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SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.  | 
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Mar 11, 2025

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Title (
Characters: 13 of 30
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The Ultimate Pixel Remaster
Description (
Characters: 2317 of 4000
A remodeled 2D take on the first game in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics. All the magic of the original, with improved ease of play. Earth, fire, water, wind... The light that once shone within the four Crystals was lost. Darkness covered the land, until the only hope for humanity rested in legends past. Become the Warriors of Light and embark on your own journey to restore power to the Crystals and save the world. Switch between classes to improve your characters. Traverse the wide world with your airship and other vessels. Return to the game that started it all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ Beautifully revived with new graphics and sound! ・Universally updated 2D pixel graphics, including the iconic FINAL FANTASY character pixel designs created by Kazuko Shibuya, the original artist and current collaborator. ・Beautifully rearranged soundtrack in a faithful FINAL FANTASY style, overseen by original composer Nobuo Uematsu. ■Improved gameplay! ・Including modernized UI, auto-battle options, and more. ・Also supports game pad controls, making it possible to play using a dedicated gamepad UI when connecting a gamepad to your device. ・Switch the soundtrack between the rearranged version, created for the pixel remaster, or the original version, capturing the sound of the original game. ・Now possible to switch between different fonts, including the default font and a pixel-based font based on the atmosphere of the original game. ・Additional boost features to expand gameplay options, including switching off random encounters and adjusting experience gained multipliers between 0 and 4. ・Dive into the world of the game with supplemental extras like the bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player. *One-time purchase. The app will not require any additional payments to play through the game after the initial purchase and subsequent download. *This remaster is based on the original "FINAL FANTASY" game released in 1987. Features and/or content may differ from previously rereleased versions of the game. [OS Compatibility] iOS 13.0 or higher [Applicable Devices] iPhone 6s, iPod touch (7th generation), iPad (5th generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 and higher}
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Rating & Reviews

Reviews Overview
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772 voters

Some Latest Reviews

24 Feb, 2025
Is it possible to get a refund on this? It’s been deleted from my phone
29 Jan, 2025
I loved every second of this game front to back. The crystals and all of the towns you went to made this story. Plus I loved talking to Bahamut and seeing his origins
12 Jan, 2025
+ has Classic Font. This needs it along with all the other options.
10 Jan, 2025
I usually play the original versions of Final Fantasy games (including FF1) so I can have the same experience I remember when I played the games back when they were new. I've avoided purchasing this version of FF1 for years mainly due to the negative reviews. I thought I would be disappointed in it. I finally bought FF1 while it was on sale and I am very happy that I did as the game is much better than the reviews make it sound. I appreciate the quality of life improvements a lot. A couple of big ones: In the original FF1 you have virtually no extra inventory space for weapons and armor and when you target an enemy and it dies your characters do not automatically target the next enemy, you simply lose your turn. These are both fixed in this version. I also appreciate the flexibility of having the option to use the touch screen to interact with menus and I like auto-battle (which just repeats the last command you gave each character). Auto-save and quick-save are also much appreciated for someone playing on their phone. Overall, this is a worthwhile improvement to FF1 and I am enjoying having the game in my pocket so I can slowly re-play it whenever I have a bit of time. Highly recommended.
09 Dec, 2024
Thanks for the tremendous work. I see when playing this game. Even the controller feature has been added which is even better! Knowing this I hesitant to ask because of the amount of work being put into the Pixel Remaster series. Could there be cross platform save between consoles? For example id like to move saves between my Nintendo Switch and iPhone from time to time since my switch mainly stays at home. Thanks !
09 Oct, 2024
Aspect ratio adattati a tutti i dispositivi e supporto ai controller aggiunto!
05 May, 2024
FFシリーズはずっとプレイしてたわりに、FF1は未プレイでやってみました。 難易度も難しくなく、音楽やゲームバランスはとても満足です。 ですが、不具合が一つ ネタバレ有り 達成項目で 隠しゲームの15パズルをクリア の部分がクリアしても達成になりません。 正直モンスター図鑑100%とか、結構時間かかったのに、最後の最後でこの仕打ちは納得できません。 原因追及と改善お願い致します。
28 Dec, 2023
Doesn't stand the test of time and Ios version is missing the QoL additions in other versions of the remaster.
12 Jun, 2023
Game is great. Mobile version would benefit from controller support and classic text feature added in recent console releases. Would change this to a 4 or 5 star if those were implemented. Right now there’s no reason to play the mobile version if you happen to own a switch.


Additional Information
Voted: 772
App Store Link:
Price: 11.99 $
Email: -
Privacy Policy:
Categories: Games, Role Playing
Size: 381MB
App Age: 3 years 7 months
Release Date: Jul 28, 2021
Last Update: Mar 11, 2025
Version: 1.2.0
Version history
Mar 11, 2025
- Nella schermata di configurazione è stata aggiunta l'opzione "Versione musica". Ciò consente di scegliere tra lo speciale "Riarrangiamento" della colonna sonora realizzato per questa versione del gioco o la versione "Originale" nello stile del gioco originale. Inoltre, entrambe le versioni della musica possono essere ascoltate nel Riproduttore musicale. - Nella schermata di configurazione è stata aggiunta l'opzione "Stile carattere". Ciò consente di scegliere tra il carattere "Moderno" realizzato per questa versione del gioco o il carattere "Classico" nello stile del gioco originale. - Abbiamo apportato dei miglioramenti all'interfaccia utente e ai comandi. - Abbiamo corretto un errore in cui un obiettivo specifico a volte non si sbloccava dopo aver soddisfatto le condizioni. - Abbiamo corretto vari problemi minori.
Jan 30, 2024
■ Nouvelles fonctionnalités importantes *Des fonctions d'assistance ont été ajoutées au menu Réglages afin d'élargir les possibilités du jeu. Vous y retrouverez des options permettant notamment d'appliquer des modificateurs allant de x0 à x4 aux quantités d'EXP ou de gils reçues, comme de désactiver les combats aléatoires. *Compatibilité avec les manettes. Il est désormais possible de jouer avec une interface dédiée en connectant une manette à votre appareil. > Le jeu peut se comporter de façon instable sur les appareils moins performants. *Un bouton permettant de modifier la vitesse de déplacement standard a été ajouté. Activez-le pour courir par défaut. > Si vous contrôlez les déplacements en appuyant, le personnage courra toujours par défaut. ■ Autres modifications et réglages *Il est désormais possible de passer les scènes de fin. *Certains changements et réglages ont été apportés aux graphismes. *Certains changements et réglages ont été apportés aux effets sonores. *Plusieurs bugs ont été corrigés.

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Version history