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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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Feb 06, 2024
$0.99 - 79.99

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Tactical RPG
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Characters: 2783 of 4000
Befriend, train, and lead a team of monsters to victory! Recruit a colorful cast of creatures from the legendary DRAGON QUEST series and experience monstrously strategic combat! ◆BUILD THE ULTIMATE MONSTER TEAM! Assemble a roster of monsters both cuddly and terrifying! Train, equip, and customize them to make them your very own! ◆OUTWIT YOUR ENEMIES IN BATTLE! Orchestrate your monsters’ movements in a pocket-sized tactical experience! Pick-up-and-play controls and deep tactical elements give experts and newcomers something to enjoy. Study the battlefield and outwit your foes on-the-go! ◆EVERY MONSTER HAS A PLACE Monsters of all rarity levels and strengths have a role to play! Resourceful players will be rewarded on the Battle Road, where monsters of all power levels will be required. An ever-growing list of freely obtainable monsters means that you can grow your roster without spending at all! ◆A RICH AND VIBRANT ADVENTURE AWAITS Long ago, when an evil force brought the world of Orchesterra to the brink of destruction, a legendary hero led a loyal band of monsters in defiance. Thanks to their courage and wit, the dark lord was sealed away, bringing peace to the world. Ages have passed, and once again the threat of evil looms over Orchesterra – will you rise to the task? Directed by Yuji Horii, featuring the inspirational music composed by Koichi Sugiyama, and monster design by the visionary creator of the DRAGON BALL series, Akira Toriyama, DRAGON QUEST TACT will immerse you in a marvelous world of fantasy, magic, and memorable monsters! ■Passport The Passport is a subscription-based service available for a monthly fee. Your Passport subscription is available for 1 month from the last day of purchase or renewal. The length of this month (the subscription period) is measured based on the subscription service terms of your device's OS. The purchase and subscription period will be automatically renewed every month. Manual cancellation is necessary to avoid an automatically subscription renewal. ■ Boosts with your Passport 1. Battle speed: Very fast. Allows for a faster battle speed than the ""Fast"" speed setting. Double-tap the battle speed button on the bottom-right of the screen to change from ""Fast"" to ""Very Fast"" mode. Tap the battle speed button once more to retuen to ""Normal"" speed. 2. An additional +1 to all daily EXP Quest and Gold Quest attempts Grants an extra attempt for EXP quests and gold quests whilst having an active subscription. Note: Daily quests are unlocked after Story Chapter 3, Episode 1. If you haven't finished Story Chapter 3, Episode 1, you won't receive the extra daily quests, even if you purchase the Passport. The number of daily quests available resets every day at 12:00 PST.}
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Rating & Reviews

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31 443 voters

Some Latest Reviews

01 Oct, 2023
I mean its fun BUT THERE ARE SOME BUGS THAT ARE THE WORST And this game Pay to Win for example there is 2 Different types of Gems Normal Gems and Paid Gems Normal Gems u get them from Somewhere like Beating Lvls And like Daily rewards But Paid gems is from paying to get this type of gem I Think its pretty DUMB and there’s one thing that bugs me is When you start playing the game With for example WiFi You can only play with that WIFI ONLY So that means after that you can’t play with like mobile data which is SO ANNOYING LIKE WHAT IS THAT! and the games Events are real hard For example I played the Killing machine Revenge Special battle And i STAND NO CHANCE I DID LIKE 0 DMG I had to Retreat! This is one of those not beginner friendly type of game Cuz the difficulty of the game But the game is really fun Recommend trying!
05 Sep, 2023
เพชรฟรีก็ให้ยาก เกลือมากๆ คิดจะจ่ายเงินก็ระวังให้ดี
28 Jul, 2023
They got rid of all free gem and ticket scouts today, and replaced it with a single 3000 paid gem one. Officially no way to get ANY characters in game anymore without spending money.
26 Jul, 2023
I appreciate how in certain modes you build teams of weaker monsters like slimes. It gets progressively harder and you really have to push the limits of your slimes. It’s a nice way to forget about getting the most op characters and just enjoy the characters themselves and what you can do with them.
19 Jul, 2023
You did a final fantasy bewotv event, I think you should do a final fantasy 7 event with cloud as character you get after first chapter finished and Barret and Areth as the characters you get from 10 tickets at once in chance 15 times or 3000 gems for 15 times and in the second part it’s red 13 and Tifa for the same rule and in the third part it’s Sephiroth and Ramuh. (Idea for cloud his abilities are blade beam, Limit charge which enhances Omnislash’s attack power, and his coup de grace is Omnislash.) idea for red 13 you could retexture a great Sabre cat and make it unique and give it the name red 13 and give it new abilities. Also for ramuh retexture Kiryl no hat give him a robe replace his spear with a staff and make his abilities thunder, thundara, thundaga, lightning enhance, and his coup de grace is mega thunder storm which effects 9 spaces of the stage. The equipment is buster sword and the stats are +40 attack, areth’s staff and the stats are +30 mp, and tifa’s glove and the stats are +20 agility. I’m just recommending it for final fantasy fans. But it is a great game five stars for me.
10 Jul, 2023
Hi so I think the game is really good. But I always wonder why no metal slime, Liquid Metal slime, and dragon quest 8 witch? But besides that I really enjoy the game keep up the good work
07 Jul, 2023
I personally feel that out of all franchise mobile games, this is a great use of the IP. The only reason I took a star off is because it seems very short, I started playing idk, 20 mins ago? I am already on chapter 3. In summary, good game, short.
Gemini Aurus
07 Jun, 2023
Thanks to the New year banner,i got the unit i spent 5 months on getting (even spending money): nimzo,so i will rate the game properly: +*: the game is pretty well done,the story and the characters are cool, the gameplay cool and animations nicely done. +*: the rewards on the events are really good even for F2P, the materials, everything to level up, and raise your monsters are viable, and just require time to get them only. -*: Gacha system is pretty lame. In the important banners you get nothing apart from trash S and in the less important banners you get the banner. And most of the S are those useless slimes or robots. +*: its cool to have a go back on old events and complete them, thats allows old and New players to get all the resources without being locked by the time they went live -*: the events are going a bit fast, this christmas there were so much events going on. Also the prices are a bit high for the players who would Like to spend a bit of money on the game, the prices should be by region that allows more people to spend on the game, getting a banner for 24.99 dollars is a bit expensive for players for example from latín america. It would be nice to have the banner for the fiends from the story. I would like to get redcrim on my team and stomp with him.
18 May, 2023
La traduction française est un gros point négatif pensez à la remettre car ça doit vous faire perdre pleins de joueurs. Tous le monde n’est pas bilingue.


Additional Information
Voted: 31.44K
App Store Link:
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing, Simulation
Size: 218MB
iAP: 0.99 - 79.99 $
App Age: 4 years 2 months
Release Date: Jan 23, 2021
Last Update: Feb 06, 2024
Version: 4.2.0
Version history
Feb 06, 2024
・Partial Function Adjustment ・Bug Fix
Dec 26, 2023
・Partial Function Adjustment ・Bug Fix

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