the English voice acting is absolutely horrible garbage. Luckily there’s English text and the game play is amazing. Love the scenery, game style, and art. Mechanics are good too. Love the visual intro to each new area. Pretty cool for mobile game.
23 Feb, 2025
Super jeu, sauf que je suis bloqué à un niveau Je suis bloqué là où on sort de prison et on doit rejoindre le quai. Dommage que les personnages ne parlent pas français, heureusement qu’il y a les sous-titres.
22 Feb, 2025
This game would be better is the backbone controller was supported. Hope this will be fixed soon
20 Feb, 2025
While not quite as easy as others have said, Trials of Mana definitely isn’t challenging. That said, the combat is very shallow, and I wouldn’t really want to have to wrestle with it more. It has controller support, thankfully, but the game isn’t very responsive. Not sure if it’s just the mobile port, but I often found my commands ignored, which can be really annoying if you’re banking on a using a special to avoid damage and maintain your XP bonus. Gameplay isn’t smooth. In some ways, the game has good replayability in that you’re limited to 3 of 6 characters per run (each of which has some differences in a given play through), you have branches classes with unique abilities (some of which can be rolled over and shared in NG+), and a few other things. That said, most aren’t really worthwhile, and the game doesn’t stand on its own well enough to make the grind fun. It’s somewhat novel to be locked out of certain story elements depending on your party choice, but I’m not sure I’d say it’s better than having people rotate in and out of the party as you accessed everything in a single playthrough. It certainly pads out playtime though. I did platinum it, but I was more happy to be done playing it, and I probably wouldn’t have even done a second playthrough if I wasn’t listening to an audiobook at the same time. Not sure if it’s a good representation of the Mana series, which has been on my radar for a while. If so, I’m not interested in picking up another. That said, I am a little curious about any differences in the original game. If nothing else, it seems to have beautiful sprite work compared to the middling graphics of the remake.
14 Feb, 2025
Third playthru attempt. Reinstalled repeatedly. Crashes during the final boss every time, whether on iPad Pro or new iPhone. Great game but this crash is a real letdown.
11 Feb, 2025
Please appale arcade/square enix add more game like this
Lilia taro
08 Feb, 2025
Comme dans le titre ce jeu est très bien. les personnages comme les graphismes sont très jolies, il n’y a aucune pub pour nous Interrompre il y a les traduction en français.Même si je préférerais que les personnages parlent en français, au lieu d’en anglais .le jeu ne bug pas. encore une fois, c’est un très bon jeu
Birne 28
08 Feb, 2025
Die Grafik des Spiels die Hintergrundgeschichten und die verschiedenen Charaktere sind wirklich gut und individuell gestaltet und ansonsten gibt es eigentlich nichts zu meckern (deshalb die 5 Sterne). Allerdings wollte ich das Spiel mal auf dem iPad spielen habe es auf dem Handy gesichert und wollte es dann auf das iPad übertragen. Da ich vorher schon dadrauf gespielt habe dachte ich das das kein Problem ist also wollte ich bei Daten synchronisieren den Spielstand auf dem iPad aktualisieren. Leider war ich kurz davor aber schon auf dem alten Spielstand drauf und das System hat den alten Spielstand aufgrund des zeitlich aktuellen Aufruf synchronisiert und deshalb habe ich jetzt aus versehen den neuen Spielstand auf den alten Spielstand geändert und nun bin ich von Level 55 auf Level 23 zurückgesetzt worden. Auf der App selber wird aber kein Support angeboten und deshalb muss ich jetzt schauen was ich mache. Im Endeffekt war es ja meine Schuld und weil das Spiel ja an sich wirklich gut ist geb ich dem Spiel trotzdem 5 Sterne.


Additional Information
Voted: 175
App Store Link:
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Categories: Action, Games, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 4 months 16 days
Release Date: Oct 24, 2024
Last Update: Jan 09, 2025
Version history
Jan 09, 2025
First release
Dec 07, 2024
Fixed minor bugs.

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