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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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7y 4m
Last Update
Apr 10, 2020

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Title (
Characters: 27 of 30
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Characters: 12 of 30
An Epoch RPG
Description (
Characters: 2103 of 4000
A journey that links the past to the future! ◆◇Game Introduction◇◆ A fascinating cast of characters of different races and eras. An incredible story that leads you through the past and future to save the world. Combine your strengths to defeat powerful foes in intense battles. FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS II is an RPG that brings a new legend to the world of FF. ▼A great adventure that transcends time and space Our hero Morrow and heroine Aemo travel through the present, past, and future and gain allies along the way on their great quest to save the world. ▼Abilities and summon magic Battle monsters with a simple and strategic active command system! Select from abilities like magic, skills, and powerful summons to battle terrifying enemies and emerge victorious! ▼Crystals that house the power of the Eidolons Equip and fight with crystals known as signet stones to acquire new abilities for your characters. Many of these signet stones possess the powers of summoned beasts from throughout the history of the FF series! ◆◇Story◇◆ The eastern continent of Ajima and the western continent of Westa. A great disaster caused by human error destroys the civilization of magic that prospered during the Ancient Era and divides the world into east and west, ushering in a long period of conflict between the two. A young boy named Morrow who lives in Navos, a small island at the center of the world, loses himself listening to tales of Wrieg's travels, a Westan adventurer. Morrow follows Wrieg after he senses something strange from an odd shooting star and meets a mysterious girl from the future named Aemo. The world of Eidola exists outside the present, past, future, and beyond. Say hello and farewell to friends of different eras in a story about a promise for a better future. ■Recommended environment ・Supported Systems iOS 7.0 and above ・Compatible Devices iPhone 4S/iPad2/iPod Touch (fifth generation) and above ◆◇Contact us here with opinions, requests, bug reports, and other inquiries◇◆ ◆◇Official Website◇◆}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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244 voters

Some Latest Reviews

Pauly Wauly
02 May, 2024
Hi Devs. Great game but please could you consider updating it to fit newer iPad and iPhone screen sizes? Thank you. 🙏🏼
Tony $tark
29 Mar, 2024
A very loooonngggg and drawn out game, you fell like you’ve completed it 100 times but then it’s somthing else… but the ending, if you can push through, is brilliant. Good RPG :)
13 Nov, 2023
This game would be 5* but I can’t play with a controller that’s a must fir a true console experience
Zhang Fey
19 Jan, 2021
Je l’avais déjà acheté sur mon compte chinois mais seul le japonais était disponible. Sur le Store France, il est indiqué « anglais et japonais » mais où est l’anglais ? Je regrette d’avoir mis plus de 15€ pour une histoire qui va me prendre des lustres à comprendre...
Hero kurniawan
10 Aug, 2020
I’m sorry, i loved the game so much, but i recently exchange my iphone to X and the screen is not full, can you update the screen please? Thank you :)
18 Apr, 2020
Good story-line, great gameplay, and the best thing is you still can play this game after finished the main-story.
04 Apr, 2020
I cannot express how much of a disappointment this game is. I have been playing FF games since FF3 on snes. I was excited about the new dimensions after the first one completely took me by surprise and I loved that game. This game should be free. It plays like one of these free “pay to play” games. No strategy, story is.... not good. SE, you guys are the heavy hitters on the block. FFT is possibly the best game, maybe 7? But it is all about FF series. This one needs an enormous “update” called a redo or remodel. Enjoy my 15 bucks guys, you got me on this one.
02 Apr, 2020
This game is not bad but it does play very differently than the first in the series. While the prequel focuses on a blend of exploration, story, and combat equally, this game focuses heavily on combat. If you like battles and powering up characters more than anything, then this is for you. I personally like this as I never delve much into lore and prefer more action. You will mostly either be on a world map selecting a destination, in a cutscene or in combat that is arranged in waves of fights.


Additional Information
Voted: 244
App Store Link:
Price: 14.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: -
App Age: 7 years 4 months
Release Date: Oct 31, 2017
Last Update: Apr 10, 2020
Version history
Apr 10, 2020
First release
Nov 20, 2017
Text bugs fixed.

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